New Delhi, June 13 (IANS) As Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa meets Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Monday during a two-day visit to the capital, sources in her AIADMK said she could also meet Congress president Sonia Gandhi.
It's her first visit to New Delhi after assuming office as chief minister May 16.
"Amma (Jayalalithaa) will start from Chennai at around 12.30 p.m. and will reach Delhi at around 2.30 today (Monday) afternoon," an AIADMK source said.
She is expected to discuss developmental projects in Tamil Nadu and the issue of Sri Lankan Tamils when she meets Manmohan Singh, the sources said.
"There are chances of Amma (Jayalalithaa) meeting Sonia Gandhi in 10, Janpath. It has been over a decade that the two leaders have met personally or interacted with each other," the AIADMK source said.
Jayalalithaa's visit comes in the wake of Congress president Sonia Gandhi inviting her for tea last month. It comes at a time when ties between the Congress and AIADMK's archrival DMK which is a key ally of the government in New Delhi appear to be strained.
"Although the Congress has not openly claimed its pro-Jayalalithaa shift, the party definitely seems to be rebuilding the relations with the AIADMK chief," the source added.
With the DMK and Congress alliance facing a political drubbing in the assembly polls and the former's mounting troubles courtesy the 2G spectrum case, all eyes would be on Congress' next move.