New Delhi, July 12 (IANS) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Tuesday said this was the last reshuffle before the next general elections and stressed that the latest exercise was "balanced" in the best interest of the country.
"This is the last reshuffle before we go to the polls (in 2014)," Manmohan Singh told reporters after the swearing-in ceremony of new and promoted ministers in his cabinet.
However, later on when he was asked again whether this would indeed be the last cabinet rejig, he philosophically said: "In life there is no finality."
Asked about the message of the reshuffle, Manmohan Singh said: "It reflects a balance necessary for the states of the union".
"Consideration of the efficiency, of continuity and all elements were taken into account."
Asked whether he anticipated problems in rejigging his cabinet with some ministers being unhappy, the prime minister said: "There is bound to be some amount of resentment after any reshuffle but we have taken into account the best interest of the country."