Udupi: Father Charged with Raping Daughter, Arrested

Udupi: Father Charged with Raping Daughter, Arrested

Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (SP)

Udupi, Mar 16: A father from Malpe, who has been charged with raping his teenaged daughter repeatedly since a year, was arrested by the policemen of Malpe police station near here on Monday March 15. He has been identified as Sheshappa Bhandary (41), who runs a hair dressing saloon in Malpe.

Bhandary’s daughter, who happens to be a tenth standard student, fell down while attending the class on Monday, due to nausea and giddiness. When she was referred to the doctor, it was found that she was in the family way. Allegedly, the girl was being raped by her father repeatedly since about a year. After the neighbourers, who came to know about this development, informed the policemen, the police personnel arrested Bhandary.

Superintendent of police, Pravin Madhukar Pawar, and other senior police officers visited Malpe. Investigations are in progress.


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  • Ronald D. Machado, Udyavara, Sharjah

    Thu, Mar 18 2010

    Mr. Shanawaz Kukkikatte and Mr. Mitwa

    Mysore my comments is related to Mr. Rasheed comments. Why are you both feeling guilty?

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  • philipsdsouza, mangalore/jubail

    Wed, Mar 17 2010



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  • Mitwa, Mysore

    Wed, Mar 17 2010

    Mr. Ronald Udayavara Sharjah,

    Dont you think Britishers / Europeans also did the same with Indians.. they invaded,looted and Divided Indians.

    Please Read History..before advising others.

    Jay Ho

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udipi

    Wed, Mar 17 2010

    Mr Ronald Machado/Udyavar/Sharjah,

    Whoever it may be, hindu, muslim or christian kings, prime ministers, presidents, who invade other countries, loot them of gold, wealth or oil, kill innocent people, from Alexander, to Ghazni Mohamed, to Mughals, to khiljis, to lodhis, to suris to nizams to British, to portuguese to French, to Bush to all all invaders etc irrespective of their religions are to be branded as Great terrorist the history has seen. Those who are after blood of innocents are terrorists. No need for bias. You refuse to call Bush a terrorist because he is a chrstian. How about british who ruled and looted us? Please call spade a spade.

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  • Ronald D. Machado, Udyavara, Sharjah.

    Wed, Mar 17 2010

    If this is true I think Swami Nityananda and FR.Arogyadas are better!!!!!!?????

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  • Ronald D. Machado, Udayavara, Sharjah,

    Wed, Mar 17 2010

    Mr. Raseed Mangalore.

    Mr. Rasheed What about all those muslim kings who invaded India "killed millions" and looted India and specially Indian Temples wealth, destroyed Temples.What you want to call them.!?

    "If you are staying in a glass house donot throw stones at others."

    A lot of time energy and wealth will be saved.

    Good Luck Rasheed read history also. O.K.?

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    Wed, Mar 17 2010

    everything is possible in kaliyug.

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  • Rajesh, Chitrapu, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 17 2010

    Consuming Alchohol & Cocains are the main reasons for this type of crimes.

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  • Veena D'souza, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Wed, Mar 17 2010

    It is very shocking and cannot even imagine this incident, very shame father is always responsible man and protector for daughter how can he spoil the life of a daughter he is worse than animal i guess....
    I appreciate the statement of ali, mangalore it was really nice and true, letus pray deeply for all our girl daughters almighty god only should protect them.

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  • Veena Pinto, Shirva / Panjim, Goa

    Wed, Mar 17 2010

    Disgusting act by a father. A father is supposed to protect his daughter all the time. Only a mentally sick person can commit such an act. But there is no forgiveness for this. This fellow should be hung in public or stoned to death. Religion of this person has got nothing to do in this matter. Good and evil exists in the followers of every religion. We have not heard this kind of act for the first time. Last year, in north India two minor daughters who had just lost their mother due to cancer, and were staying with the father were repeatedly raped by their father.

    They had no relatives in that city to complain about it. This issue cannot be discussed with everybody and anybody by the victims due to various social reasons. These things are not common but definitely occur in our society irrespective of caste, religion or geographical location. In most of the cases the victims have no mother.
    The only sensible solution would be in every school at least once a week there should be a special session by a teacher / Principal and build confidence in the girls to complain to their teachers against any molestation or any kind of misbehaviour by family members or outsiders. They should convince all the girls that school authorities are always there with them to help them. The school should take the help of social organizations. Then the victims will come forward and talk to their teachers instead of suffering silently.

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  • Albina Vaz, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, Mar 17 2010

    These incidents should never be hidden. Girls have to become bold and inform such incidents to the authorities or some friends immediately so that action can be taken on such persons who are worse than animals.

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  • M.Mathias, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 17 2010

    Also her mother and family members are equally responsible for this. There is a need to arrest them also.For one year what they doing, sleeping!

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  • Rekha, mangalore

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    This is very disgusting.It gives very much pain to read this type of news.In future can she forget this &lead normal life? Mothers must take utmost care of thier little daughters. Anyone in family,guests,drivers ,strangers at any time may become divils of these childrens.So much love,protection&care is needed to girl child.

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  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka/ Bahrain

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Mr. Rasheed, Mangalore, you have named George bush as a terrorist, can you elaborate why he went to war on Afghanistan and Iraq. Because of 9/11, so, do u support the cowardly acts of the real terrorist of 9/11. I am not defending bush. Let us see the reality. Why do you think there are so many terrorist activities going on in India. Because, our neighbor want us to fight and sorry to say our own people are the local supporters for them. We cant ask the govt, to do everything for us. we have to see what we can do for the country..

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  • Ravi, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Rather than banning Cow Slaughter First Ban alcohol/Liquor, drugs in the State because of which people loose their mental balance.

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  • AJ Dsouza, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Sorry to hear this kind of acts done by own father of thier child. Again this act is not justifiable.
    By the way where is that guards of daughters Chaddi Muthalik. He or she (Muthalik) should act on this case of protecting the beti's of his world.Be a man and show the people of Mangalore how much guts you got to stop these acts.

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    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Its act of mental sickness ,if father cant protect a child MY GOD THIS IS KALIYUG

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  • lorraine d'costa, malpe/doha,qatar

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Very disgusting to hear this. Sheshappa you need to be hanged immediately, so that other men in this world will open their eyes. Does sheshappa know what is the real meaning of daughter???

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  • anthony, mangalore

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    incest is not an act of sex....it is a crime related to mental sickness

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  • Anand Dubaia, moolur

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Shame matter ohhhh god look at....

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  • Yadav shetty, mangalore

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    This is a sickness that exists in all socities. Incest does occur and perhaps occurred before. It is only now that it is coming out into the open. This has nothing to do with any religion. This is more an environment issue or a sickness. I have seen young people have incestious relations with their cousins ( first from both parents side ). I do know in certain communities, uncles daughter is fine but not aunt's daughter.. regardless.. this concept still creeps into the category.

    However, In this case if a father resorts to this then what can the daughter do. I agree with all the folks here that this is disgusting and this should be one of the social issues that needs to be debated and discussed in schools too so that the children have the information and makes them understand and identify the people whom they can reach out to in such a situation.

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  • Shahab, Mangalore/UAE

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Cool, don't bring any communal colour to it. We should accept that there are good & bad people with in us. Family members should always watch out for the strange behaviour of their offspring specially daughters. Immediately keep forcibly asking for the reason of their withdrawal syndrome. Even school should identify such child and take them to the councilor or the headmistress.
    Sexual behaviour of a character changes once they find an opportunity or they are out of sense like with the influence of alcohol & drugs. It is better a teenage girl always dress modestly and it is better to avoid wearing jewelleries by them.

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  • prakash devadiga, Shirva/Dubai

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Don't blame any religion for such things,every one having other religions friends& well wishers.give respect every religion,Dhamavanu yaru rakshisuthanae avananu dharma rakshisuthdae.

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  • Fernandes Francis, Mangalore / UAE

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Cruel act... Hang hin in Public place.
    Ban alcohol /Liquor in ths State. The devil / saitan is destroying the human dignity in society.

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  • Rasheed, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Mr. Manjunatha, please find the list of terrorist with their ranks below.
    1. George W. Bush: He killed millions of people in Iraq & Afghanistan (Millions are dieng because of him)
    2. Nathuram Godse : Who not only killed Father of Nation (Mahatma Ghandi)he attacked on India too.
    3. Osama Bin Laden : He was created by USA to attack on other religion as well as to concurr petrol from Gulf region.

    Jai Hind

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  • vasudeva, mangalore/hyderabad

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    I cant understand why religion came into this matter. Religion is nothing to do with this matter. This is a very shameful act done by him which should not be forgiven. He should given harsh punishment so that no one should be dare to do these kind of act again in the future.

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  • Manjunatha Bangera, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    I agree with many who told religion has nothing to do with this. If that was the case, if most terrorists in this world are followers of a particular religion, it does not mean that that religion preaches terrorism nor that all followers of that religion are terrorists. I didnt mean to hurt anyone's sentiments. I have respect for all religions and above all humanity.Let us stop fighting in the name of religion and blaming one another.

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  • ali, mangalore

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    "If we can't love our people whom we see, how can we love God, whom we can't see..."

    Please stop blaming each others religion, and try to bring 'old charm of Mangalore' by spreading love and peace.

    Jai Hind

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  • Nithyananda Beskoor, Udupi,Dubai

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Religion has nothing to do with sex.May be certain food & beverage intake sometimes may enhance the capacity of a person.
    Some years back i read an article in which it says in Manila(phillipines) alone more than 75% of girls under 16 are abused either by father,brother,uncle,relative,or a neighbour.
    Now say where is religion.Simply don't show your anger on everything without analysing the social problem.Shesappa Bhandari is only an example.God knows how many such Bhandari's are hidden inside.It is just a tip of an iceberg.Any comments?

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  • Abu Safwan, Mangalore/ Al Khobar

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Please dont bring religion in this matter. This happens because of lack of knowledge and family values. This man may be from a uncivilized family. Anyway there is law and according it the law he will get punishment.

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  • Priya D'Souza, Udupi/Dubai

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    it is better to keep religion out of this. Its only the upbringing.

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  • sam dsoza, banglaore

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    anamika..thanks to inform that muslim relegiun is very clean ..    first google it ..tehn find out how many such examples u can get

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  • Lawrence Saldanha, Kanajar/Kuwait

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    It is one of the most heinous crimes of the mankind and need to be dealt with appropriate response/action. Violent response or any kind of brutal punishment will neither undo the done nor will prevent from happening in the future.

    Terror or Rape or any other crime does not belong to any particular community or religion but certainly the deeper knowledge of our divine scriptures will minimize/prevent such crimes. I would not blame the girl for what happened as there can be several reasons for her silence such as family prestige, pressure from offender, fear of society or even getting used to forced pleasure. Compasionate healing would be the right way forward if both the victim and the convict repent.

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    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    What is this going on o god please save

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  • Lancelot N Tauro, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

    Tue, Mar 16 2010


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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Looks like peopole are loosing the fear of God and becoming worshipers of Satans. This is a very immoral act, which I strongly condem. No forgiveness for such satans. he should be given a harsh punishment, so that nobody will dare commit such crime in future.

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  • Valerian D'sa, Pakshikere/KSA

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Nobody knows the truth rather than these two (father & daughter) “INVESTIGASTIONS ARE IN PROGRESS”

    DOnt blame any religion for this shameful act. The fact is all the religions teaching are good don’t judge the religion by his followers.

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  • Dr. Haneef Shabab, Bhatkal

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    It's just a case of inhuman behaviour. Somebody may be Hindu, Muslim or Christian by name, but unless and untill the religion creates eternal Piousy (Taqwa) and fear Almighty in him, he is as good as animal. These kind of shameful acts are not new, but due to the fastest communication means, it gets publicity.

    Also this is not limited to any particular community or society. This is bcoz the humanity is ruuning after materialistic benefits and spirituality is losing its importance in our hearts and minds. So no wonder if our behaviour turns out to be worse than animals.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Better not to point fingers at any religion. This has nothing to do with religion irrespective of which religion Mr. Bhandary belongs. This is mostly from the upbringing from the family. Might be when Mr. Bhandary was young boy, he might have been abused by his male or female who were might be elder to his age. Never know.

    Best thing to make arrangement to stay his daughter in the ladies hostel. She requires counseling and guidance. Always one’s neighbour is one’s family support and strength irrespective of religion.

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  • Gladson, Brahmavar

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Are we hearing something new? I guess, we aren't! Girl abuse has been going on in and around us for long. Sheshappa Bhandary is not the only monster we have in our neighbourhood. Be sure that there are quite more similar cases. However, most of the times they escape because, even when the issue is brought to the notice of the mother or family members, they ask the young one to shut her mouth, fearing social untouchability.

    The society we live in is so hostile that most of the times we blame entire family for the crimes of one individual just as we hold entire community responsible for some black sheep which create nuisance in the society. There are so many girls who have been sexually abused. Ask some of the counsellors in Mangalore or Udupi. You will get the facts out on the condition of anonymity.

    It is not only the father but even other male members of the family too are into these kind of things, mind you, not only among Hindus but among Christians, Muslims and all others. Poverty is neither the justification as many an affluent too go through these kind of things, not somewhere in North India, but very much in our Dakshina Kannada, the so called district of intelligent people.

    We have so intelligent people that most heinous crimes against the humanity are swept under the carpet here almost everyday. Girls go through this ordeal silently, just because their family happens to be a prestigious one or their parents have a good name in religious and social circles!!

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  • Lloyd Dsouza, Surathkal

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    What to say about this, I feel ashame to read such news. People in Mangalore who are inspiration for whole Karnataka are doing such things. To be frank from last five years Mangalore is becoming a hell........I really feel shame for this.Police should take strict action against this, so that no other should do this.

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  • Steve, Dubai

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    These things are not new in the society or in any religion. These things have been warned and the consequences are given. If you follow the law your are abide of it otherwise it will not profited. My opinion here is, A Father who supposed to be a role model of his family and in the society has lost his position but what is his wife does? Is she cooperating with him in all his act? These and many other parents required family education

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  • Felix, Pune/kuwait

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    No one can ever justify what this animal has done to his loving daughter.no punishment is ever enough to condenm him. He is shame not only to humans but for the face of the earth .He has shattered the child like trust of millions of innocent children who blindly trust in loving care of their parents

    Hope i society of peace loving people have to first train small minded people before we eliminate anti social animals like the so called father of this Girl.

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  • jossy tauro, mangalore/abudhabi

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    dont show finegrs to any persticular religion in this type of cases.it happens in all religions. the reason is simple God is one for all .and where is god there is Evil..EVIL dontn ahve any relegion.and god also not making any partility .we are his followers made such cast religions etc for our benifits.

    NO religion teach us to kill ,rape or do bad things .  so no one knows whose religins is right and great and no one knows after our death wat will happen .

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  • M Ashraf , Mangalore / Dubai

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    dont blame the girl, innocent or forced to do so by her father by threatening. A 16 year old is not couraged to report any body, not at all matured enough,

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udipi

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Mr Aboo backer/Muscat, its not only most of hindus but also most of the muslims dont know whats there in their holy books. Christians by and large have a very good system of imparting the tenets of their scriptures to their young ones, see how cultured and peaceful they are. You must have read in the recent past that father has raped her own daughter in saudi arabia, which is craddle of islam.

    You will find black sheeps in all followers of all religions. This is due to the ignorance and lack of spiritual input. These black sheeps only run after material life and enjoyment, breaking all bondages. Neither here I have pointed my finger to any one community nor I do that. Here you have misconceived my comments.

    If all hindus, muslims and christians or any others read and practice whats written in their holy books, then we would have been more happiers and there would have been all order in the society. We have police, courts, judiciary, fines, punishment, all due to the non practicing of the teachings of our own religions. Lets not give any communual tag to this stray incident. I call upon Mutalik and his followers to educate his erring brothers and teach them what the culture of land demands.

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  • anamika, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Where is now the wholesale agent of Hindutwa Mr. Muthalik and his Monkey commandos?? This is the time to show their concern. come on guys . be in action...Hang the beast in public..

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  • Salih Saudi, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    Why did the girl not informed this to anybody else since a year. Why her mother did not come to know about this incident. There might be some secret reason behind this, otherwise for the past 1 year, if the daughter was giving her father to do this illegal, then why did she not informed anybody or why did she supported this?

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    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    This man have no heart,mind,family values.Unfit to live in the human society.

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  • prince, podikambla/dubai

    Tue, Mar 16 2010

    what a shame!!!why now days people are behaving like animal?May be the world is going to be end!

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Mar 15 2010

    This is the result of hostility we have created in our neighbourhood. Had there been harmony, the abuser's wife would have taken help from some educated woman nearby and they together would have met a woman welfare group to bring an end to the misery of this little girl. Fantastic ! Divide the community - let there be no communication between houses belonging to two different beliefs ! Your efforts are reaping fruit already !

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  • P.A.Shanu, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 15 2010

    Shameful incident. He may not be the real father.It is inhuman .Can see more " Rakshatatva " in south Kanara even campaigning hindutva .

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  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain

    Mon, Mar 15 2010

    I just can't digest this story. It's so nasty. What trauma must have she gone through... when the protector itself becomes the destroyer. Whom to trust…?

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  • Najeeb, Udupi/Dubai

    Mon, Mar 15 2010

    Straight word kill him in public area.........

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Mon, Mar 15 2010

    Once upon a time we were all proud South Canara people. People of South canara were considered to be brilliant and educated. Nowadays we hear all the nonsense from South Kanara only. It is disgusting and shame on all of us. Shri Late Wilfy predicted it long back in his song "Yemkond Zala Sounsar ani Monis zala Devnsar"

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udipi

    Mon, Mar 15 2010

    Oh, disgusting. You cant call him father. What are the other family members were doing? Why the matter was not reported to other family members? Where is dharma? Its all kama now. Declining morale and collapsing family values are to be balmed for this. Please get to the bottom of this story. This father should be beheaded in public and has no right to live in our society. The so called protector and maintainer has turned out to be a rapist and monster. Its both sin and crime.

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