Mangaluru: Ladyhill English Higher Primary school honors Yogini Kavitha Ashok, student Madhulashree

Media Release

Mangaluru, Aug 14: The PTA general body meeting at Ladyhill English Higher Primary School provided an opportunity to honor Yogini Kavitha Ashok and student Madhulashree, whose presence in their lives, the school management stated, had been an inspiration due to their incredible journeys and achievements.

Yogini Kavitha Ashok had completed the YIC program at Vyasa Vivekananda University in Bengaluru. She had previously taught yoga at Nazareth School, Bethany Institutions, and Apostolic Carmel Institutions. In 2004, the Hero of Champions award for yoga at the state level was conferred upon her, and in 2007, she secured the top prize in a global competition. She set a new record by completing Sirsa Padmasana on March 23, joining the India Book of Records with a time of 29 minutes and 6 seconds, surpassing Kiran Surendran of Kerala's previous record of 25 minutes and 8 seconds. Yogini V L Rego, a renowned yoga master from around the world, had provided her with instructions and guidance. 

Secondly, the school recognized a student whose achievements brought pride to all. S Madhulashree, daughter of M Saravanan and S Tamil Selvi, entered the India Book of Records for Ganda Bherundasana on March 21, achieving a time of 15 minutes and 36 seconds. Her instructor, Yogini Kavitha Ashok, guided her through the process at the institution.

The dignitaries responsible for this noteworthy acknowledgment were Sister Violette Tauro AC, joint secretary of Ladyhill Institutions, Sister Jennifer Moras AC, the headmistress, Sister Ivy Moras, the assistant headmistress, and Manoj Louis, an assistant professor at Govt First Grade College in Kavoor.

The words of encouragement and appreciation from these dignitaries had a lasting impact on their lives, serving to motivate them as they continue to pursue their goals.













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