Mangalore: Vigour in Air Surges Up as Togadia Arrives

Mangalore: Vigour in Air Surges Up as Togadia Arrives

Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (PS/SB)

Mangalore, Jan 2: As the city is gearing up for massive convergence of Hindus, Hindu Samajotsava at the Nehru Maidan here on Sunday January 2, the vigour has seen a rise with the arrival of Praveen Bhai
Togadia, international general secretary, Vishwa Hindu Parishat.

Key speaker of the day Praveen Bhai Thogadia has already arrived in city. His flight arrived at the airport at 10.45 am. He took part in the ‘Simhika’ Yaga’ of which ‘Poornahuthi’ will be done in the afternoon.

He also participated in Archane Keerthane, Ahuthi and took part in recitation of Hanuman Chalis with ‘Mathas’. Later he left to Madhusara Nursery home in front of Shree Vinayaka Hall near Bunts Hostel Road.

A month-long preparation for the event has reached to its crescendo on Saturday itself as final touches were given to the 40x20 foot large and 13 ft tall grand stage at Nehru Maidan, from where Togadia will
address a gathering of lac of Hindus at 4.00 pm.

Security has been beefed up in the city for smooth conduct of the programme and also to avert any untoward incidents.


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  • amar, Mangalore

    Fri, Jan 07 2011

    Well said Mr nagesh Kumar

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  • good, b.c.road

    Mon, Jan 03 2011

    hmm.. you knw dear Even americans are not sure tht Osama bin laden named person was ther o not..Also they are not sure tht he is terrorist.No one sure.U commented abt his appearance nw..
    Oly his Childrens can surely comment tht he is ther.

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  • Bobby Malhotra, Mulki

    Mon, Jan 03 2011

    Mr.good, b.c.road..You are right. By converting to one religion you people only increase the quantity and not the quality. If possible just find out for me any one of your brother country can able to manufacturer/produce a vehicle of there own?.. Still depends on other country for all the things.. If possible try to give good to society and not to destroy. All religions are good but within people are not good. If God required a one religion he would have made all of them from one community only from the beggginning. Afterall all relgiions are created by humans only..but labelled in the name of unknown god..Deedat/Naik are nothing in front of god..Jai Ho..

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  • good, b.c.road

    Mon, Jan 03 2011

    ha ha poor ppl??
    He converted some chrch fathers also.. Is they are poor nd week minded.His speach converted many doctors nd Ph.D. holders..are they are weak minded???

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  • good, b.c.road

    Mon, Jan 03 2011

    Let us speak b4 to 1000yrs.people killed in Mahabharath nd ramayana is count less.In the battle of panipath AShoke killed billons nd finally converted to bhudism.Hope in last 200yrs didnt heppend these much deaths due to war!!!

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  • good, b.c.road

    Mon, Jan 03 2011

    ha ha makin fun of other religion ia always good fr tht religion.. recent example is AHMED DEEDAT.. who learnt islam and christanity becouse of these funny words by his christian frineds.After he converted count less christians to islam.Do blame almost all are highly educated ppl.
    Mr.Richard plz spread this to all.It will help muslims.. do it plz..

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  • good, b.c.road

    Mon, Jan 03 2011

    Mr. Richard let me knw one hatred speach which u found from Dr.Zakir Naik??????????
    Wil REgister complaint against him.Iam together with you..
    Even UK lost in their own country supreme court in 1st phase while proving Zakir Naiks so called Hatred Speach.... ha ha..

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  • good, b.c.road

    Mon, Jan 03 2011

    Dear let me knw first hw hinduism started??Do you knw Aryans? wher they came frm?
    For you kind imformation islam is startd from the birth of the first male on the earth Adam.If a muslim thinks tht islam is stated frm Mohammed (PBHM) then he is not a muslim as per islam!!for all these there is a literal nd scientifical proof u knw tht?can you prove the base of ur religion?
    u jus listened one word gods house by some one so you read the history nd then comment by tht..

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  • good, b.c.road

    Mon, Jan 03 2011

    hello dear if you want then you only ask that question with zakir naik.jus c how he replies.!!!
    you wil get reply with wont get any hatred words which thogadiya used with other religion people..
    For your kind imformation Quran and The Old Original(nw manupulated) Bible are Own gods words.not written by any one.Bt vedas are written by human beings like veda vyasa muni not a gods word.this is the difrent btn holy script.

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  • A HAI, UDUPI dubai

    Mon, Jan 03 2011

    hello Mr. Stany D,sa thank u very much for ur advise to this lind people. but unfortunatly this people are terriost thy wnat to creat always problem and dont want to spread peace around. if they start spreading peace the how they will steel mony from pubilc....

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  • Arun, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Why are you people simply pulling Mr. Zakir Naik into this issue, Poor fellow is converting weak minded Hindus & Christains somewhere by comparing each religion. Let him live peacefully yaar..

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    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Mr.Nagesh Kumar Mangalore it seems that you are a son of Osama Bin Laden

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  • Sudeep Shetty, Mangalore/London

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Ha ha .. some comments saying ..poisoning peoples mind ... Please look back at 1000 years of indian history ...then last 200 yrs ...then last 50 years of indian history ...then u will come to know who poisoned whom ... people have taken us for granted ..its time to stand up against the global conspirators ... Jai Hindu ..Jai Hind ...

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  • Richard , Muscat

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Zakir Naik is misleading Muslims and as per him only Islam is the right riligion others are flase. Is is making Muslims more fanatic. If you want know more about Mr. naik, google "Agniveer Zakir Naik". Have fun

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  • George Cruz, Mangalore/USA

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    I understand Zakir Abdul Karim Naik is the founder and president of Islamic Research foundation. The people of his stature should denounce the terrorist acts by fellow radical Islamic Terrorists. This is one of the ways to to educate and thus bring these ruthless terrorists to the main streasm. I have to remind one of the commntator that Hindus are still majority in India and by default (per democracy) they rule/own the country.

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  • shammi, Karnataka

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Thanks Peter periera for such a matured comment.
    Regarding hindu gathering it is good for their unity nice,but y get a non kannadiga that too a banned orator.

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  • Hariprasad Hegde, Mangalore/Udupi

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    we mangaloreans are become pimp now, why our people running after him?

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  • srinivasa shenoy, Bantwal/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Dear Brothers, Dont coment bad words on other riligion or other
    riligion leaders. God will not excuse for hurting others. Dont see
    others with black glasses. Put your
    heart clean.when you show one finger to others your four finger
    showing to you only. one who is realy faith @ worshiping god, they
    will not blame any others.Everybody
    knows that god is only one & we R All his childrens. If everybody think like this in world realy pease will come to allover the world.
    all of yours brother

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  • Richard, Dubai

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    @Mr. Imran & Mr. Dawood pls comment on neutral base. dont keep any "JATHI VATSALYA"If you are Supporting Zakir Naik then let them support Pravin Bhai, both are making their LAL, they preach,they only right others wrong. @ Peter Pune if Dr.Naik have knowledge that should be spent for the welfare of the humanity not breaking the humanity. Bharat Mata Ki Jai..

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Mr. Richard, I agree with Mr. Imran. There is a vast difference between Togadia & Dr. Zakir. The knowledge of Dr. Zakir on different religions is mind blowing. He only speaks of the differences between each religions and gives an opportunity to clarify our doubts. However, this Togadia's knowledge on his own religion is zero. Otherwise, he will not destroy the beautiful, peace loving, ahimsa promoting image of Sanatana Dharma by instigating violence, intolerance towards other religions. He is a selfish, brainless goonda. Simply a goonda.

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  • Ponga Pandit, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    dr.zakir naik with Mr.togadia are similar in extreme form.
    Dr.Zakir naik preaches a extreme form religion he calls USA as terrorist state and does not condemn Bin Laden. His speeches contain passive violence with reference to verses from Utthamans Koran

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    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Mr.Richard pls don't compair dr.zakir naik with Mr.togadia.Mr Zakir Never support jihad.

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  • Bobby Malhotra, Mulki

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    My friend IMRAN, SAUDI CHEVRON PHILLIPS Al Jubail.. judaism started from jude.. christanity started from jesus.. islam started from mohammad... While constructing 'God's House' which god he has kept in his mind and planned to in god's house by Abraham (Ibrahim)..If possible just ask Dr.Naik..Jai Ho..

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  • Stany D,sa, Balehonnur/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Wise people of India should not waste their precious time in honouring the unjust and fanatic leaders. Instead let us spend our available time in places of worship and indulge in services to the very poor,sick and the needy. my humble prayer to every one is to stand united and build a stronger India. Please do not encourage the poisonous wipers?

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  • Shyam Raj, Gurunagar

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    He is one more Muthalik, I can say Muthalik's father ! If Muthalik is a viper this one is a king cobra.

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  • Bobby Malhotra, Mulki

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Mr.IMRAN, SAUDI CHEVRON PHILLIPS Al Jubail..God created for mankind Earth, Sky, Wind, Fire, Water, Animals, Birds etc.. Why than all Holy Books written only on this earth?. Is it scarcity of Publishing House in abode?..If possible just ask your good Dr.Zakir Naik.. Jai Ho..

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  • Stany D,sa, Balehonnur/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Wise people of India should not waste their precious time in honouring the unjust and fanatic leaders. Instead let us spend our available time in places of worship and indulge in services to the very poor,sick and the needy. my humble prayer to every one is to stand united and build a stronger India. Please do not encourage the poisonous wipers?

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    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    @Richard Dubai -
    Mr. Zakir Naik is for spreading peace over the world and he is not spreading fear in the society like THOGADIYA.

    Go listen to what Mr. Zakir Naik has to say, and yes if it is in any way derogatory to the beliefs of this good country then ban him, but if he is here on a peace mission then hear him out….simple

    He also takes questions and answers, so attend and ask, don’t just sit in your chair judging other based on false accusation, lies and fabrication.

    "all the glitters are not gold" by profession both Mr. Zakir Mr. Thogadiya are doctors difference is Zakir Naik stands for peace peace & Thogadiya stands for piece piece.
    Now you compare which docotor takes care care of people and lives and who is here for destroy the lives.
    Think and decide who is gold and who is glitter.

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  • Shravan Kumar, Udupi

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Look at his Chelas.. he he.. so funny they look.. Ready to even pick the poop.. anyway.. Wonder how long will he do this crap, looks like he is gonna leave soon..

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  • anamika, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Situation in Mangalore is returning to normalcy after attacks on minorities. But there are some people who do not want a peaceful atmosphere began to move the cards to create tension among majority and minority by inviting such Mentally retarded person ( means Fundamentally retarded )to this function. Lets us all wait to see the aftermath of his visit. Don't worry God sees the truth but he waits...

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  • Richard, dubai

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Dr. Zakir Naik And Praveen Bai Togadia both two sides of one Coin.Both are fenatic Jihadis.

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  • Chethan, Udupi

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    I urge District Commissioner not to entertain these people by allowing them for these things which will ditrub common public..lots of things in the life..No one cares now for Togadia..we have unemployment problem..if they really have sympathy over the Hindu community they can give the money which they are spending to samajostav as charity to those poor needy people on streets and need to fool us..

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  • Suraj Lobo, Mangalore / Dubai

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    With due respect to the hindu community and also to this occasion, I call upon all the youth of mangalore to be wise and broadminded and not to get fooled by these political driven leaders to carry out communal imbalance just for some petty monetary allowance offered temporarily. Please work on a long term stable and productive career not only for personal gain but also for the nation as a whole.

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  • imtiyaz, mlore

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Now lets hear more hatred, division fake patriotism or even a riot etc etc ,if it helps a few get more money & power .
    wake up Indians wake up. at least for the sake of our country if not for anything else.
    hatred only results to more destruction & devastation.
    United we win,
    Divided we destroy.
    Take Care.
    Mera Bharat Mahaan.

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  • Bobby Malhotra, Mulki

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Day by Day Togadia's health is improving more due to grace of god..and now looks totally saffron..which matches his outfit..Great.. Jai Ho..

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  • Abu Mohammed, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Dear Editor, please do not give him that coverage, he is not a VIP but dangerous , poisonous creature , this is not Hindu samajotsav, but Bajarangi mela!

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  • Rajiie, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Was he not banned from Public Speaking.... Clarify please...

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  • Naveen Shetty, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Request all media persons to record the entire speeches made by these eminent Hindu leaders. They are useful as evidence tomorrow in the courts if the district administration decides press charges against these leaders for spreading hatred and igniting communal tensions.

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  • Unaid Uppala, Uppala

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Where there is sugar, there are ants.....dangerous elements of India. Dangerous than external enemies.

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  • haris, Dubai

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Why there is Police / Guard secrity for togadia?..........
    Afterall he is a criminal goonda.

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  • Kenneth D'Souza, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Finally, long time after the church attacks, pub attacks, Rama Sene attacks Mangalore is finally back to its original social harmony. Now Thogadia will come and start his attack on islam and christianity. Please stop him and allow us to live in peace.

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  • Shoukath Hussain, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Oh no ! Not this wicked man. He is against all minorities. He thinks India is owned by hindus. He is famous for his inflammatory speeches.

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  • Nagesh Kumar, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    See the stupid culprits. Wearing four to six platinum and gold rings and enjoying life using hindus money. We Hindus must stop all the stupid support for such bloody fools and samajosthava. Worship God not the swamis or other leaders. Hindus must understand their evil mentality and they will destroy our country, family and our culture. Kick these animal nature humans from our country.

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  • Santhosh Bhandary, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 02 2011

    Hindu samajotsava is good thing and all the religious swamijis and scholars are welcome but not the infamous religious fanatic Praveen Bhai Thogadia. He is notoriously famous for inciting religious unrest and violence in the country. As a matter of fact instead of promoting religious harmony, he is inciting violence. Do we really need such leaders to visit and speak to the public ???

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