Bantwal: Muslim Girl Student Denied Entry to Class for Wearing Scarf

Bantwal: Muslim Girl Student Denied Entry to Class for Wearing Scarf
By Mounesh Vishwakarma
Daijiworld Media Network—Bantwal (RD/CN)

Bantwal, Aug 17: An incident of a Muslim girl student being allegedly denied entry to the classroom of a prestigious college here, because she wore a veil over her head, has come to light on Monday August 17.

Ayesha Asmin, daughter of B Mohammed, a resident of Nehru Nagar near Panemangalur, was denied entry into her classroom in SVS College.  She was given a warning by the principal of the college on Thursday August 6 and has not attended any classes since then.  Ayesha was in tears when speaking to this reporter, at the prospect of losing one academic year.  

Ayesha said that she had completed her II PUC from Islamic Women’s School, Ira, and had joined SVS College recently.  Initially she used to wear a ‘burkha’ when attending her I B Com classes which commenced on July 11.  She switched to wearing ‘salwar kameez’ and wearing a scarf over her head on the advice of her college mates. 

Ayesha alleged that she was sternly warned by college student leader Bharat to adhere to the dress code adopted by all other girl students in the institution. She claims that she ignored this and continued to wear the scarf which even brought her verbal abuses from other students on campus.

She accused college principal Sitaram Mayya of asking her to choose between study and religion.  Ayesha was also asked to bring her father to meet the principal. Allegedly, Mayya then told Mohammed and his daughter to follow the dress code without giving them an opportunity to speak.  

The college managing committee has also come out in support of the principal and upheld his decision to bar Ayesha’s entry if she comes to college wearing a scarf over her head.

“Had the college authorities informed of such restrictions, we could have sought admission in another college.  It is an injustice to pressurize one to follow general dress code after paying donation and college fees”, says Ayesha.

Meanwhile, Jalal, taluk president, Students Islamic Organization (SIO) said that SIO will take up the cause against the injustice done to a student from the minority community. He said that they would seek support from the Gulf Islamic Organization in this regard. 

Anugraha Education Trust trustee Ibrahim Chendady opined that a complaint will be registered with the Women’s Commission and they would also garner support from University authorities, as well as various social welfare and voluntary organizations, to seek justice in the matter. 

Mayya has said that in the 41 years of the college’s history, no student has attended classes wearing a scarf.  He defended his stance saying that if students of various religions follow their own dress code, it would create a furore on the campus.


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  • Ruchi, dubai

    Wed, Aug 19 2009

    This is nothing but a Shamefull, dont politicize or take a religious tone, first of all we should slatue this girl and her family, they agreed to the classmates request and changed from Burkha to head Scaff, which looks very decent, the principal wanted to be famous and is leading a dirty example to the socity, he should not and doesn''t deserve to be in that chair, should be thrown out, if a college head can''t understand the sentiments of someone, then it is very shamefull, there are religous heads of most of the religions wearing diffrent types of attire and mixing with the community which might not be liked be someone, but we have been living under tolerance, but for sure, this had nothing to do with the head scarf or the religion, there is more to it this girl has just been made a scape goat, it is a very famous college more cheap publicity like this was uncalled, and action should be taken but PLEASE see that the girl is taken back and her studies are not effected, no one has the right to play against the career of someone else

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  • Ms. Ayesha Haneen , Mangalore/ Riyadh

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Do not compare a head scarf into other things. It is a respect to the women. As we seen Mother Teresa and Thousands of nunus wearing head scarf. If one read Mahabharath, it is clear that Sita was covering her head. In Mangalore town it is queite common scene that muslim girls were coming out from the college premises wearing hijab (burka). Even in US, Europe or anywhere you can see muslim students wearing scarf. Now there is an awareness amoung rural muslim girls started going for a higher studies, it''s good move for our entire society. If any institution makes such a silly restriction again it will effect rural muslim girls education as the illetrate parents will stop sending their children to the college. I request concern organization or the education board by not looking at this matter as relegious way and to solve this problem peacefully.

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  • Najam Batrekere, Bajpe

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    According to IQBAL (Urdu/Persian poet whos one of famous nazm: "Sare Jahan Se Accha ... Hindusitan Hamara" ) says in his one of Sher : "Log Aasan Samajtey Hain Musalman hona" = People thinks its easy to be muslim...

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  • Dr. Haneef Shabab, Bhatkal

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    First of all, Yes every institution has the right to implement everything necessary for maintaining the discipline, including the dress code. But the Dress Code itself should have some space to accomodate the diversities of our multi cultural and multi religious society. And when the Dress worn by some students apart from having religious tags,doesn''t go against modesty and decensy, then what''s harm in relaxing the rules? After all those are not God''s words but the man made rules only. Secondly why waste time in fighting with a particular institution, which has shown such a mean mindedness and given the choice between religion and education.... adher to the religion, believe in Almighty and go for some other Institution where your sentiments are respected. Its a big...big...World!

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  • Vincent, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Harmony in the community is ideally what all of us would strive for.. Several colleges in India do not allow items of clothing such as T shirts/jeans. No hullaballoo about this in the media. It is interesting to note that many Muslim countries do not allow any other faiths to even practice their religion. Saudi Arabia does not allow even the import of symbolic decorative items such as Christmas trees etc. No other nations do this. Face it, learn to abide by the law of the land and its institutions.

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  • Fayaz, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Don’t worry sister, continue your studies in some other institute. This world is very big and opportunities are vast.

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  • Abozayan, Mangalore/Abudhabi

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Just 2 days ago was our independence day AND now we are back to the same old story. We have the right to live,express,speak,follow any religion etc.  If this college doesnt have any dress code then why this issue? We just have one life. Let us all come together, have good thoughts about each one and each religion, educate one another and be a good citizen. LIVE AND LET LIVE .

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  • Musta, Riyadh

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Our president Smt. Pratibha Patil is covering her head because that is the root of women''s modesty. Being Head of the State her majesty''s dress code is appraised by all. Congress President Smt. Sonia Gandhi won heart of most Indian women instead of her foreign origin because of her dress code and simple character which is the symbols of True Indian woman. This is to tell that Covering head is not only the practice of Islam but it was ancestress practice of Hindu religion. Being Principal Mr. Mayya should atleast know such basic things of Indian history otherwise he is unfit to lead an Institution.

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  • aysha.siddik, mangalore/dxb

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    We must sue the principal for this differenciation..

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  • Abdul Rahman, Dubai

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Mr.Mayya, You are in a responsible position, please do not lie.You are supposed to inculcate good values and principles among the students of your institute.Do not poison the already polluted minds of the students. Probably this student has already compromised by not wearing burkha and she is only covering her head. What dress code are you talking about? After all, she is covering her head and not exposing her body - if you have any respect for peaceful co-habitation, please settle the matter by allowing her to cover her head.

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  • Hasif, Bantwal/Dubai

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Well said Mr. Iqbal Sharjha Mr. mayya, How you will say that "in the 41 years of the college’s history, no student has attended classes wearing a scarf" as i studied in that College for Five Years It is absolutly a big lie. Mr.Mayya Are you a principle or a member of Bajranga Dal. The Management will not oppose to wear the scraf. My Muslim Students change your college. choose any good college in Mangalore or other places belogs to catholic or muslim community to get a good education. S.V.S College is not same like before.

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  • Reena pinto, mangalore/Doha

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    I support this decision. Colleges should follow strict dress code in their campus. then only we can feel we are in secular college. Otherwise hindu will wear his own dress, Muslim will wear their own dress and christian also will wear their own dress. Then where comes the equality between students?

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  • Preethi K S, Udupi

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    When studying in an educational institution everyone shud be equal and that means we we must stick to the dress code in existence.The girl can wear her scarf or burqha or anything else once she steps out the gate of the college, no one will object. In the school in which I  studied, we were forbidden from wearing bindis or even flowers in the hair for the same reason though our religion demands that young girls wear these. So, should  we make an issue out of it ?

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  • Benzil Dsouza, mangalore/Saudi

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    School, colleges should teach about Harmony, respect, and Values of life.  Nobody has right to hurt any religion and its customs.

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  • Clement, Bantwal / Doha-Qatar

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    With respect to all religions,  we must to obey the rules of the school. To avoid these small mistakes which makes problems between the religion,there should be only one dress code for all students from 1st standerd B.COM and that is - SCHOOL UNIFORM....

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  • Biju Samad, Mangalore / kollam / KSA

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    If she has not done any harm to community then whats the problem for that college. I think that what Ayesha has done is correct and please dont spoil her life her career. She may give good name to that college. All of us think first that we are human beings first and then religious matters.

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  • Mohammed, Kundapur

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    This is the duty  of the college principal & management to inform in advance to the students and their parents about the rules and regulations of the College. then they can choose which college to take admission.

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  • balu, kerala

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    While in rome you have to be like romans. While in schools you should follow their rules. While in temples/mosques/churches you have to follow the rules there. School is where the Principal dictates. No questions asked unless there is immoral activities in the school. It is his discretion to the uniform code. No questions/ No comments on this.

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  • Rohith Shetty, Bantwal

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Prakash D''''Souza, Mangalore, college doesnt require any publicity, it has its own history.. being old student of this college, none of female students wearing burkha or scarf so far then why is this new thing now.. dont communalise this issue...

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  • Mubeen Ummer Khan, Gurukambla

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    I''m totally agree with Mr . Lawrence Mascarenhas, USA, deffinately they should inform such kind of rules if they follow at the time of admission, then i belive they should have not admitted in SVS.

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  • sanjana, Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Dear readers, this is my kind request to u. dont mix this with religion. be`coz in some convents the students are not allowed to wear kumkums, bindi`s, anklets, mehendi`s b`coz they want to follow the dress code.. in the sameway SVS college also they are following the same thing..b`coz they dont want to recognize their students religion wise For Ex: id a girl is wearing scarf then she is recognised as a muslim etc... please think in general.. and kindly dont give communal colour to every small small things and try to spoil the peace in South Canara.

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  • Clive, Mumbai

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    When I was schooling in Mumbai, I remember two Muslim girls wore a scarf and came to school. The principal summoned the parents of the girls the next day and they were told that if they did not stop wearing the scarf, then they did not need to attend school. They then promptly reverted back to the regular dress code. When the main purpose of the student attending school/ college is education, then why should students dress up to show their religious identity? Strict rules should be enforced so that anybody propogating their religious identity should be kicked out of school/college and the main focus should be on education. When religion helps to spread spiritualism in a society it is good but when religion itself seeks to destroy peace in society then it is better to follow religion at home.

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  • hassan kollya, surathkal/saudi arabial

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    the dress code should have been told before joining the college.anyway give back the amount collected and let ayesha seek the admission's come forward to help her in getting admission.the case can be fought in through proper channel-is mr.kageri listening?

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  • Eulalia Dsouza, Bijai / Mangalore

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    It is not justified what college has done to this student. Majority of schools / colleges and even professional colleges allow Muslim Girl Students to wear a Head scarf and attend classes. I am sure we should respect the sentiments of the student and her religion. As long as it doesnt hamper your college functioning and teaching methods, why should it be made an issue? And if it was an issue, why wasnt the Dress Code disclosed intially when the student was seeking an admission and was admitted to college. Is this yet another issue to intiate inter religious rivalry and then disrupt peace of the society? Why cant we just go on with what we are supposed to be doing rather than find out these issues n creating disharmony in the society..??

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  • Moussy, Mangalore,Alkhobar

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Whats hapening in the name of education,I studied in a institute which belong to Muslim Education Trust,We had Hindu friends in our college we never protest on what they are wearing.Its a humble request to Ministry of Education to issue a notice to all education trust to spot these kind of Nonsense inside campus, Jai HInd

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Girls from this community come into open to be self dependant with great courage. Please do not push them back with such awkward humiliation. Its a time when we talk about rural development and women empowerment. Her wearing a scarf s her grace, its not religious symbol. Allow her a dignified living like any other citizen.

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  • Anand Dsilva, Dubai

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    This is a very small issue. The girl has already switched to salwar kameez from a burkhaa and her face is not covered but just her head. The dress she is wearing comes under the decent code. Swimming, Shorts etc does not as some suggested. The beauty of our country is unity in diversity. She must be allowed to continue without any issues.

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  • Rajesh, Managlore

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Why such a big hue and cry for banning scraf in the college? Are we in Izzlamic country? France has banned it. Those who donot want to practice relgious beliefs in the common school and collge should join madrassas not secular schools.

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  • HarisHussain, AbuDhabi

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Wow? what a change the in college rules and the principal''s life as a old student of SVS college i know Mr. Sitaram Mayya was good a lecturer without any hardline nature in his teachings,he was cool and well behaved in that time its wonder and worried such a person is bowed to facists and fanatic groups.

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  • Pramod, Udupi, USA

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    Well wearing a scarf over her head should be fine..even though i don''t understand the rationale behind it..The question should we allow college students to display religious symbols in a school , college or any educational institutes where there is a strict dress code..If this lady had worn burkha and come to the college then she should be expelled immediately

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  • Felix lobo, bajpe/saudi arabia

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    Principal duty to tell parents regarding dress code of college before admission.Dont give more importance to this,though in Mangalore we already facing much more problems than this nowadys.

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  • Godwin Mendonca, Mangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    Wearing a scarf is not a crime or religious symbol. even nuns wear scarf, even hindus cover their head while visiting temples. its a respect for the place wich we visit, college is a temple, it has its own speciality, make scarf as a dress code then see the difference. this totaly ego problem, i think principal is overreacting on this matter please help that girl.

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  • Prakash D''Souza, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    Shame on the Principal and student leader bharat for Shameful act. I dont think its safe for her to go to that college. Dear Ayesha, Dont worry we are with you for your support. This is india, a secular country and everybody is Free to practice to thier religion here. ay be the principal wants free publicity to his college.

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  • A Shareef Ahmad, Kabaka-Puttur/Doha-Qatar

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    Mr.Melwyn,Well said, I second it.

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  • brijesh, mangalore

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    This is not a big issue, from many years, hindu students are not allowed to wear anklets, rakshabandhans, holy threads, thilaks etc. it depends on the discipline, rules and regulations of the school/college. thia is all common in institutions.

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  • Theodore Vijay Kumar D''silva, Trasi

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    Religion is very important and has to respect the religion even though we have to respect the society to maintain the peace. Dress code is showing equality in the society nothing else. Each and every society having their own dress code / rules and regulation, if we want to success in this world have to be obey it. (Ex: - If tennis player Sania Mirza – use her own religious dress code while playing, is it possible to play. ) Religion is one tree as branches you may say religions are many - Mahatma Gandhi

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  • Girish Kamath, Mangalore / Dubai

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    This is completely crap - how does it matter in a colleage. What dress code are we referring too? This i think is just creating unrest amongst various religions.

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  • Thanzeel, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    Mr. Mayya, do u know that we are living in the democratic country, everyone have the right to cover themselves with their choice. You may wish all the girls to dress like Bollywood item girls!

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  • Melwyn, mangalore

    Tue, Aug 18 2009

    Its high time for Hindus, Muslims and Christians of mangalore sit together and clear the differences. Save Mangalore.

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  • Lawrence Mascarenhas, USA

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    The rules should be followed uniformly. Students shouldn''t be allowed to display their religious identity. No scarf, no kumkum/nama on foreheads, no cross as a chain pendent. College should have explained the dress code before the admission. Now the college should consider the future of the student and compromise with their policy.

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  • Manjunatha Bangera, Kasaragodu/Bengaluru

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    I think the principal overreacted. What''s wrong with wearing a scarf? People just want to make issues and spoil the peace and tranquility.

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  • George Cruz, Managalore/USA

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    I agree with the principal Sitaram Mayya since he is responsible for enforcing the college dress code. In some private US schools also enforce strictly the dress code. It is simply the dress code and not the relegion. The organizations like SIO should understand this instead of picking fight with the college.

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  • Olivia D''souza, Puttur/Toronto

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    That''s ridiculous, silly and old school. While taking donation & fees student wasn''t informed of the old school policy regarding dress code. Now when she wears a decent scarf that causes problem. How silly. When Muslim students in Canada & US wear scarf (Those who want to wear) & go to school, colleges what''s wrong with SVS. These are the sensitive issues which give way for misunderstanding among peaceful communities & create clashes. Mr. Mayya, by giving choice for a student to choose between religion & studies don''t you think you are just down grading your own personality. You need to grow up ( May be it''s too late for you). I''m amazed a College Principal saying this to a innocent student who just wants to cover her head!. Give me a break!. A beautiful scarf on the head is definitely better than those revealing cloths. I wish you success Ayesha. God bless you.

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  • Saira Rasheed, , Mangalore/ USA

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    If the wearing of the head scarf or burkha doesn’t cause anyone else any harm, then it is ludicrous to make someone who decides to wear it a criminal. It is obvious that the principal and faculty of SVS College got influenced by few local thugs looking for a reason to cause friction in the community. I subscribe to the view of protecting the rights of minorities, to be different and to be protected from "tyranny of the majority". How about, social integration and encouragement of people of all cultures to get along and respect each others differences... The law in essence, shouldn''t punish people simply for wanting to be different. To Ayesha don''t let no thugs Including Sitaram Mayya or Bharat decide what you can and cannot wear or make you choose between education and religion. Stand up for what you believe in. Education and Economic Empowerment are keys to better life for Muslim Women. That is what these thugs don’t want you and other Muslim women to have.

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    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    Its absolutely not true,what principal had said.I was student in s.v.s in the year of 1999.more than 10 students wearing scarf on head,while they were in side and out side the class rooms.from this,we can just imagine that after 10 years,damn RSS,bhajirangadhal,ABVP and other HINDU organisation put thier nose even in institutions.please before to take any decison by principal and the management think well that we are in not in hindu country.we are in world''s largest democratic and richest traditional country.

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  • Pam, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    Everywhere communal...what is this happening. Culprit Mayya should be arrested immedately.

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  • Imtiaz Mohammed Hyder, Mangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    Hello there, in your history 41 years you dont have any student wearing Scarf in your college? Strange... actually you feel shy to accept a real Religious Girl. Pls accept her and dat''s all, forget the past look to present, she is a brilliant girl... she will gv name to your college...also remember rules can be changed, who toold you people to stick to one rule... she is wearing such dress as a custom, can any university or college or school ask a sardar''s child not to wear a turban.... hmmmm Even in U.K. sradars are not wearing helmet , they were only turban... So why should in your university a girl should notwear a scarf.... ?? Pls ammend your rule. Thank you, if you do so.

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  • Melroy, Mangalore/USA

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    Imagine a education institure (or for that matter a workplace/office) where people wear Lungi, Sherwani, Swimming Dress, Cricket team dress, Foot ball shorts, Cassocks, All kinds of Hats.. Definitely does not look practical as a institue, but will suit a party or a drama company. Lots of developed countries have banned religious symbols (including wearing cross in prominent christian countries) from Public places. Education institutes should be a place to show off your Brains and not for doing "Show Off" for your beauty or Religion or Biceps. Students should follow the commonly accepted dress code. It has been arrived at based on lots of factors considering the religion or culture and trying to strike a balance. There is no reason to be adament about dress code. There are a few business schools in the country where girls are mandated to wear Business Suits occasionally (In common mans language - Mini Skirts with Blazer) and no one challenges them. It has nothing to do with Minority, I believe if some Majority Religion students start wearing them, same action should be taken against them. Girls use their Dupatta/Pallu in the sun as a protection all the time so do men use Hat, but once inside, stick back to basics. Schools & colleges should make it a habit to disclose their "Dress Code" during admission. Especially if they notice a student wearing a scarf in the application form photo. That will solve most of the issues.

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  • Mohammad Shafi, Adi-udupi/Bahrain

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    I think the name of the organization is wrongly written as Gulf Islamic Organization, I guess its Girls Islamic Organization.

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  • abdul samad ullal, bantwal

    Mon, Aug 17 2009

    this is very sad news!!!!!!!!!!take further action Immediatley ?other wise its dangeorous....

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