Sri Vishwaprasanna Teertha Swamiji leads Vaishnavi Shanti celebration at Govardhanagiri temple

Rons Bantwal

Daijiworld Media Network - Udupi

Udupi, Jun 16: "The presence of so many cows makes Neelavara a sacred place. Any celebration held in such a holy place brings immense blessings. Feeding one cow (Gograsa) is equivalent to feeding a hundred people, which brings great merit. Here, with 1800 cows, the merit gained is substantial for many lifetimes. By participating in such activities, the entire family receives blessings and prosperity. Just seeing these cows can relieve one's fatigue," said Udupi Sri Pejawar Adhokshaja Math head and Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra trustee, Sri Vishwaprasanna Teertha Swamiji.

Senior devotee M V Hari Bhat celebrated his Vaishnavi Shanti (50th birthday) last Sunday at the Neelavara Sri Govardhanagiri Temple in Udupi. In the divine presence of the deity and in memory of Pejawar Shri Vishwesha Teertha Swamiji, Vishwaprasanna Teertha Swamiji gave his blessings and congratulated M V Hari Bhat and Gangamma Moodbidri on the auspicious occasion.

Vamanjoor Srihari Upadhyaya conducted the pujas and blessed the event. Vidwan Hari Bhat Puttige (Pejawar Math) and Sandhya Hari Bhat were the yajmans (hosts) of the puja.

Kumari Smrithi Bhat, Kumari Shreya Bhat, Dr Ramadas Upadhyaya Renjala (chief administrative officer of Pejawar Math's Mumbai branch), Niranjan Gogte, priests Mukunda Bhat Baithmangalkar, Vishnu Teertha Sali, Bhargava Acharya, and other dignitaries were present.




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