Jaipur, Jun 4: In a bizarre incident, a drunk, Bhuraram alias Bhuriya, shot his father, Panchuram (60), after he refused to hand over his share of money he got after selling a piece of land in Pragpura area on Tuesday night. Panchuram was taken to SMS hospital.
He is in critical condition while the police have launched a search to arrest the absconding son.
According to a report, Panchuram had sold his land a few days ago. His son had been demanding his share since then. On Tuesday night, Bhuriya came home in an inebriated condition and again demanded his share. Panchuram again refused to hand this over. Irked by this, Bhuriya fired at him from his gun injuring him seriously and fled.
SI, Pragpura, Chenaram Chaudhary said that Bhuriya got annoyed by his father’s refusal. He also said that police have registered a case and efforts are on to arrest him.