Bengaluru, May 1 (IANS): The state government announced on Saturday that it would take entire responsibility of rehabilitation of a victim of acid attack.
The shocking incident took place on Thursday when a 24-year-old woman sustained serious injuries after her stalker allegedly threw acid on her.
The police have arrested the parents and brother of the accused Nagesh, who is still absconding.
Health Minister K Sudhakar paid a visit to the St John's Hospital on Saturday where the victim is being treated.
"The entire cost of treatment will be borne by the state government, including the expense of skin transplantation," he said.
The minister also provided Rs 5 lakh compensation personally.
"The government will ensure that the accused gets maximum sentence after expeditious trial in a fast-track court. The message has to reach the anti-social elements. The victim has suffered 35 per cent burn injuries and she is being treated in the ICU," he said.
Preliminary investigation revealed that the accused had called up his brother Ramesh Babu after carrying out the acid attack. Later, they locked their house in Bengaluru and fled.
Comment on this article
Dinesh, Dubai
Sun, May 01 2022This Tilakdhari chaddis will be the BJP candidate soon. BJP will say there is congress conspiracy in his act.
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Rahul Kejar, mangalore
Mon, May 02 2022Gang is enjoying in Dubai
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Rakesh, Mangalore
Sun, May 01 2022Why they have arrested the accused's parents and brother? & what is their fault?
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real kujuma, kodial
Sun, May 01 2022that is how the police works...this is to exert pressure on the nationalist to present himself to police..they will even torture also if he does not appear...
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Rita, Germany
Sun, May 01 2022Rakesh mangalore ,since he called the brother after the attack.Brother must be knowing where he will be .Brother shouldnt cover him .It is wrong .Let him eat what he has done alone.
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Raman, Mangalore
Sun, May 01 2022Extremely painful to read innocent victims trauma .. maimed for life .. .. ..Easy availability of acid .. weapons in some cases... Acid selling should be banned .. In the USA it is gun culture .... of course if a person is mentally deranged it is difficult to control ....
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Chandrama Subhash, Mangalore
Sun, May 01 2022What's His Name ?? Regular Cowards, Aatanki, Deshdrohi HE
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krishna shenoy, moodbidri/india
Sun, May 01 2022The attack may be the results of third grade movies. These type of movies should be banned and media also makes lots of noise like box office collection etc try to avoid these type
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Ritesh, Earth
Sun, May 01 2022Who decides what movies are third grade and what are not? Would you ask for banning cars as well because it causes accidents and deaths? Better stop with this old conservative mindset of banning everything that you old people don't like.
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k b r, Mangala Uru
Sun, May 01 2022oye earthworm, movies and cars are different... there should be stricter censoring of movies...
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real kujuma, kodial
Sun, May 01 2022in third world countries...third class movies are has to live with them as the labour class loves it...
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Sheikh M, Mangalore
Sun, May 01 2022He might be progeny of coward Sarvarkar , Both are darpuk
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Moshu, Mangaluru
Sun, May 01 2022Pay him back acid with bonus..
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Ozy, Surathkal
Sun, May 01 2022Just encounter this guy or keep 20 litre acid ready to pour on his head
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real kujuma, kodial
Sun, May 01 2022hold your must be aware that you are living in India...the culprit here is a majority community guy...dont use words like encounter etc for is reserved only for minorities....once he is caught he will be termed love sick and asked to chant the normal phrase and let off...
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real kujuma, kodial
Sun, May 01 2022entire cost of treatment should be recovered by the attacker...why our money should be wasted? freeze his assets and provide the required amount to the girl..
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Vincent D'Souza, Belthangady
Sun, May 01 2022Follow the ideology of Bulldozer Baba!?
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Sunny, Mangalore
Sun, May 01 2022I Agree , and I'm sure lots of our other readers will agree with me... why should our hard earned taxes be wasted on such an idiot?.. Let the Govt ( who ever it may be) remove the expenses from the accused ..... This should be the norm
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