New Delhi, May 21 (IANS) A special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court here Saturday reserved its order on the anticipatory bail plea of Cineyug Films founder Karim Morani for May 23. He was named as co-conspirator in the 2G spectrum allocation scam.
Special CBI Judge O.P. Saini said the court will pronounce its verdict Monday.
Morani's lawyers, Siddharth Luthra and Sandeep Kapur, also submitted a medical report from J.J. Hospital in Mumbai, as was demanded by the court May 10 when he was exempted from personal appearance due to ill health.
Kapur informed the court that Morani's health was weak.
"He needs eight small meals in a day, and walk for two hours to maintain a stress free life. His heart functioning is only 45 percent and he is also on heavy medication. Therefore, the court should allow his bail plea," Kapur said.
However, CBI said that Morani cannot be treated as an innocent.
"Morani has definite role in entire conspiracy, he is co-conspirator in this matter. He is not innocent, Rs.209 crore transfer is not an innocent transfer of money," CBI told the court, opposing his bail plea.
The court, which was also to pronounce its verdict on the bail pleas of Rajiv Agarwal and Asif Balwa of Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables Pvt Ltd, deferred the matter for May 24.