Media release
Mangaluru, Sep 20: The Konkani Natak Sabha (KNS) celebrated its 80th annual day at Don Bosco Hall with a Thanksgiving Holy Mass on September 19.
Fr Joseph Martis Coordinator-Mangalore Diocesan Pastoral Plan and parish priest of Derebail Church, was the chief celebrant, Fr Francis Fernandes OFM Cap, Fr Denis Lobo OFM Cap and Fr Rocky D'Cunha OFM Cap, president of KNS were the cocelebrants. Prem Lobo took the responsibility of conducting the choir and Diana D'Souza the liturgy.
After the holy mass, there was a get together programme of all the members. In a short stage programme presided over by Fr Rocky D'Cunha, OFM Cap the president of KNS Santhosh Sequeira of Santhosh Arrangers Kankanady, Francis Fernandes Cascia, senior play writer, director were the guests for the occasion. Fr Joseph Martis, Liston D'Souza, vice-president, Floyd D Mello Cascia, general secretary, Cletus Lobo, assistant secretary and Gerald Concessao, treasurer were present on the dais.

Welcoming the dignitaries and the gathering, Liston D'Souza, said, "KNS is celebrating its fruitful 80th foundation day. In these 80 years the organisation faced many challenges and achieved success in tackling all hurdles. During the past 10 years we are seeing a new face of KNS. The renovated Don Bosco Hall itself says how the organisation grew and how committed it is towards the art, artists and society. So the managing committee decided on many programmes to make the 80th jubilee a memorable one."
In his presidential speech, Fr Rocky said, "The annual day celebration is an opportunity to remember our founders and all those who rendered their service to our organisation. Because of their vision the KNS gained a special recognition in our society and among the artistes. It is our duty to carry forward the mission which our founders started. I congratulate the current committee and all members for their restless service towards KNS. Vice-president and executive committee members are leading this organisation with their creative mindset and organisational qualities. On this occasion I congratulate them and request all the members to assist them when they require."
In his speech, Fr Joseph Martis said, "KNS is one of the oldest organisations in Mangaluru and it has gifted thousands of fresh talents to the society. The organisation had a mission that spoke about social justice, tolerance and harmony. Through the presentation of various plays the organisation achieved its goal. I congratulate the entire executive committee and members for upholding the dream which was dreamt by its founders."
Remembering his initial associated days with Don Bosco Hall, Francis Fernandes Cascia said. "For me the stage of Don Bosco Hall is equal to my mother. My mother taught me about the basics of life and at this stage taught me basics about art. Till then I am carrying the memories of all my performances on this stage in my heart. This stage is divine for me."
Wishing the 80th annual event Santhosh Sequeira said, "KNS is doing a great job on providing platforms to the budding talents in various art forms. I am feeling proud to say I am also associated with such an organisation which has made wonders in the field of art. I wish all success to the upcoming events planned by KNS."
At the same time the muhurtha of the new play 'Christache Janan' written by M P D'Sa was held. After lighting the drama, Fr Rocky D'Cunha, OFM Cap, handed over the script to Joel Perira, known director and musician, Dolla Mangaluru, senior artist and Mellu Valencia, director and actor. The drama is scheduled for December 25 evening at Don Bosco Hall.
Explaining the plot, Joel Periera said, "The biblical drama is written by late M P D'Sa with many inputs which are not mentioned in the Bible. He spent a long time and a lot of research writing this drama. The drama also got an imprimatur in the year 1961 from the then Bishop of Mangaluru. We are planning this drama to convert in the style of sound and sight joiner and it requires a lot of preparation. I am sure that the members of KNS will join hands with us in doing something new on the stage."
All the members of the Sabha celebrated the birthday of KNS president Fr Rocky D'Cunha by cutting a birthday cake who will be celebrating his birthday on September 20.
Floyd D'Mello, General secretary of KNS proposed the vote of thanks. Stany Bela compered the event.
Victor Correa conducted the games while Ivan Sequeira, Arwin Baptist and Cyprian Vas entertained the gathering with songs. A large number of members of Konkani Natak Sabha and artists of Carmel 2nd Street Drama participated in the celebration. The celebration concluded by singing the KNS Anthem followed by dinner.
The 80th annual day celebration of KNS will be held on September 24, 4.30 pm onwards followed by prize distribution and ‘Carmel Second Street’ a Konkani drama written by Stany Bela and directed by Melwyn D'Almeida Valencia that will be staged as part of the entertainment programme.