New Delhi, Jun 5 (PTI) Hours after Delhi police disrupted Ramdev's hunger strike, Congress leader Digvijay Singh today justified the action and demanded investigation into his activities since 1994, alleging that he has cheated many people.
Singh, who has been critical of Ramdev for long, called him a "thug" and said the treatment meted out to him was appropriate for such a person.
"There are certain laws and regulations in the country, you cannot allow people like Ramdev to run riot in the capital city. He was trying to incite people in the Ramlila maidan," the Congress General Secretary said.
Referring to the talks at the Claridges hotel between senior union ministers and Ramdev two days back, Singh said the yoga guru had "reached an agreement but still went ahead with his fast. This is another way of fooling people. He deceived the entire country.