Chennai, May 30 (PTI) Editor-in-Chief of The Hindu daily N Ram was presented with an Honorary Doctorate in Social Sciences by University of Wolverhampton's Chancellor Lord Swraj Paul here tonight in recognition of his journalistic achievements.
Ram is the third person to be conferred the award by the University after Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Opposition Party Leader Arun Jaitley.
"I am very honoured and privileged to present it (the degree) to Narasimhan Ram. He has never hesitated to speak the truth to the Powers that be... He has shown courage, integrity and vision throughout his life," Paul said after presenting the doctorate to Ram.
"Ram was a public educator. His career in journalism is the envy of many and his particular focus in seeking the truth for the benefit of the public has earned him a place of nobility among Indian society," Swraj Paul said.