Manama, Bahrain: Youth Delegates of AVONA Shine at International Youth Ministry Congress

Media Release

Manama, Bahrain, Jun 9: The International Youth Congress, a global gathering of young people from across the world, recently concluded its five-day event in Rome, Italy from May 22 to 26. The congress was held at Ciampino, Rome

On the May 3 the delegates were formally welcomed by cardinal Kevin Farrel, the prefect of the dicastery of laity, family, and life. During the congress, Cardinal Américo Manuel Alves Aguiar of Lisbon, Portugal gave the evaluation of the World Youth Day 2023. He happily shared the successes, trials, and learnings of the World Youth Day in Portugal. On the other hand, Msgr Peter Soon-Taick Chung, archbishop of Seoul gave the congress a preview of the preparations and plans for the World Youth Day 2027 in Korea.

After the presentation of these two important events, the delegates listened to the insightful and informative talks from Fr Dr Christopher Ryan MGL, director of the Areté Centre for Missionary Leadership, Australia, Prof Dr Gustavo Fabián Cavagnari, professor of youth ministry at the Salesian Pontifical University, Argentina/Rome, Brenda Noriega, member of the first international youth advisory body of the DLFL and doctoral candidate at Boston College on youth faith formation processes, United States of America and other seasoned speakers about synodal way, strategies and discernment as a new approach of leadership in the youth ministry.

The delegates were blessed to have an audience with the Holy Father on the last day of the congress, and were given an opportunity to greet the pope. H E Bishop Aldo Berardi, O.SS.T., apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia, had sent the youth delegates from the AVONA vicariate (Sis. Geddah Grace Ranoco from Qatar, Mark Joseph Santos from Saudi Arabia, Denver Vas from Kuwait, Neil Andrews from Bahrain, and Fr. Rodel Aclan, the Youth Director) to the international gathering of the youth in Rome through the invitation of the Youth Office of the Dicastery of the Laity, Family and Life. This gathering called “International Youth Ministry Congress for a synodal youth ministry: new leadership styles and strategies” is an important event for the youth of our vicariate and of the universal church.


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