Kundapur: Man from Siddapur struck by lightning, succumbs to injuries

Silvester D’Souza

Daijiworld Media Network – Kundapur (EP)

Kundapur, May 14: A man was killed by a lightning strike in Siddapur village of the taluk this evening. The deceased has been identified as Suresh Shetty (38) from Swami Hadi, Siddapur village.

On Tuesday evening, there was rain accompanied by lightning in Siddapur. During this time, Suresh Shetty, along with his younger son, had gone near their house to collect mangoes from a mango tree. Suddenly, lightning struck his chest. Despite attempts to revive him, network issues in the Siddapur area prevented them from contacting anyone. The delay in taking him to the hospital resulted in his death. His younger son, who was with him at the time, survived the incident.

Suresh Shetty, son of Basava Shetty from Hennabailu, worked as a hotel employee in Bengaluru. He had come to his hometown for his son's birthday and was staying at his wife's house in Swami Hadi, Siddapur. The family was shocked by his death, as he was struck by lightning near their home. His wife, mother-in-law, daughter Nadini, and another son were inside the house and were unharmed.

The body was taken to the primary health center in Siddapur for a post-mortem examination. Suresh Shetty is survived by his wife Vinoda, and two sons, Sumod (8) and Sarvad (4). A case has been registered at the Shankaranarayana police station.

Due to the lightning strike, mobile network and electricity issues arose in the Siddapur area, and repairs had not been completed by night.




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