Bangalore: Governor promises Archbishop to take up BJP MLA’s remarks with CM

Bangalore: Governor promises Archbishop to take up BJP MLA’s remarks with CM
From Our Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network – Bangalore
Bangalore, Aug 20: Karnataka Governor H R Bhardwaj has promised the Archbishop of Bangalore to take up the issue of Belgaum district’s Khanapur BJP MLA Prahlad Remani making inflammatory and provocative remarks against Christians during his address at the Independence Day rally held in front of the taluk office with the Government.

Bangalore Archbishop Most Rev Dr Bernard Moras, who met the Governor at Raj Bhavan on Friday afternoon, has submitted a memorandum to Bhardwaj with a request seeking his intervention to direct the Government to ensure that all persons holding public office, including elected representatives at all levels, to desist from making inflammatory, provocative and derogative remarks against any religion as such conduct was likely to disrupt communal harmony and create law and order problems.

The Archbishop was accompanied by Fr A S Anthony Swamy, Chancellor and PRO of Bangalore Archdiocese, and Fr Prem Arokianathan, Secretary to the Archbishop.

The Governor, according to the Archbishop, gave a patient hearing and promised to get official reports from the Deputy Commissioner and Superintendent of Police of Belgaum and take up the issue with the Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa and Home Minister Dr V S Acharya.
"My role is very limited in this type of incidents. However, I will do everything
possible to ensure that this type of statements are not made by anybody at any time,” the Governor said and reportedly advised the Archbishop to personally take up the issue directly with the Chief Minister.

The Archbishop pointed out that the Christian community and Catholics all over the State, especially those of Khanapur taluk and Belgaum district, were deeply pained by the ``false allegations” about the Christian community resorting to converting people by unlawful means at a solemn occasion like the Independence Day rally when people of the area irrespective of caste, creed and colour had gathered for paying their respect to the National Flag during the Independence day celebrations.

The Khanapur BJP MLA, who addressed the Independence Day gathering after hoisting the National Flag, had said: “There are two things the British left in India after they left, the first one is the partition of the nation and the second one is the seeds of Christianity that are being spread systematically by the Christians through there institutions. People must remain aware and watchful about the spread of these seeds of Christianity and followers of any religion including Hindus and others must weed out Christianity.”

Prahlad Remani had also asserted that he ``would not stay quiet unless these seeds of Christianity were weeded out,” and declared: ``If these seeds spread, then our nation will be under danger.”
He had later reaffirmed his commitment to ``weed out Christians will continue by the way of a campaign against Christians. Christians under the guise of social service are luring villagers in Khanapur taluk and are engaged in conversions.”

The Archbishop said it was unfortunate that a few people were determined to disturb peace and communal harmony by targeting Christians and other minorities.

It may be recalled that both the Governor as well as the Chief Minister had personally met the Archbishop at his residence on his 69th birthday on August 10. The Home Minister had also called on the Archbishop to wish him on his birthday.

Archbishop Moras has also forwarded copies of his appeal to the Chairman of National Commission for Minorities Mohamed Shafi Qureshi, whose vice chairman is Dr H T Sangliana, former BJP MP from Bangalore South, and to the Chairman of National Commission of Human Rights Justice K G Balakrishnan, who is also the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.



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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    The way Rajesh is commenting u can make out his frustration. What can you expect from a person who is a hypocrite and takes the benefit when there is need and spits venom after his need is over. This is the nature of the political party worker. These upper class hindus and politician will not do any good for their brethren (see the case of beggars in Banglore) they will only preach high words, so that they can dominate and oppress them make them work for them forever.

    If the poor hindus are educated they get an inferior complex and give the excuse of conversion. No wonder the poor become naxalites and maoists as a last resort here again the common man is sufferer since the politicians and rich have all the security.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Mr. Ravi Gopal Acharya: Thank you for telling it openly that all
    religions are converting people.
    But for some narrow minded people,
    when people are converted to
    Christian faith, their blood is
    boiled, and use the conversion as
    a political grenade.

    Mr. Ismail K. Perinje: Thank you
    for exposing the reality: how the
    Christian missionaries have helped
    India by starting educational
    institutions hundreds of years back.

    Most of our educated political
    leaders of India of the past and
    present got their education in
    Christian colleges like St. Stgephen's college, Loyola college,
    Wilson college, Madras Christian
    college, Christ's college etc.

    See the thousand of schools
    established by the Christian
    Churches of all denominations.
    Jesus said " you are the light of the world". Education brings
    light and liberation from the age old
    superstitions and abject poverty.
    See the educational disparity
    of the States in India where the
    Christians have numerical strength.

    Thank God for the few great citizens of India who do remember with
    grateful heart, what the minority
    Christian community has done for
    them in education and healthcare.
    God bless them.

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  • Walter Pereira, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    For those who are interested to know about conversions, please visit website:
    You would be surprised to know the real truth.

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  • Rajdeep, Bengaluru

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Its true that poor/needy people are often lured to convert into Christianity through massive influx of Western money that funds many so-called 'NGOs' in India. I know of some cases personally where people are 'helped', then hurriedly baptised and then urged to break their family idols and throw them in the gutter. So its not the just imagination or hatred of the BJP, it does happen. The BJP MLA could very well be speaking the truth, why does Governor listen to Archibishop... as if he is without vested interests. The investigation should go both ways, check if money-induced conversion is being carried out under the pretext of 'social service' in Khanapur and other talukas. These activities are nothing but subversion of the Indian ethos. Conversion is violence

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A.

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    It is matter of regret and shame that responsible persons holding high positions should make such irresponsible statements. It is time people in office realize the need to live in peace and harmony as Indians and not as groups. Irresponsible talk can lead to serious consequences.

    Kudos to you Archbishop Maras for taking up this issue with The Governor. India is a secular state and every one has a right to live and practice his own religion.

    It is sincerely hoped that The Chief Minister will pay attention to The Governor's views on the subject and take serious action against the erring persons.


    Joe Gonsalves

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    The christian community' post independance gift and British legacy has made India what it is today. Just by beating chest saying that we are hindus and proud to be so shall not make your presence felt internationally. The present day education system what we follow is the gift of christian community to us. But for them we still would have been in gurukulas and madrasas. The amount of social work and community service these chiristian people do, no one can surpass them. Look at Mother Theresa. Can any one compare the work of Mother Theresa to that of any swami or moulvi of contemporary India. Shame on those who preach and practice hate and devision. I am sure the minister who commented against hchrisitianity, must be sending his children and grand children to christin schools as no one can match the quality of education being imparted there in. I hate BJP for its devisive politics. Death to BJP.

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  • J L D'Souza, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    dogs keep on barking
    soldiers keep on marching!
    Can't expect patriotic talk from 'petty-minded' people. Treat them with the contempt they deserve! Jai-Hind

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Sudhir, Kundapura/USA...everyone knows the quality difference between education in Convent schools and schools mentioned by you. That is the reason why most of the people are longing their children to get admission in convent schools. Most important, Sudhir, what is your contribution to India and Indians except serving the christians in a Christian country ? Come back man, India needs you, but, you won't do it because you love dollars. When you get a dollar, read what is written on it 'We trust in.....'. Your comments shows your foolish ideas.

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  • juliana, udupi

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Such person should not be exposed to the public. He is unfit to be a leader of a democratic country. Or else how can he speak in such a way that too on a national day?

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  • Tom Cat , Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    I am trying my best to convert at least one Muslim and one Hindu since 10 years but it has not been possible, true conversion takes place in the heart and mind and not legal conversion. RSS bogey of conversion is diversion game, truly they are anti nationalist, scum of the earth, a scum bags.

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  • Alban D Souza, Udyavara Doha Qatar

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Well done Archbishop! takiing the issue to the Governor.You are the true shepered of Lord Jesus Christ. By Protecting Christianity Jesus Christ will bless you hundredfolds. may God bless you in your committment. Actually Christians contributed to the development of India in all sphere of life especaillly education! Then why they forget.

    Why should be jealous of Christians? Even the British under their rule contributed in educcation commerce and Industry specially the world famous railways in India. Indirectly they united Indians. When India got Independece India became one secular free country which is the sybmol of our unity.Why one should forget all this? work together for the development of India rather than creating unnecessary communal disharmony.

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  • kate, Andhra

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Dude....Chill even i was a Rice Christian...converted back to hindusim when i came to know how my Father was converted!

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  • Melwin, B'wal/Doha

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    @Rajesh, Mangalore
    Which school you studied ??Your parents did't teach you to how to give respect to other's ??
    Do you call your ancestors by name ?or give respect to them ?
    Learn to give respect to others.
    @ Sudhir, Kundapur/USA
    I hope u got the answer.

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  • Lancelot N Tauro, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    This insane MLA of BJP from Marati region, wants to divert the Marati issue of Maharastra Ekikaran against Kannadigas, deleberately spat the venoums against other religion during the public gathering. Ofcourse our CM will be puppet in this issue.

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  • Alex, Mangalore/UAE

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Dear all,

    What can one get as a birthday gift from politician?? Kind words of appreciation (though true and right on occassion) on the birthday and show true and (on a supposedly) right vocation, plan massacre of the birthday boy's family by instigating people through any and every means, even if it is very falsely propogated and grossly unjust. True colours eh???

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Sudhir & Rajesh, but the fact is that Christian institutions do exist and are looking after the education,basic necessity needs of the all communities. What has your great MLA (I forgot his name also) from Khanapur done for the upliftment of poor and downtrodden. can he stop "pan parag" and "manik chand" which is giving cancer to society or stop young girls from being kidnapped and misused in prostitution. He will never do that becos this is from where he is getting money and saving in Swiss Bank. Have you seen the plight of poor beggars who are dying in so called govt. run homes. Ofcouse the insititions will start by ambanis and birlas where you cannot afford to give your child education. and finally, tomorrow if you overtake his car or tread on his path,this third class mla will put you and your family behind bars

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  • Raj, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Mr. Sudhir, Kundapur/USA ,
    "If chritian institutes had not come up some one else would have taken up the task.... No one would have died for the lack of those."

    What made you work in USA and not in india?I dont think you would have died if you had worked in india.
    So in those days it was the need of the hour for India.

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  • Nayak, Mangaluru

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Beeja-Party. The weed seed party. Good for nothing
    Beeja-Party says: Christian converts
    The Truth is : Beeja-P are perverts

    Beeja-Party says: Muslims are terror
    The Truth is : Beeja-P want power.

    Beeja-Party says : No beef.
    Nation Knows : who is the thief.

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  • M.Bhat, Sharjah

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Dear Readers pls read once how the britishers destroyed our indian education sytem in 18th century.And also dont be under impression that before britishers,the education was only for Brahmins. If you google search you will get all the statistics,How many Hindus & How many Muslims were studying & Number of schools available at that time

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  • Niranjan Shetty, Mumbai

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Mr Sudhir Kundapur/USA,do you know the Pais of Manipal , Hegde's of Nitte were studied in St. aloysius college? I agree that there are better instituation in India after independence.. but almost all their founders are the products of christian institution. Don't write any foolish comments..!

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  • thomas, mangalroe

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    archbishop got no right to speak on bjp mlas unless he stops various priests,bishoiups participating in meeting with PFI,jamaat e islam etc to split venom againt hinduism..

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  • thomas, bangalroe

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    before advicing bjp mla s ..arch bishop shoiuld have adviced/stopped various bishops and priests participating in meeting conducted by pfi and jamaat e islam etc..
    definetly there will be no smoke withut fire.

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  • ASHOK, Udupi/Dubai

    Sat, Aug 21 2010


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  • Prakash, Kundapur/KSA

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Hi, Sudhir, Kundapur/USA. Can you confirm one forceful conversion case in Kundapur? Just adding oil to fire sitting in USA a christian country. We have lived here with less communal trouble. You must be aware of the sevrices rendered by christian community to the public. Don't act like a proxy BJP uneducated MLA.

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  • jeevan rayan ferrao, kenjar(bajpe),U.A.E

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    hello the great person who love india... acting very smart by put on name as INDIAN... plz dnt spoil the name of INDIAN instead put ur original name which ur parents had given to u.. hope u dint had so guts to comment by ur name... but just be soory for using name INDIAN u r not so worth to use it be a true INDIAN and be proud to say INDIAN ok... mind it... and wht u commented is meaningless buddy... if anything anyone give false news in public about u... i wont think tht u'll be keeping quite.... Think good act good....

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  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    This governor wants to get back to Delhi and adorn the good books of Sonia and this priest is trying to play second fiddle for him. Governer should not entertain such fanatic priest who feels suffocated due to stoppage of religious conversion eversince BJP rule in state.

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  • Shail, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Christans are attacked only when they started to insult Hindu Gods and their believe. Come on dear Bishop, don't play politics. Give respect and take respect..!

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  • Sudhir, Kundapur/USA

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Ravi, Dsouza, Ravi gopal acharya,

    Working in USA or India is my prerogative and don't need advise from you guys.

    As for doing something for India I do contribute to extent possible within my means....

    Working in US does not mean we are the slave of Americans....If that is a logic MMS the PM of India was out of India from 1954 to 1969 (Seems like he was giving Salam to the white Skin be it catholics.....)

    Anyway thanks for the personal attacks ... Understandable when you cannot counter using facts....

    Ismail Perinje,

    That was the whole point... How come when British were ruling none of these people came up as they did after independence. How come suddenly people developed the enterprising skills after Independence. (I hope you get my point)

    A.S. Mathew,

    Can you please also enlighten us as to who were persecuted during the Goa inquisition, spanish inquisition of central America or how were the Native Indians in America marginalized or crusades..

    Ravi gopal Acharya ,

    "directly involved with church attacks some months ago." - You seem to have some solid proof about his DIRECT involvement. I hope you have complained to the police ready to bear witness in the court.

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  • alfred, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 21 2010

    Sudhir, u r good at cracking good jokes, staying, living, earning and feeding your family in the U.S. a christian country and u talk stupid, pity the company that employed a fool like you having no sense to write, Go check for youself in India the orphanage and old age homes having a maximum of non christians there why dont you open one odf those insitute for your dear brothers childrens and than talk, first and formost leave U.S and come to India to serve your motherland and than give talks.

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    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Mr Sudhir Kundapur/USA,

    What you said is absolutly correct.Having said that all those named educational institutions except one or two are of latest development.But Christians are started their edu institutions more hundreds of years earlier when India badly needed the sub. Now if you have money and resources plus political clout a bit you could start a deemed university! So pls acknowldge the services of Christians when the service itself rare and badly needed by us.

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  • Ravi gopal Acharya, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Dear Mr Ravindar,udupi,

    Very nice thoughts. But we too convert people in other parts of the world to hindusim as well. will you stop that?

    And Mr Rajesh Udupi, there is no need to get your permission to pary christains to pary in thier churches as they are also Kannadigas like you. But you have a rotton useless brain need to be repaired. See our Politics how it works as our CM greets on Bishops birthday with flowers personally and directly involved with church attacks some months ago. All political games to survive.

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  • ASHOK, Udupi/Dubai

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Why this priest do not understand dirty politics of Congress? Why is entretaining politician.As Praveen, Udupi said his religion was built by several martyers who shed their blood to build the religion. We need more martyers specially in Hindustan.

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  • Ravi gopal Acharya, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Thanks Mr Sudhir, Kundapur/USA. So nice comment by you. But what you are doing in STATES which is christain dominated country, rather come back and join these anti social mens here and work for the the people of Karnataka. You never got a decent job in your home country?

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Kemmannu

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Christians are converting Hindu’s is only a myth. India is a free country where any Indian can practice any religion of their choice. All religions preach same values which are love, respect, simplicity, honesty, forgiveness, generosity and finally learn to respect other people’s religion. All these values make a GOOD PERSON and if at all I am impressed with this good person I am free to become his friend or join his religion. Classic example is Julia Roberts who was formerly a Christian converted to Hinduism after experiencing a spiritual awakening in India. BJP MLA Prahlad Remani provocative remarks make him a very small person. He is just trying to whip up communal passions only to bury the massive misgivings of his BJP colleagues. I guess the next time we exercise our vote we have to careful not to elect such uneducated donkeys.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    The radical BJP MLA had nothing
    to speak, other than vomiting
    venomous trash upon the Christian

    The history of Christianity starting from the first century
    is an history of total persecution.
    Starting with the Jews, Nero, Roman
    empire and down through the
    centuries it was nothing other
    than persecution. But the Church
    was survived because the head of the Church is a living God, and
    his name is JESUS. None of the
    isms could destroy the Church,
    mighty rulers killed thousands of
    Christians, but the Church is
    triumphant down through the
    centuries. And, it is rapidly
    spreading like a wildfire.

    May I remind you Mr. MLA, your sermon of hate
    against the minority Christians will bring more people to follow
    Christ, that is the mystery of

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  • Alwyn, Canada

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Come on people just forgive that BJP insane leader and move on. BJP itslef is a weeed of India and need to be wiped out to prosper India into a right direction. Hindus are good peaceful people and by all means donot harm them for any reason. Even my school days, college days all these hindus prayed with us, had food together without having second thought in thier minds and no one converted them,. Even attneded mass with us and has a great respect for christians. Even when I visit India i vist all hindus friends with out fail even though i don't meet my relatives. So why all these problems. Be good and help one another which is called christians beliveing in and all know about it.

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  • Stany D'sa, Balehonnur/Dubai

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Conversion is an indipendent decision by any indivisual in democratic society such as India.People have right to choose any religion they want to and it is has been legaly accepted. No one is spoon feeding to follow any religion and grown up citizens of India know what they want in their life. There is no need for any one to point out at christians and utter like a small child saying someone is converted. If he or she has embraced any religion of their choice, surely it is done with their own will and even the judiciary has upheld the decision.Everyday basis there are inter cast marriages and accordingly registered in the Court of law. Allow or disallow question doesn't arise at all.Christians in India donot entertain any moral policing by any BJP MLA or their party as such. For information there are enough Christians in great number around he world.One must understand and accept the fact that Christian Religion is most tolerant Religion.The false allegation by BJP is not at all acceptable by Christians for sure.

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  • f.l.fernandis, Bangalore/Detroit

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Thank you Most Rev Arch Bishop Bernard Moras.I am really happy you come forward to protect christians who are getting humiliated and suffering in bjp rule in karnataka.What an adocity totalk on peace loving people.Just before independance our percentage was more than at present.After 64th independance it is less than 2 prcent.How it is justified conversion is taking place and poison the minds of the majority community.what is our constitution says?Where is unity in diversity?If ordinary people says also inflamatory.Being elected representative utter such nonsence.How they have to live peacefully.That too on independance day.Being spiritual director of the Diocesese could not tolerate the humiliation.This the right time to act.

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    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Mr.Sudhir-Kundapur/USA. Please earn in rupees and not Dollars. Sitting in US please do not speak about my country. We Indians know what & when. We do not need advises from people from US.Aleast we never give Salam to the white Skin be it catholics.....

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  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Mr. Rajesh, for your kind info bishop didn’t met the governor for no reason. Can you bring forth any one complaint registered in any of the police stations regarding conversions by Catholics? Don’t be in fool’s paradise. When you accuse someone have the guts to prove it. What this BJP govt. is trying to prove. All the ministers are undignified, uneducated rowdies. Housewives are being raped, nurses are being lured, common man was beaten up for overtaking, dalits and minorities are living in fear, beggars are dying of hunger, yet CM is busy with all his SADANA samaveshas when the SADANE is a BIG zero.

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Archbishop Rev Dr Moras stand for all religions, the submitted memorandum by him to governor states that provocative and derogative remarks against any religion. He is not mentioned only christian, Great job by Rev Dr Moras. God bless you.

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  • Anil, Shetty

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Dear Mr. Rajesh... We with respect call our leaders Hon,ble, With respect we call Swamji Shri Shri... With respect we call Haji Saab... Hence I request you to call please Rev Fr.Moras.
    I guess giving respect is taught at home & then in school. So atleast get your future generation in a nice CONVENT SCHOOL.....

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  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    false allegations- has been a way of life for most law makers, it is a quick break from their regular wealth amassing projects!!

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  • Vazir, Bangalore

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Archbishop of Bangalore has been keeping up the pressure on the Govt by sending memorandaums and meeting the Governor. Even though the Governor's role is limited as stated by him, he can certainly pull up the Govt by calling the CM & HM. It is only this type of pressure will teach a lesson to the BJP Govt. I wish all leaders of minority communities join hands with the Archbishop and build collective pressure. The Centre can and should intervene. Then only these chaddi people will learn a lesson. I strongly support the Archbishop's steps.

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  • Sudhir, Kundapur/USA

    Fri, Aug 20 2010


    I don't think anyone BEGGED for any christian institutes.....Look after independence how many non-christian education and charitable institutes have come up... In DK ... you have alvas, canara, pais, veerendra heggades, bhandarkars.... Other places check out Sai Babas, mata amrithananda mayi, Siddaganga mutt... to name a few.

    If chritian institutes had not come up some one else would have taken up the task.... No one would have died for the lack of those.

    So please dis-abuse yourself of the idea that without christian institutes India would not have survived

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  • Alwyn Lobo, Mangalore- USA

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    This uneducated stupid fellow [BJP MLA]talking about christians. Today in this world the Christians wants peace, health and harmony to every human being. For this purpose Christians are serving in many ways. Even in India let the BJP and it's followers must know that there were no one in India to take care of sick people. Majority nurses were all Catholics & Christians and they served the sick and orphan people. May be now other people also learning nursing but that is because of money. Why the CM can't ask his members to think and talk. Cm must kick out such uncultured people from his team.

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  • fathima, mangalore

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Transformation:- Governor to Postman!

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  • Melwin, B'wal/Doha

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    This useless dirty MLA talking about Christian institution ?? Hey beggar have thought ever what would happens if there was no one Christian institute in Karnataka or in India?? Ask with your photographer about Christianity before barking on public rally. Common get up now and arrange one public rally(BJP achievement) and say sorry, before u loose your chair.
    Good step by Archbishop

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  • Indian, Delhi

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    I think what the minister said was true,if thats not true then why Bishop should go to speak to the dishonest governor..I think he agrees that some people try to convert hindus. we will not leave any conversion to happen in India...though we respect ur religion.

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  • anita, mangalore

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Congratulations dear Archbishop!May you be blessed with that of courrage to stand for the right and even to give your life for the cause. May God Bless You.

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    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Khanapur BJP MLA's diviseve politics on the eve of Independece celeberation aginst Christins are of in bad taste and malafied.EC must take note of the issue and dethrone his membership from Assembly.If govt agencies @ highest level not serious about the issue the very purpose of the democracies are @ stake.BJP's anti minority tirade not augar well for Indian Civilisation and Secular fabric of Democratic India.As said by Karnataka state Gov,his role is limited but he can call the attention of concerned constitutional authorities of the nation.

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  • Praveen, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    The entire basket of BJP Minsiters are rotton. They have only two issues-Muslim for terriorism and Chistians for conversions.I want to question you minsiter are all Hindus in this country saints. Christianity has the largest number of followers in this whole world. It cannot be destroyed by anyone except God.The foundations of christianity are strong. People are faithful and devoted.Teachings of christ are thought to our kids very early in life. As such your attempts to destroy our religion will only be a futile exercise.Yours remarks are only a reflection of jealousy towards what christians have achieved all over the world.Our religion was built by several martyers who shed their blood to build this religion.Without christians India would have been a land of tribals and adivasis.i advise you MLA to ask for forgiveness from GOD for uttering such a remark against christianity.

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  • Jerald Pereira, Permude/ Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Good decession by Governor.

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  • Ravindar, udupi

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Dear Priests, pl dont allow others to convert into christianity...tell the truth to live with good deeds...its beautiful 'praise the lord' 'live peacefully let others to live peacefully...beware 'conversion' gives unknown result

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  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    It seems this Moras is making mountain out of molehill. Howcome he forgot his outbrusts against our beloved CM during vandalism of their conversion places. Moras donot play with the emotions of kannadigas. Better pray in your church and stop instigating people./

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  • alwyn, mangalore

    Fri, Aug 20 2010

    Don't. worry father, this is our karnataka state people problem, because we are electing wrong person. and this dirty politician don't know the meaning of Independence Day, they know how to fool karnataka people. Atleast today onwards before electing this dirty politician we have to think 100 times,

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Title: Bangalore: Governor promises Archbishop to take up BJP MLA’s remarks with CM

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