Kasargod: Baby crocodile Babiya-3 gives full Darshan to Sri Ananthapura Temple devotees

Daijiworld Media Network – Kasargod (MS)

Kasargod, Jun 16: A new baby crocodile, named Babiya-3, which was first sighted months ago at the Sri Ananthapura Temple, known as Sarovara Kshethra in Kumble, gave its first full body view to devotees on Friday evening at the elevated space of the temple.

The original Babiya crocodile, which lived for nearly 80 years in the temple pond, died on October 9, 2022. Exactly a year after its death, a baby crocodile was spotted in the temple pond. However, no devotee had seen the full view of the crocodile until now.

On June 14, the baby crocodile was seen resting on a stone in front of the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. The temple was closed at the time, but the temple priest, who arrived in the evening, took a photo and shared it with the public.

Devotees believe this crocodile is God-sent, and it is a common belief that when one crocodile dies, another one arrives miraculously.




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