Quarrel Erupts as Women Prevented from Friday Prayers in Mosque

Quarrel Erupts as Women Prevented from Friday Prayers in Mosque

Pics: Sphoorti Ullal
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SR/CN)

Mangalore, Sep 17: Trouble brewed in city's Noor Masjid when a group of women were prevented from offering Friday prayers at the mosque on September 17.

Noor Masjid, which holds the distinction for being the first mosque in the city to allow Muslim women worshippers within its portals, was recently emroiled in a dispute when a group of women approached the high court for not being allowed to offer Friday prayers in the mosque.

The court ruled in the women's favour and ordered that they should be allowed to partake in the Eid-ul-Fitr and Friday prayers. However, the court's final decision on the matter is still awaited.

The mosque allows women to offer prayers in a separate room everyday, except on Friday afternoons when a large number of men gather resulting in a shortage of space. On September 17, when women entered the room designated for them, men had already occupied it. When some of the male supporters of the ladies asked them to leave, they refused and a fight ensued. Though police arrived on the spot, they could do little to stop the quarrel.

However, the issue was soon sorted out and the women were allowed to offer prayers outside the room.


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  • Sayad, Shirva

    Mon, Sep 20 2010

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “Do not stop the maid servants of Allah from going to the masjid of Allah.”

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  • Shihab, Mangalore, Dammam, KSA

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Dear sister Safina, I agree with you that we should follow what our prophet has thought us. I am also in your point only that our Prophet had told us that the Inner bedroom or the inner room of your house is the best place for women and that was followed by sahabath and thabeey and tha abeee and so on. So if we go back there was no evidance that our mother or sisters had went to masjid for prayer. so when they did not go for masjid then how can todays generation take this benefit. Is there any Islamic law before 25 years and after 25 years??????

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  • mohammed m h , manjeshwar

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    when woman can pray 5 times a day in the same masjid .... with same imaam .... in the same room .......then why not friday prayer and eid prayers......???????????......matter of shortage of place?this is not right thing ......think twice b4 v stop them and they pray out side masjid and v inside may allah forbid us ,,ameen..

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  • Rumaiz, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Dear Brothers & Sisters in ISLAM it is very easy to comment on issues rather than help resolve, the present fiasco at Noor Masjid has been shown in poor light...The issue is purely egoistic & not religious in nature...I myself am a regular visitor to the Noor Mosque & have not seen women coming for Prayers on a Friday since last 6 yrs, suddenly Women want to pray in the Mosque ? Moreover there is no compulsion for the Women to Pray in the Mosque unlike for Muslim Men.Also there is a space constraint as well on a Friday when more Men gather.It is sad to see Us Muslims Quarelling inside a Mosque to satisfy our personal ego's.Already the Entire world is blaming the Muslims for being involved in every act of violence infact, this is just a small justification to what the WORLD Says.People talk about Hadith, Holy Quran & Prophet Muhammed(PBUH),How many of us follow them sincerely ??? And if we follow, this kind of an incident would never had happenned.Whatever has happenned is a Shame for all of Us.Also Thank the Media for publicising this act of ours.Also request Non Muslim friends not to look at this issue as a Atrocity against a Women but purely something else.

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  • Abdul Basheer Dubai, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Shame to the sisters who came to the mosque to pray . becouse thier is no enough place for the men to pray in the mosque. Their is no history the wommen prayed regularly in the mosque eccept Holy place of Makkah and Madina. The women prayer facility allowed in the mosque in arabcountries while they are in Journey ( Safer)and could't pray at home. Holymonth of Ramadhan some of the small partation are made in some mosques If they like to come to pray but u can see there are only some more indian wommens and no local arabs . all local arabs are praying at home only. All muslim Brothers please reqest them to build new mosque for that women to pray. Dont allow them to pray mens together . what they did in masjid noor its totaly new culture.Currently new made culture in mangalore happening is not good and by all means need to be stop.othervice it will be great news for the press to cause to make problems between our own fellow brother muslims.

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  • khan, mangalore/dubai

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    "hey guys 1st think before u ink" evry1 knows woman can pray n have rights to do namaz in masjid..but there is no space.already guys without women there pray outside.its good to have passion for islam it does not mean dat we can do anything..there was peace before n these people r creating problem...rem noor masjid vl be handling whole attaver hampankatta etc etc..there is no other masjid..n if u want try to donate money n extend masjid infrastructure.

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  • haika fahima, jeddha s.a

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    nizamuddeen ka dargha me aurathonko jagha hai ajmeer ka dagha me jahga hai. ullal ka dhargha me jagha hai allha ka gharme kyo nahi

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  • mustafa mohammed, mangalore/jeddah

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    masha allah point to point comment

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  • ummreen, UAE

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    I think someone is instigating the women to blow this out of proportion. The women pray regularly there,but only when there is huge turnout of men,the women are prevented so that men can pray as it is better for the men to pray in the masjid,and similiarly it is better for women to pray at home,as said our Prophet Muhammad(pbuh),but at the same time he told "Do not prevent the women from praying in the masjids".But all this problem is because of lack of space,the women should understand and not make a big issue,and till some arrangement is made ,they should in fact co operate with the muslim brothers and not act as if a great injustice is being done upon them,when in fact this problem can be solved thru dialougue. Islam is the religion which has given us women all our rights and it is also a religion based on co operation with each other,so that the problems are solved peacefully and not make a mountain out of a mole hill.Like Miss Baig pointed out,we women in the gulf go to the masjids to pray,and in fact enjoy the cool interiors ,when the men in fact pray outside due to heat of the sun.Some women chose to pray at home and do not make such a fuss..Also in Makkah if you see the tV reports you will see men and women praying together though they make seperate groups to avoid pushing and shovelling and that is more civilized and orderly way of praying..

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  • abdul razak, nitte

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    this is the sign of qayamath.ya allaha take us in the right path,put hidayath for all who have involved in this incident aameeen....brothers dua is the only solution for this so make lots of dus...see people entering holy mosque without vazu(ablusion).where is our eeman. ya allaha save your holy deen.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Congratulations to women who showed their courage to participate in the prayers. Also men who supported the women to offer prayers. This good history will be rememebered by all.

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  • affi, mnglore

    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    @bro shihab,damam

    When it is said to them: "Follow what God has revealed:" They say: "Nay! we shall follow the ways of our fathers." What! Even though their fathers were void of wisdom and guidance? (quran:2:170)

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  • cyril matias, udupi

    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    Islam believes in peace and equality and dignity of every human being.When gods do not discriminate,why we should?.What is wrong when women enter a mosque with a clean heart?.When Lord Allah treats all equally,Why listen to the mulla?.The intellectual and educated youth must speak for these women worshippers.Not allowing women to pray is denying them human rights and dignity.

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  • Aboobaker Siddiq, balehonnur( mangalore ) / jeddah KSA

    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    There are various Hadiths womens goin to mosque. Even at the time of mensuration out prophet (PBUH) said that atleast take your wife to the mosque on eid prayer to hear Qutba .forget about this. what the mens had to do is give the place to your mothers and sisters and they could have prayerd outside OTHER THEN CREATING THIS SCEAN. ANYWAYS ONE DAY insha Allah Allah will give you hidaya to those created this problem so that they take their mother ,sister,wife and daughters to same mosque and same place Ameen ! ( In the whole of Saudi Arabia each and evry mosque has place for women and they do pray over there when ever they want specially when they are traveling)

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  • Azzam Mangalore, Bantwal

    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    "dear Brother/sisters, just go back around 10 year or 15 or 20 or 25 and see whether any of our grandmother, mother or any of our sister go to masjid for prayers? do we have any history for that? please think about it? If the answer is NO, then why now the ladies has to go to masjid for prayers?"

    No no Brother, just go back 1000years, 1400 yrs, and 1431yrs and check mother of believers.. Even the husbands couldnt stop them, forget about mischief mongers.!!!

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  • abdul latif, Bajpe

    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    Let them to perform "Namaz"

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    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    Why should there be separate space and screen for the womenfolk, god listens to prayer in unison without any barrier. wake up guys this is computer world, not 20-30 yrs back yrs as one said . these same men who amke such a big deal about women are hypocrites who keep their women in veil and flirt around with other veiless women, islam is just in name but they enjoy their game without their wives outside with someonee else's wife . shame on these men .

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  • Mohd.Rafik, koteshwara/kuwait

    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    Neethi,Niyama,Hakkugalu dhevarigu preeti!(Eega mathra swalpa pajeeti)

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  • safina, dubai

    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    i want to reply to brother shihab... plz dont look after the people 30 or 25 or 20 years back....look what prophet muhammad (pbuh) has told about this matter....please read the above hadiths... ok

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  • Tom Cat , Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    Is islam a man's world. yes by seeing the incident. Women are treated like second class citizens with glorification.

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    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    shihab, Dammam, Mangalore Friday, September 17, 2010

    dear Brother/sisters, just go back around 10 year or 15 or 20 or 25 and see whether any of our grandmother, mother or any of our sister go to masjid for prayers? do we have any history for that? please think about it? If the answer is NO, then why now the ladies has to go to masjid for prayers?

    Please note :History is made by us and not GOd. After 100 years the fight in mosque will be history, Twin towers attack is a history, Iraq war is a history. If the history is not good no point in follow the outdate history build a new history for all human or build a new religion benifits for all rather following outdated history or bad history. Current things happening is not good and by all means need to stop this

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  • praveen,

    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    women s equality evrywhere. good. hope my brothers know there are now female priests in non catholic churches and alsow women pujaris even.

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  • Saoud Jeddah, KSA

    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    I think the entire episode has been planned by some of the group. This issue is not big. If the Masjid Management could create an separate prayer room for womans specially for Friday Prayer, then it would be good. But force full entry is not allowed. Here in Jeddah some mosques are totally packed off and no one woman come to prayer of Friday as those halls are occupied by mens as short of space. It is common understanding. If the womans wish to pray in Masjid then let their supporters generate the fund and build one separate room with extra space reserved for Womans... that it.. issue solved. and Quarreling in street and Police interfere .. how the Muslim brothers allowed it? I think its purely generated to show the strength of another group who dislikes the management of that Masjid.. may Allah bless all...

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    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    Let them womens do EBADHATH.

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  • Hilary crasta, Rome

    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    Women first....

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  • Miss Baig, Mangalore/UAE

    Sat, Sep 18 2010

    Here in uae too all mosques allow women to pray the 5 daily prayers. some mosques have a separate room constructed for women, while some have kept a separate spot reserved a space a which is separated with a screen. The mosques of the latter kind remove the screens for Friday and Eid prayers since the number of men is huge. But we do not complain like this. The number of men who come to offer the prayers are so huge that they are forced to pray on the roads in the sweltering heat. some women go to other mosques, women like me stay at home and pray. Women too should understand that the due to the huge number of men, they cannot pray friday prayers in mosques. Why fuss about such things? Why not give a few men reprieve from the heat of the sun? Agreed women too have the right to pray in mosques, but the prophet has said this too:
    The Prophet(PBUH) said: "Do not prevent your women from going to the mosque, even though their houses are better for them." (Reported by Abu Dawud in al-Sunan, Baab maa jaa’a fee khurooj al-nisaa’ ilaa’l-masjid: Baab al-tashdeed fee dhaalik.)
    The Prophet (PBUH) said: "A woman’s prayer in her house is better than her prayer in her courtyard, and her prayer in her bedroom is better than her prayer in her house." (Reported by Abu Dawud in al-Sunan, Baab maa jaa’a fee khurooj al-nisaa’ ilaa’l-masjid.)
    If women really want to pray in mosques, let them get a room built for themselves which is completely separate from the Men's mosque.

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    Fri, Sep 17 2010

    The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) explicitly told men not to exclude women from going to the Mosque. It is reported that the wife of `Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) used to attend the congregational Prayer in the Mosque at Fajr and `Ishaa' Prayers. It was said to her, "Why do you leave home, you know that `Umar does not like that and he feels ashamed (that you leave home at that time)?" She said, "So what prevents him from stopping Me?" The person said, "It is the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) 'Do not prevent the she-servants of Allah from Allah's Mosques.'" (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

    It is not obligatory for women to attend the jama`ah or congregational Prayers at the Mosque, because they have other obligations as regards their home and children. However, if they have time and feel safe to attend the Mosque, in proper Islamic dress, then they should not be stopped.

    We should rather make our Mosques in such a way that men and women both have equal chance to pray there observing the rules of Prayers.

    Some people, in voicing objection against women going to the Mosque, rely on what `A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said in this regard. She is quoted to have said, sometime after the Prophet’s death: "If the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would have seen what the women do now, he would have stopped them from coming to Mosques."

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  • shihab, Dammam, Mangalore

    Fri, Sep 17 2010

    dear Brother/sisters, just go back around 10 year or 15 or 20 or 25 and see whether any of our grandmother, mother or any of our sister go to masjid for prayers? do we have any history for that? please think about it? If the answer is NO, then why now the ladies has to go to masjid for prayers?

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  • Nooruddin, Thokkottu/Kuwait

    Fri, Sep 17 2010

    Shame on you guys.Nobody can prevent women's from taking part in the salah or the prayer in any Masjid if she wants,whether it's friday's or Eid prayers.It's their legitamate right to perform prayers in any masjid's.It's an Allah's house and not belong to any individuals property, so one must stop prejudice & evil thing on women's performing prayers in any masjids.
    Wake up Oh so called protector? of Muslims in Mangalore and stop making this kind of issue out of proportion.

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  • KT, Mangalore

    Fri, Sep 17 2010

    "The prayer of the man is not perfect until he no longer recognizes himself or the fact that that he is praying." That’s why women’s are taking initiative. Give them a chance.

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  • ahmed, mangalore

    Fri, Sep 17 2010

    It is not compulsary to pray for women in masjid on friday, as there is no space for men in the masjid how can you expect women to occupy the space?? use your brain brother!!

    time 2 wake up..

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    Fri, Sep 17 2010


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  • mohammed, dubai

    Fri, Sep 17 2010

    Dear brothers
    first of all dontfoget that your religion is islam,which means peace.Secondly as a human being respect females thirdly masjid is not your house its a place of worship for muslim brothers and sisters(Public). And you dnt have any rights to not to allow or stop anyone from doing their prayers, Lastly being a man you can even pray outside the mosque or in the pathway. But the same cannot be done by the muslim sisters.

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  • rijju, dubai/moodbidri

    Fri, Sep 17 2010

    shame on u guys.... this shows how much ur responsibility towards islam.its every women's right to go to mosque and offer salah.so I request our muslim brothers to reserve a place in mosque for ladies.

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