Archbishop Appeals Guv, CM Against BJP MLA's Anti-christian Remarks

Archbishop Appeals Guv, CM Against BJP MLA's Anti-christian Remarks

From Our Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore

Bangalore, Aug 19: Taking strong objection to the anti-Christian remarks made by ruling BJP MLA from Khanapur in Belgaum district Prahlad Remane while addressing the Independence Day Rally after unfurling the national tricolor, Archbishop of Bangalore Most Rev Dr Bernard Moras has urged Karnataka Governor H R Bhardwaj and Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa to ensure that a directive was given to all Ministers and legislators to avoid making inflammatory and derogatory statements against different religions.
The Archbishop, who is also the President of the Karnataka Region Catholic Bishops’ Council (KRCBC) which is the highest religious representative body of the entire Catholic community all over the State, has in his appeal demanded that a specific directive should be given to all persons holding responsible public offices like Ministers, MLAs and MLCs to desist from inciting the people by making provocative and inflammatory statements against different religions, thereby causing unnecessary communal tensions and disharmony.

"We are deeply sad to state that the Khanapur MLA Prahlad Remane has made false allegations about the Christian Community converting people by unlawful means when the people of the area irrespective of caste, creed and colour had gathered for paying their respect to the National Flag during the Independence day Celebration,” the Archbishop said.

He appealed Governor to immediately intervene in this matter and instruct such persons holding responsible positions to have restraint and not to indulge in such activities which pain the Christian community or others and disturbs the peace in the society.

These unjustified and unwarranted remarks exhibited the mindset of some of the elected representatives and added fuel to the sentiments of religious intolerance sought to be spread in the state despite assurances to the contrary from the Chief Minister or Home Minister and other leaders, the Archbishop told Daijiworld.
Archbishop Moras has also forwarded copies of his appeal to the Chairman of National Commission for Minorities Mohamed Shafi Qureshi, whose vice chairman is Dr H T Sangliana, the former BJP Lok Sabha member from Bangalore South, and to the Chairman of National Commission of Human Rights Justice K G Balakrishnan, who is also the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

The Khanapur BJP MLA’s anti-Christian remarks during his Independence Day speech at the official function held in front of the local Tahsildar’s office, which have been recorded by the local people, enraged the local Catholics and Christian community to such an extent that they observed a protest meeting in front of the Tahshildar’s office on August 16, Monday. They also lodged a complaint with the local police, copies of which were submitted to Belgaum SP Sonia Narang.

Meanwhile, the local BJP leaders have disowned the controversial remarks of their party MLA and have made it clear that the party does not subscribe to such remarks. The Belgaum BJP MP, Suresh Angardi, and local MLA, Sanjay Patil, and other BJP leaders have also dissociated themselves from the remarks.

The ruling BJP MLA’s remarks against the Christian community on a solemn occasion like the Independence Day celebrations have come at the most inopportune moment for the Chief Minister, who had sought to derive political mileage by driving down straight from the Bangalore Airport upon returning from New Delhi on August 10 to wish the Archbishop to extend him special wishes and greetings on the latter’s 69th birthday.
The Chief Minister, who had to face country-wide criticism and adverse publicity over the series of attacks against churches in Mangalore, Bangalore, Chikmaglur and other places in the state in September 2008 and had been facing pinpricks from the Governor on several occasions in the past, had warmly appreciated the services of Rev Dr Moras in the fields of social service, education and care for the poor. The Chief Minister had taken pains to give a personal assurance that the Government was committed to providing security to all citizens, especially the minorities. He had also urged the minorities to join the mainstream and take full advantage of the developmental programmes and welfare schemes of the Government.
The Archbishop, who had in a righteous outburst against the church attacks virtually upbraided the Chief Minister when the latter had called on him soon after the ugly incidents in 2008, said the Khanapur BJP MLA’s insensitive and totally unjustified attacks against the Christian community were baffling.
“There are two things the British left in India after they left, the first one is the partition of the nation and the second one is the seeds of Christianity that are being spread systematically by the Christians through there institutions. People must remain aware and watchful about the spread of these seeds of Christianity and followers of any religion including Hindus and others must weed out Christianity,” the Archbishop said quoting reports personally submitted to him by the Belgaum Bishop Most Rev Peter Machado.
The BJP MLA had also avowed that he would not stay quiet unless these seeds of Christianity were weeded out. ``If these seeds spread, then our nation will be under danger,” the MLA had said and subsequently confirmed his statements when asked by local media representatives when he said that he stood by his remarks and had reaffirmed his commitment to ``weed out Christians will continue by the way of a campaign against Christians. Christians under the guise of social service are luring villagers in Khanapur taluk and are engaged in conversions.” 
"It is a well known and a much celebrated fact that India is a land of multi races, cultures, languages and religions. Undoubtedly the values of plurality, secularity and tolerance have been held high in esteem and people are living in mutual respect, harmony and tolerance for centuries. The proponents of different religions have propagated the value of communal harmony time and again,” the Archbishop said pointing out that ``unity in diversity’’ is the beauty of India, our Motherland.

As a result, the Constitution has upheld the value of protecting the great diversity as one of the supreme duties of the citizens, he said pointing out that all citizens were duty-bound to respect the others in his/her context and avoids activities or behaviours that harm the existence and peaceful living of the other person.

"The people’s representatives (MPs, MLAs, MLCs; the district, Taluk and Grama Panchayat members) are, therefore, the custodian of this secular fabric of the Nation. Once elected, they are the representatives of the people of the constituency which elected from. They are required to protect the Constitutional Rights of the people of the entire constituency without having prejudice to caste, creed or colour,” he said.

"We are deeply sad to state that Prahlad Remane, has made false allegations about the Christian Community of converting people by unlawful means when the people of the area irrespective of caste, creed and colour have gathered for paying their respect to the National Flag during the Independence day Celebration,” he said pointing out that such inflammatory remarks by a responsible person like an Member of the Legislative Assembly, who has the constitutional responsibility to protect and promote the rights of every citizen, is not only harming the sentiments of the Christian Community terribly, but also is inciting the peace-loving people of the society to violence.


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  • Sudhir, Kundapur/USA

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Vijay Prabhu,

    I thought the topic of this post was mainly concerned about chritianity and not Islam. If it was Islam, I would not hesitate to post historic references for that as well.

    Which part of my comments gives you an impression that I condone violence perpetuated Rama Sena or Shiva Sena?

    My working or living in USA has nothing to do with Hinduism. I work in a Secular country.

    I definitely agree with you that Usa, Canada, UK and most Eurpean countries are better from freedom of speech point of view. Many westerners themselves speak up against religions (Militant atheism of Richard Dawkins or Chritopher Hitchen is also accepted under freedom of religion)
    People there do not take refuge behind "Secularism" "Tolerant to other religion".

    "People like Sudhir must be literally kicked out of such countries and taught a lesson to be tolerant towards all religion"

    I thank Jesus that age of Galileo where people were executed for non-conformal views is over.

    If you imply that I mean harm from my writing of historical facts then I suggest you urgently take some English classes.

    Oh one more historical fact... Madras regiment of the British army mutinied in 1807 against british and massacred nearly 200 british officers because they thought british were imposing chritianity on them ...:-) PEACE

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  • Vijay Prabhu, Kundapur/Mississauga, Canada

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    This has reference to Mr. Sudhir's ignorant comments! Does he not know that the Muslim Kings also invaded India from the North, killed and forcibly converted a a lot of Hindus to Islam? Does he know how Islam started in India even before the Britishers came? Does he know what the so called Ram Sena and Shiv Sena are doing to disrupt the peace and harmony among the general public in India? If he so loved India and Hinduism, pray tell me why is he working and living in USA, which is basically a Christian country and not a Hindu country? Usa, Canada, UK and most Eurpean countries are tolerant and open towards all religions? People like Sudhir must be literally kicked out of such countries and taught a lesson to be tolerant towards all religion! Religious belief is not imposed on any one, but is an individuals'c choice based on love of neighbour and doing no harm to any one, as you would not like to be harmed by someone else! Are you reading this Mr. Sudhir?

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  • Justistox, Chennai

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    On the 64th Independence Day a BJP MlA makes a speech likey to incite one community against another.
    ARev. Arch Bishop should file a PIL case in the High Court and demand reply from the CM under RIA

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  • Gabriel, Sagar

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Bundle of lies uttered by the honourable MLA does not augur well for a sane Indian Society. He exhibits his ignorance by his public utterances. The seeds of Christianity are Peace, Joy, Compassion, Service, Forgiveness, good will and welfare of people - both young and old. If the honourable MLA wants decimate these seeds of hope for the Society - then one would reap hatred, communal bigotry, social disharmony and national disintegration. By these utterances the MLA does not become a national hero, but a national zero.

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  • vincy, Shamboor/Bangkok

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    The problem is not just his statements but the venue and occasion that he made such remarks .It is very unfortunate that he i Prahlad Remane is a elected MLA from BJP ticket and I think he is not screened and checked before allotting a MLA ticket. It is clear that he is unaware of the Indian constitution which allow people to preach and practice any religion of their choice.The word preaching is not defined or restricted to a particular community so all the religions have their own way and practices of preaching and spreading the religion. This MLA should be disqualified for such speeches and apart from that he had acknowledged to what he has spoken in public. These people are not worried for the betterment of their so called converting community but worried on the votes after conversions.
    The Christian population was land is less than 2% of the whole Indian population and not increased even after 64 years of Independence from British rule. The majority population was always Hindu and India will remain as Hindu Majority Nation.
    Practically speaking the religions never supported any particular party and if so they did then there would have been BJP ruling since 1947 and it never happened.
    The RSS or VHP could never convince the majority that whatever they did is right to make this nation as a Hindu ruling Nation .The BJP always failed in elections whenever they tried to portray a the religion as a tool to win the hearts of people.
    It is a miracle that this country is ruled by a party that always had all religions mixed and always tried its best to prove as it is secular .
    These small bubbles in a ocean like India are only for few days and then vanish without leaving any footsteps .

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  • Austin Prabhu, Nantur/Chicago

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    Bravo Archbishop Moras! Only YOU have the guts to speak against these goonda MLA's when everybody else are sleeping and snoring. God bless you always and keep you in good health!

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    Well done Archbishop Rev Dr Bernard Moras, enough is enough, quite some time now christian people bare all the discrimination silently, time is come to raise the voice against injustice.

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  • Rupert, Mangalore/Canada

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    This Psychopath Prahlad Remane is no better than fundamental Islamists, Taliban or Al-Qaida. In fact, I rate the former better for they have guts, but Remane has his tail between his legs.

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  • clarence, Bangalore

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    There should be a forum where citizens can write and submit their opposition to politicians. I guess after life, Hell is the final resting place for such politicians who make this earth a living hell for their own countrymen who happen to be minorities. But I also pray to God that Hell be also reserved to each and every person who vote for such politician.

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  • Alwyn, canada

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    I have great respect for peaceful hindu religion except these few rotten apples in the bucket makes bad name to others. Poeple be good to your fellow humans and help one another and possible treat these dogs who bark like a mad dogs. They should use thier time wisely betterment of soceity at large rather focusing on religion. Good that christians are 2 to 3% of whole Indian population which diminishing day by day and no threat for India for any reason like many other religions are rising will be a good example to many who worried about christians.

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    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    It is very sad to state that all these ministers are children of Madam Sushma Swaraj, what kind of children she gave birth just imagine. Is there anything more we can expect from these dirty minded politicians.

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  • Ms.Fernandes, Abudhabi

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    well done Rt.Rev.Dr.Bernard Moras.Christians should be proud to have a leader like you. At the right time you voiced out the anti christian remarks.

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  • Leena, kuppepadavu

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    well done Rev DR Bernard Moras

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  • MAnoj, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    Mentally sick people what u can expect of these politicians

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  • Allwyn D'Souza, Udyavara, Tunisia

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    Honorable Ministers/MLA's of Katnataka government, please concentrate on the task that you are supposed to do. The people of the state have voted you to power to give good governance and lessen the miseries of the common man. But it seems like you are bothered about the main tasks, instead, you are wasting our time and the tax payers money by diverting to useless issues like Cow slaughter ban, creating tensions between different religions, defending the people who attack pubs and religious institutions, or defending the corrupt Reddy brothers.

    I think we have had enough of this government. We have not seen any development. The ministers do talk about some developments but they are just loose talks. There are so many important issues like Power, Roads, public distribution system,rising prices of fuel and commodities, Terrorism, security,Education, unemployment, Pension, agricultural development, deforestation, climate change etc etc. The list is endless. If you people cannot do the basics, please leave the job to someone else. Don't waste our time and money on useless issues please.

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  • Sudhir, Kundapur/USA

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    Under freedom of speech, MLA Remane has all the right to say what he said and so does the Archbishop has all the rights to protest.

    Now for actual content of the speech, I don't think anyone has any doubts that seed of partition was sown by British in 1905 by Lord Curzon when he ordered the partition of Bengal and subsequently dual electorate....

    Now for the Christianity thing, the British were indeed responsible for sowing the seed of aggressive christian evangelism/proselytism in India. History if evident that people fought tooth and nail against this cultural aggression. The first war of independence 1857 was mainly fought because the native perceived blatant conversion efforts by missionaries. (ref: The last Mughal - William Dalrymple.)

    And missionaries have themselves written books about strategy to be followed to convert the natives (One such book is "Our task in India -by Bernard Lucas 1914). One of the main tools to be used to convert the heathens is the use of charity.

    The thing MLA forgot to mention was Portugese were more brutal in their conversion efforts than the British missionaries. The stories about inquisition of Goa is quite horrible and I hope the Jesus will forgive the perpetrators of such mass crimes in his name.

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  • Alwyn Lobo, Mangalore-USA

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    It is always defined by BJP and it's group that they are uncivilized people. Today we can see most charity work in India and world is done by the catholics and Christian communities. I am requesting these stupid MLA's, MLC,s or ministers should be taken to custody and treat them and educate them. So may be in future we all may have a peaceful and happy living in India.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    Independance day reminds us of the sacrifices our freedom fighters did. These freedom fighters were Indians and there was no feeling of religion or faith. Only patriotism was the slogan. This is an occasion for integration and inclusiveness and not for devision and hate. The BJP all along has been preaching and practicing hate and devision has undermined the importance of Aug 15 and rather than preaching and practicing unity and integration, these BJP leaders are using this auspicious occasion to preach and practice hate and division. Shame on you all BJP and its supporters. So you reap what you sow......

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  • f.l.fernandis, Bangalore/Detroit

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    Thank you Most Rev Arch Bishop Bernard Moras.I am really happy you came forward to protect christians who are getting humiliated and suffering in present govt. What an adocity to talk on peace loving people. Can they say any thing to other minoritycommunity?Just before independance our percentage was more than at present.After 64th independance is less than 2%.How it is justified conversion is taking place.Tese people are unnecessarily creating and taking lame exuseses and poision the minds of majority community.
    what is our constitution says?Where is unity in diversity?If ordinary people say also inflammatory.Being elected representative utter such nonsence.where christion brothers should go?How they have to live peacefully in karnataka?Elected member said that too on independance day?You all are digging on your own grve.Being spiritual Director of the Arch diocese could not tolerate and humiliated.this is the right time to act.Do or die.

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  • Leena Martis, Martis

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    Well done Rev.Dr Bernard Moras.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Kemmannu

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    BJP is in one big mess. Most of their Ministers like Reddy, Hallapa, Bitchu Gowda have embarrassed the party. Now they are trying to divert attention from the real problems by attacking the minorities. They also tried to please the Hindu voter by introducing the anti cow slaughter bill but it miss fired. One word of advice to BJP, people of Karnataka are educated and can read thru all these stupid gimmicks. Don’t mess up with religion, kindly concentrate on good governance and throw out all the rotten apples in your team of minister.

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  • vikram prabhu, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    Congratulations to Rev. Bernard Moras.Such statements by the responsible MLA were awkward.Hope mangalore diocese Bishop too takes up these kind of genuine issues and addresses in media soon.

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  • Nitesh R., Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    This is another example of a C.M having no control over his ministers and MLA's. This can be equated to a Mahout losing control over a his elephant and this Wild elephant(read as BJP) has gone out of control and is all set to ruin the place.

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  • VP Misquith, bejai mangalore

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    Well done Rev Dr Bernard Moras,

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    There is no shortage of mischief mongers in our country. These people love to hate others. Hope someday they understand what love of God is and we have to pray for them.

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  • Lancelot N Tauro, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    These Psychos filled with venoms, no other constructive positive thoughts, pakka RSS mentallity shown on the road. Shameless creature in this world.

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  • Martis Vikram, Durban/SA

    Thu, Aug 19 2010

    Dear CM very very sorry to say you can't control own your MLA and Ministers ....then how you will control whole Karnataka state...this the high time to take voluntary retirement from politics.

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  • Harry D'souza, COORG/ B'Lore/ Abu Dhabi.

    Wed, Aug 18 2010

    DOES Prahlad Remane HAS GUTS to talk on other minority community in the state? he is KNOWN ANTY KANNADA, MARATHI MANOOS!.

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  • Godwin D'Souza, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Wed, Aug 18 2010

    Bjp party at center was rejected whole sale by the people, now it is the turn of the BJP party in Karnataka to be rejected by the people. Even Advani studied in a Christian school in Pakistan why did he not become a Christian. The main idea of BJP/RSS is to spread caste politics thereby upper-caste may rule and dalits and tribal remain in fringes of the society

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  • Meena Cordeiro, Bahrain/Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 18 2010

    MLA Prahlad Remane showed his true colour.No doubt he is a foster child of RSS.What more can we expect from such stupid BJP MLA?  CM Yediyurappa should control his ministers and MLA's like Prahlad Ravanamane.

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  • Deven, Chennai

    Wed, Aug 18 2010

    I have been following this story for some time now. Some of these leaders just want to instigate unnecessary fires when they should be concentrating on developmental work and other focused uplifting social issues. I do not see what this so called leader wants to do in life. These kind of leaders are hell bent on destroying the fabric of India and India being in danger because of Christians!!!

    This is absurd and stupidit.To equate Christians with British and confusing the poor Indians who were present during the speech is certainly not in good taste. I like to salute and take my hats off to Archbishop Bernard for standing up for the Christian community. I wish the church has many more brave and bold leaders who can talk straight and uphold the teachings of Christ.

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  • Melwin, B'wal/Doha

    Wed, Aug 18 2010

    All Karnataka BJP Ministers and MLA's Are rowdy's ??? I thought one or two would be der but here,EK SE BAADKAR EK PURAA KE PURAA.
    Don't try to pinch us Mr.MLA, kaal tumko paata hi na chale tumri kursi kaha nikal paadi..

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  • William, Bantwal

    Wed, Aug 18 2010

    May Jesus Christ touch the hearts of anti-christians.

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  • KPNisha, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 18 2010

    Well done Rev Dr Bernard Moras, it is time to raise objections before it is too late. Our Hon CM is answerable.

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  • Sunil Viegas, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 18 2010

    Be good enough to forgive someone but not stupid enough to trust them again.....

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