Special Report : For ‘Single Women’ Marriage Loses Attraction...

Special Report: For ‘Single Women’ Marriage Loses Attraction...

Special Report
Daijiworld Media Network

New Delhi, Aug 9: Getting married is one of the important decisions of a person’s life more so in case of Indian women.  India is changing and with that our mindsets also have undergone a marked change with regard to marriage, children, live-in-relationships, careers, adoptions etc.  It is for this reason we find an increasing number of couple who are dinks (double income no kids) or as we see there has been a sharp increase in the number of  career-oriented women who opt to remain single or who opt to be single parents.  With channels of higher education and jobs open equally to all, there is an increasing number of women in India who are in business, in service, holding high positions or in an equally demanding jobs like men.  

While this is perfectly acceptable and is a good development it is also true that many of these career-oriented women have been showing a tendency of either delaying the marriage or opting to remain single as it gives them the freedom and independence they have aspired for and worked hard to achieve.  A recent survey conducted nationwide by All India Women’s Organization has confirmed that an increasing number of Indian women have been showing inclination to remain their own masters rather than becoming subservient to their husbands by  getting entangled in the institution called marriage.  That is why the moment one talks about  a single women chances are that one  imagines a single, career oriented and educated alpha female who has chosen the non-traditional  and ultra-modern step of opting to remain single. 

Of course the trend is prevalent more so among the urban, educated, employed women who deliberately choose to keep men away or far from their lives ‘as husbands’.  With live-in becoming common and accepted in most urban areas there is no taboo in having relationships or dating.  But a marriage is a strict no for most of them as they feel it is an impediment for their freedom, their mental equilibrium, career and independence.

This survey also reveals that apart from seeking freedom and independence, social evils like dowry related problems, sexual harassment, incompatibility, physical and mental harassment, torture, cruelty, and not finding “Mr Right” (suitable partner) in terms of wavelength, status, wealth,  looks and career, have been some of the major causes that have compelled women to be single without worrying much about what the society thinks about them. 

Traditionally,  in the Indian male dominated society,  remaining single is more acceptable in case of  men than women. Tongues start wagging when  women choose the same path and it is usually assumed that something is wrong with such women.  The trend has changed for the better of late and we find  more and more young women who either delay marriage or totally opt out of marriage.  Many of these educated professionally successful women are at the peak of their professional careers when they are in the 25-35 age groups and do not wish marriage and subsequent motherhood to thwart their chances of going higher places as far as their career prospects are concerned.    With a perceptible change in the mindset of the people in general,   the “single woman” trend has gained acceptability. 

Just because these career-oriented women delay or postpone their marriages  having failed to find their “Mr Perfect” it does not mean they are ready to jump into the bandwagon and  settle for any Tom Dick or Harry.   Instead of rushing into a marriage and live in agony for the rest of their lives in the event of the marriage not going on smoothly, these women are not willing to compromise and would rather enjoy their freedom and economic empowerment.   Gone is the prevalent rule especially in UK “you date an Indian girl and she wants marriage”.  Guys need not get nervous any more for fear of the marriage factor when dating Indian girls.

Our society always looked upon marriage as the precursor for enjoying parenthood. Being single does not mean women have to  thwart  their motherly instincts of raising children.  These single women have been receptive to the idea of adopting rather than becoming ‘mommies’  which is also slowly gaining momentum and  acceptability in our society.  Former Miss India and actor Sushmitha Sen was the celebrity trendsetter when she adopted daughter Renee in the year 2000.  Many adoption centers have responded to this trend by not objecting to adoption by single parents.  The growing acceptability to adoption signifies that there is more to parenthood than just giving birth.   

The  recent survey of more and more  Indian women showing proclivity to remain single comes at a time when there is concern about dwindling  female-male ratio in our country.  The skewed demographic figures in favour of male child is a cause to worry and now there are fears of an increasing number of Indian women foregoing marriage altogether.  It is assumed that the number of ‘single women’ population in India (36 million according to 2001 census)  outnumbers the total population of Canada which means it is quite a big number as the “single women” tag includes women who are divorced, separated, widowed or those who opt to remain single.  

There are growing apprehensions that this trend of ‘single women’ would deal a big blow to the Indian family system which is bogged down by many problems. On the other hand there is also a thinking that this trend would arrest the growth of India’s  growing population.    No doubt,  in Japan and other European countries this trend has affected the demography to a certain extent.  But it may not have any significant impact on our population.

India has changed.  Henceforth apart from DINKS  we will have single, career oriented,  independent and successful women with or without kids.  So what could be the suitable acronym for that?  Choice is yours.  


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  • R.bhandarkar., M'lore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Me thinks it is just another part of evolution. The story of civilisation should not be lost on us in the first place, nor as to why the institution of marriage was considered sacred in the first place. Has anyone given thought to that? Sushmitha Sen and Ratan Tata may be achievers all right, but they need not be role models in all aspects of life must they? Why not leave them alone here? Even tarrot readers may not fathom their emotional feelings for a second!External appearances and utterances cannot be taken at face value- can they? Blame it on the present environment, circumstances but then each case
    may be a study in itself for this present development. Erosion in human values, sidelining traditions for want of more clarity etc may also be some of the causes.
    Alas aping the western whilst they are finding essence in all that is eastern is the greatest irony!Here's hoping that true sense prevails no matter what.

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  • roshan braganza, udyavara

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    @jason , dubai...ur perception is wrong. Well .....some city girls in mumbai think like that . But even mangalore is not far from it. its a city now and there are far more educated girls here ( Most of the mumbai girls work in call centre and that means they r not that much educated ...may be just hsc)

    Now we come to the real point....girls today find simple boys boring thats a fact , one has come out of hang over. Boyz needs to be more aggreessive and dynamic...see some muslim boys arround!!....

    i personally feeel mumbai girls delay their marriage way into 30's and nobody wants to get married to 'auntys' , thats what as a manglorean i feel.

    I feel there should be 5 to 12 yrs age gap betwean boy and girls....as girls age biologically faster. If a roman catholic boy does'nt find partner in same cast he can go for intercast marriage as most of the girls do...its eye for eye isnt it..

    Finally single parenthood is reality and we have face it and live with it...

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  • Rajesh, Barbados

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    I live with my parents, my children’s and my grand parents in the Barbados. I am happy i could have earned more at Mangalore. Unfortunately there are no sugarcane paddies at Mangalore as what my grand parents had been living their parents and came here for in the Bawdens near Belle hill. Castle or Bridgetown itself is too far for me to think about Mangalore now. Its good to be with joint family where as the fashion is nuclear world with nuclear family also needs money to fill stomach.

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  • devika, mlore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Its very true madam I really belive in reallity and what our fore fathers have lived the same life but experienced alot .today we have no difficult in work but due to more entertainment and bad thinking we prove ourself better humans .Reality in life starts when the charity begins at home Women facinated by t.v style, men intersted in fund making what happens to our dear and near ones watch 2020 resistance power of facing the society in difficuty concludes with mental disaster and sucide cases think......

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Tue, Aug 10 2010

    Have we ever noticed those people
    who are married to money and
    wealth of this world?

    I have a good friend, close to 70
    When I met him twenty years back,
    he had three cats. He introduced
    his fat cats " these are my
    children". I thought that it was
    a joke, but when I asked about
    his children, his response
    created laughter in me. He is
    married but no children.
    "Sam, nowadays, children are very
    expensive". He has now more than
    60 million dollars worth real
    estate alone, besides stocks and
    bonds. He might have already
    written his will to give everything
    to some charity. Poor fellow
    worked all these years married to
    wealth, and finally leaving everything for some unknown
    people to handle. He does't have
    even a room A/C but sweating at
    this extreme hot weather. What a
    fate and wrong marriage of life?

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  • Philip, Kinnigloy/Dubai

    Tue, Aug 10 2010

    People like former Miss India are role models for single unmarried mothers!!!. God save India

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  • adshenoy, Mangloor

    Tue, Aug 10 2010

    There is no such thing is Mr. Right or Miss.Wrong. Todays right will be tomorrows wrong and vice versa. Materiality and lust for money is the name of the game of today. Bad relationships equals jealousy and family quarrels are based on this.Women need more and more and a man cannot provide that means he becomes wrong. So goes to men if women walk over them then Miss is wrong.
    Marrying or remaining single is a personal decision. Be informed, life single or married are no roses. Please remember beautiful roses on thorny plant. One need to be careful when you pluck them, otherwise chances are you will be hurt.

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  • stevi, Sharjah

    Tue, Aug 10 2010

    India's young generation is changing…. creating the Right mind set is very necessary. No question of middle and upper levels Lower will be up and once up these hiccups in them will take place.
    Young Children, Caution please do not follow this because this is nonsense and crime. If you don’t find Mr. or Miss, have FAITH in God and in His Word and He will show you the right person. If you don’t want to get married that’s fine but those activity of singles are very very gruesome and not fit into Christ followers life. Instead of spoiling your life into such a heinous act better get married have kids and have Faith in God. God Bless you all

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Aug 10 2010


    We the middle class people do not come under the category of remaining single and adopting. Just compare yourself with Susmita Sen ? Also, guess how many men are ready to marry her ? Therefore, we are nowhere close to be compared to this class of people.

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  • stevi, sharjah

    Tue, Aug 10 2010

    Lydia, why women need others children rather she donates her belongings to the charity. If she opt to stay single and she does not find her Mr right what guarantee that the adopted child is the master right? Women can live alone and a man can suffer alone, If this is a trend of our society then we must shun this system and get God closer.

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  • stevi, Sharjah

    Tue, Aug 10 2010

    So far in our society the woman says Man dominates our world and now on women will dominates and who bothers her? atleast man can save his belonging not wasting his hardening money behind system of divorce where these ladies are triumphing of poor husband possession with the help of the stupid govt. policy. Before government become stigma for man, you know where your strength lies. If a man creates his sex robot and know that's works for him that’s it.
    If any human accept this system than The creators creation will be in ruin, and this He will not allow to happen. A small gullible can change the whole system of this world.

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  • Lavina Picardo, katpady,Kuwait

    Tue, Aug 10 2010

    Well said Mr.Matthew

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  • Pradeep Shenoy, KiremBahrain.

    Tue, Aug 10 2010

    A good article for discussion.Personal choices are dependant upon your mindset for life. Either you are on a good side of life or in the selfish negative side of life, i.e. Nancy Belman or Lydia from Kadri, both being women.One exudes generosity and the other selfishness.Nothing needs to said more.

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  • Nancy, Belman

    Tue, Aug 10 2010


    I have not told that our children will look after us in our old days. Some will and some wont. But I said God has sent us to give life to others and help others. Not to become selfish.

    I was with some youngesters few days back of age group from 22 to 28, two of them were saying "why to marry and have children? we want to enjoy. What we have not got during our child life, wan to have now. Why to spent money on others? Why to have children and spend money on them?'.
    May be many teenagers and youngsters feeling will be same? (not all)

    Lydis this is selfishness of modern generation. They want free life. They dont think like the youngsters of earler years. Earlier youngersters wanted to start families but now younger generation wnat to enjoy life fully. So thats why Live-in-relation, remaining single, abortion takes place.

    All have thier own opinions. At last "Aplo hath aplya Mathyar". I just kept my opinions. People who dont agree - to them I am sorry and who agree-I am thankful to them.

    Lydia-Who knows what Mr Ratan Tata may be feeling for not having family?

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  • Mohamed Ashraf, Mangalore / Dubai

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Human life is natural cycle. It is against the nature if someone do not want marriage and expect to have children. Flight crash, accident etc.. are also part of life, a prover says "Laddu kaya thow be pasch... nahi thow be paschaoo... " So better is taste and enjoy then suffer than suffering without eat and enjoy. So Lydia go for marriage

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  • Antony Herbert Crasta, Mangalore/Sydney,Australia

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    This is a difficult topic/issue to assess and judge in the modern context, specially with all the problems associated with the marriages presently, - what is the right way to go - either be a bachelor/spinster or get married and raise a family, etc. In the past, till about 20 - 25 years ago, the usual practice and tradition used to be that it was appropriate to get married around the age of 18/20 for a girl, and 24/26 for a boy, and then straightaway have children, and when they came along, the wife got busy with home and looking after the children, and the grandparents also took a special interest and pleasure in them and extended a hand in bringing them up, while the main bread winner of the family, viz. the husband got himself busy with his work, and it was a happy situation, by and large, so to say. But over the years and specially now, this trend has drastically changed especially amongst the educated and affluent families, with both the husband and wife working culture coming in, mainly for the economic reasons, and also due to wide literacy and awareness amongst the females who do not want to be tied up at home any longer and who want to be economically independent themselves. The both husband and wife working culture, many a times, causes problems and tensions in the marriage situation, unless there is a great respect and love between them, and therefore, the present youth are hesitant to get married and sometimes prefer to carry on as single as far as possible.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Tell me, did you take your parents with you to Muscat where you went to earn more than what you could if you were earned in Mangalore while staying with them ? Did your parents object your leaving them behind ? Now, keep your children in your place and you at your parents and ask yourself - what would you prefer the children going to earn and live their life or living with you no matter where and what them may work as ?

    I started my first comment with phrase 'Whether we like or not' - I think I don't have to say anything more.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Jason, Dubai,

    It is for the very reason of being subjugated by men that the girls today studied more so that they can be independent in their life, not humiliated/abused by their mothers-in-law (what they saw happening to their mother). Will an educated Mangalorean man marry a 5th or 7th Std educated girl ? No ! He today wants at-least graduate and want her to work too to match his social status. Then, why blame the girls ? Men have been dominating in the past, they want to continue doing that. When they can't, they find fault in women.

    Today, an Indian is woman asking men to undergo what she underwent - stay at home and look after her children when she will earn twice/thrice more than what a man can. Fine if men within her community are ready, if not, there are others ! I do not support this but this is what is happening around. What I say is that we must change with time not wish the bullock carts to exist (for others to use) while we keep posh cars. Well, the issue is beyond Bombay girls now, imagine gulf born/educated Mangalorean girls - are their parents ready to find a Mangalore-based boy for her ? Why ? Now, you ask the PARENTS - not the girls ! Such was the case before too but you straight away blamed the girls ! Do you see the discrimination / gender bias ?

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  • A.S.Mathew , U.S.A.

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Everything in life has mainly two sides.

    Family life with children and some
    without children.

    We can't expect our children to be with us until we die, but face
    that as a reality of life and be
    happy about it.

    The modern trend is getting to
    the extreme of " married to
    profession". That sounds rather
    selfish because if everybody thinks
    that way, how the beautiful earth
    is going to be occupied by the
    human beings?.

    Those family people with children
    and grandchildren have their
    pains in life, but they have a lot
    of gains in life on the other hand.

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  • Melwyn Fernandes, Mangalore/Muscat

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Lydia Lobo, Kadri, you are absolutely wrong!

    Marriage is a unique relationship and married life is devine. Career is secondary, but peaceful life is more important. All your dink & sink are all man made disasters for which you will have to pay one day or the other. God has his own plans which every human being should receive in both hands.

    The institution of marriage is not accidental. It is instituted in the society centuries ago and hence there is meaning to life. |Without it, it is like animalo life or to put it bluntly, it is open adultery, you like it or not!!

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  • Maxim Lobo, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Single is a good choice these days for people with bad temperaments and those that cannot adjust with other human beings. "Live Life kingsize" - but you'll be smoking alone :-)

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  • dinesh nvk, india

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    you are right nancy.I have seen people living single and suffered in old age.specially in case of women it is very difficult if they plan to stay single and stay with brother,sisters family or something likethat.also in this generation one cannot imagine that anybody will takecare of her.It is applying in case of man also.pls dont compare the lonely life with wealthy personality like Rathan Tata.it is not possible to every person.Lidea Lobo commented that what guarantee children will lookafter us(parents)in the older age.Jaise karni-waise bharni.this will apply in this matter.if u lookafter your kids with love and if give respect and takecare of our aged parents infront of our kids they will do the same.but if u neglect your own parents or your husbands parents even u give everything to your children they dontcare you when u become older.
    in my openion staying single is notatall good.we should continue our indian tradition.even wife earns same or more than her husband he should be the head of the family if he is eligible(if he not a drunker,beating wife,insulting wife infront of others).

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  • Jason, Dubai

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Dear Lydia,

    Sometimes, many career-oriented women may also not find a suitable partner based on relative status in wealth and education.

    For example, in many christian and catholic families, the girls these days study more than the male counterparts (Mcom/ Msc vs. Bcom/ Bsc). As a result, these young women only look for a equally qualified male and there is a shortage of equally qualified men.

    So an imbalance is created, and many women then opt for inter-caste grooms. This especially happens in cities. Also, there is the factor of city bred women being more assertive than their country bumpkins! For example: how many mangalorean men would marry a bombay based catholic career woman? There is a general perception that bombay based women are much more aggressive in nature, for the docile, laid-back mangalorean catholic male, or maybe it is the other way around - that the metropolis based women find mangalorean men boring / mama's boys???. Of course, this is a broad generalization, but i have seen this happen many times especially in searching for prospective partner in arranged marriages.

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  • Rajesh, Barbados

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Its presumptions or rather contrary to belief to say one will live like a king in his old age for the reason he had made millions while being remained as single to make all the millions. In my opinion he must be now realizing the fact that all that what he made is nothing to compare with if he had a child!!
    It’s going to be a disaster if women at 20 or 25 are allowed to adopt a year old baby both for her age and while the adopted become matured. Life itself doesn’t guarantee then do we need guarantee from our kids? neither from the adopted.
    If I am supporting my parents today its all because the way I have been taught by my parents while growing.
    Its our choice to remain single and its we to regret or not to!?

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  • L N Rego, Bendur

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    When we go against natures law life looses its true meaning. Even few commented justifing the Freedom of living as singles.
    If their parents thought in the similar way what would have been the consequences?
    If remaining single could give you all that you seek, will they have peace, joy and happiness?
    Every life situation carries plus and minus, but there is no substitute for a marriage.

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  • Sunil Kunder, Karkala / Abu Dhabi

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Very good article

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  • SUJITH.POLALI, riyadh

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    good article, thanks for publishing it. daiji is always here with the new topics its really a INNOVATVIE BASED MEDIA ,KEEP  IT UP

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  • shridhar, Mangalore,

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    You are absolutely right dear..

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  • Prashantha, mangalore

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Very good article....

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Aug 09 2010


    What guarantee is there that our children will be with us when we are old ? What right do we have if our children are interested in migrating in search of a job suiting their education ? Are you saying that a farmer must limit his son to farm work, so a fisherman or others ? Nobody knows how our end will come (example AIE crash). If one wishes to live single and earn freedom and social status, we have no right to crticicize his/her decision. Just see Ratan Tata - he was so busy running his business now has no successor but he will live his old age like a king !

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    Mon, Aug 09 2010


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  • George L, Malpe

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Marriage is a Friend in Need and a freind in deed, opposite sex being together can build their life if only they are together or else there will be 50% void, the complete life is not done, they Both are unique in their own ways and make freindship 100% with Both uniqueness building freindship in Good, Bad, world..Today the carrier is breaking all frinship of these two opposite sex, religious leaders should guide these opposite sex and bring them back to Natural Love..

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  • Nancy, Belman

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    "Choice is yours"

    But in old age our choice only makes us lonely. This advice is for all spinsters and bachelors who wants to stay single. Plus point and negetive points are there in all fields so as in marraige and remaining single.

    But God has sent us in this world not only for us but also for others. We have to give life to others. Dont live only for yourself. In your old age you will not find anyone of your own to share your feelings, (sukh-dukh).

    Todays world has become fully selfish. No one thinks about others. So for your tomorrow plan today.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Whether we like it or not, a fraction called singles (as well as DINKS) is emerging on a faster pace. Accordingly, the government must relax adoption rules so that DINKS or singles belonging to older age can adopt younger children. Current rule is that if a couple's combined age is 50 they are entitled to adopt a year old baby. The older is their age, the child's age will add-up. Going by present rules, to qualify for the set limit, both must be about 25 years old when deciding to adopt a year old baby which is too early in corporate life - one might as well have a biological child ! Normal settling down age is only after 50 years and affordability is out of question at this stage. If the limit is relaxed, many younger children will have a future as well as a home. We want our leaders think humanely than religiously or vote-bank-mindedly.

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