S.Korea, US to hold working-level cybersecurity talks

Seoul, May 7 (IANS): South Korea and the US will hold working-level talks on cybersecurity this week in Seoul, the Defence Ministry here said on Sunday, amid the allies' efforts to counter evolving North Korean threats from multiple domains.

The eighth session of the director-general-level Cyber Cooperation Working Group (CCWG) is set to take place on Monday and Tuesday. It marks the first in-person session in four years following a hiatus caused largely by the Covid-19 pandemic, Yonhap news agency reported.

The two sides plan to discuss their cybersecurity policies, current trends of cyberthreats and joint efforts to strengthen cybersecurity training, according to the Ministry.

"The two sides expect the two defence authorities can work to further strengthen their cybersecurity cooperation mechanism through the upcoming session," the Ministry said in a press statement.

The CCWG was launched in 2014 to serve as a venue for the allies' key discussions on cybersecurity. Its outcomes had been dealt with at the two countries' annual defence ministerial talks, called the Security Consultative Meeting.



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