Exclusive: Dr Nareshchand Hegde on contesting MLC polls and health concerns

Daijiworld Media Network- Mangaluru (VP)

Mangaluru, May 21: In an exclusive interview with Daijiworld TV's 'Walkie-Talkie' programme, Dr Nareshchand Hegde, a cardiac surgeon at Justice K S Hegde Hospital, discussed his decision to run as an independent candidate in the MLC polls for the teachers' constituency. He highlighted his concerns about the misuse of the MLC position by failed politicians and emphasized the need for deserving teachers to occupy these roles. Dr Hegde plans to address significant issues such as salary disparities between government and private school teachers and problems with provident funds.

Dr Hegde also shared valuable health insights during the interview. On the topic of cardiac arrest and heart health, he emphasized the importance of a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, and avoiding smoking to prevent heart disease. He pointed out the alarming increase in heart problems among youths, which he attributed to stressful lifestyles, lack of sleep, alcohol, and drug use. He recommended regular check-ups and early precautions, especially for those with a family history of heart disease. Regarding the use of aspirin, Dr Hegde advised against daily intake unless it is for emergencies related to heart pain. He also acknowledged minor side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine but stressed that its benefits far outweigh the risks.

When discussing diet and lifestyle, Dr Hegde advocated for the consumption of locally grown produce, regular exercise, and yoga. He warned against high-protein diets like keto for middle-aged individuals due to potential kidney issues. Instead, he suggested small, frequent meals over intermittent fasting and advised against excessive intake of rice, maida, and sugar. Dr Hegde emphasized the importance of quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy diet, ensuring sufficient sleep, managing stress, and having regular medical check-ups, particularly for those over 30 or with high blood pressure.

Reflecting on his personal journey, Dr Hegde expressed satisfaction with his medical career and contributions to society. He shared his aspiration to bring change through leadership and his lifelong desire to be a leader who can positively impact his community.

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  • Aslam, Deralakatte

    Mon, Jun 03 2024

    Yes of course sir , all ur opinions are true, all the best for election results so that it would be easier to realise all plans, even if you lose the election you would be the best person to bring the changes that you have discussed including salary disparities between govt. And private sector teachers.

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  • Kiran Poojary, Mangaluru/Bengaluru

    Tue, May 21 2024

    We need to support such educated and humble candidates.

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