From Our Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network
Bengaluru, May 12: Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr K Sudhakar has clarified that Covid-19 pandemic has nothing to do with Tomato Flu.
Dr Sudhakar on Thursday explained that Tomato Flu was confined mostly to some parts of Kerala.
The State Government has ordered strict surveillance along the Kerala borders, he said and pointed out that Tomato Flu is not a new kind of disease and it has been in prevalence in Kerala for some years in the recent past.
“Tomato Flu has been in existence in some parts of Kerala since the last several years and it has been witnessed this year too. The fever is mostly confined to children below 5 years. The affected children will have fever and blisters on their body, especially skin. The blisters are small and resemble tomatoes in colour, which is the reason for the name,’’ he said explaining that the Kerala government has been providing treatment.
Karnataka has been in touch with Kerala authorities as the neighbouring State shares borders with our State, he said.
Dr Sudhakar said the deputy commissioners of the border districts and health authorities have been asked to be vigilant and also take necessary precautionary steps if the children develop fever and blisters on their skin.
The minister warned that lot of misinformation is floating in the social media and asked the public not to be scared by such baseless messages in the social media. “No cases of Tomato Flu have been detected in Karnataka so far. However, we are taking all precautions in the border districts,’’ he said.
The Health Minister has asked the people to take the third or precautionary dose of vaccine even though the severity of Covid cases has come down in the State. It is better to be careful and vigilant, he added.
Comment on this article
Roshan, Mangalore
Sat, May 14 2022This is because our Finance Minister does not eat tomatoes just like Onions...... Tomato flu is rising. If the Minister was eating Onions and Tomatoes everything including the prices would have been under control...I don't think peacocks eat them too , if not a Santa Claus would have had it under control immediately
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Rita, Germany
Fri, May 13 2022Kindly notice which time children get this Tomato Flu?Only during hot season?Or at other times too?I think due to very hot temperature and burning sun ,childrens skin is tender and soft it might effect skin and form Blisters.Poor kids .Dont allow them to go in hot sun (mostly midday )or bare i,let them wear thin cotton shirt .Kindly just apply against sunburn some lotion or so.or protect.Watchout .or get blisters after taking bath incertain ponds or so,where all dirt or chemicals flow .Observing is important.Or some sprays around the house ?why doctors take their blood and findout any changes ?or signs of infection?
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Daniel, Mangalore
Thu, May 12 2022Keralites are there all over the world. So looks like bringing new new viruses from there while on vacation? Also may be jabbed with different covid shots in different countries. Some of these containing graphene oxide for spike protein creation in covid shots interact with 5G to create marburg / ebola type disease as per following argentine' research. This tomoto flu looks similar to that, like ? ///// Following part of research article, South American scientists have confirmed graphene oxide in following vaccines. "Graphene oxide and microtechnology confirmed in Cansino, Pfizer, Sinopharm, AstraZeneca, and Sputnik vaccination vials...( AstraZeneca also in the list). Bill Gates' another 3 vaccines one each for marburg, ebola and hanta virus, if come out, it is not surprising. That's what these elite only for making billions, common man if goes to grave with so many vaccines they are still bothered.
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G R PRABHUJI, Mangalore
Thu, May 12 2022But I think Tomato flu has come to TOMATO only because the rates have gone up to Rs85. So if you eat tomato flu may come. Don't buy tomatoes.
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Vinod Kumar, Mangalore
Thu, May 12 2022But it has close relation with Onion Flu, Food Flu, Job Flu, Economy Flu, Fuel Flu, Gas Cylinder Flu. The Flu list is endless after 2014.
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k b r, Mangala Uru
Thu, May 12 2022both covid and tomato flu started in india in Indian somalia...
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