Udupi: International Yoga Day event hosted by MAHE Manipal and Fitvib at Malpe

Media Release

Udupi, Jun 25: The department of student affairs, MAHE Manipal, in collaboration with Fitvib, the fitness club of KMC Manipal, orchestrated a vibrant celebration in honour of International Yoga Day at Kadike Beach. The event was a spirited affair, brimming with cheer and festivity, aimed at creating mental health awareness against drug abuse.

The day commenced with an uplifting invocation song by Chatrik Mittal, setting a harmonious tone for the festivities. As the chief guest, Dr Raviraja N S, director of planning and monitoring, MAHE, graced the occasion. In his enlightening address, he highlighted the significance of yoga in everyday life, emphasising its numerous benefits for students and faculty alike.

He stated, “Yoga is not merely a form of physical exercise; it is a way of life that harmonises the body, mind, and spirit. In the fast-paced academic environment, yoga provides a sanctuary for mental clarity, emotional stability, and physical vitality. It is imperative that we, as an educational institution, promote such practices that contribute to the holistic well-being of our community. Furthermore, yoga is a powerful tool in combating mental health issues and raising awareness against drug abuse. It helps individuals build resilience and maintain a balanced mental state, essential for steering clear of substance abuse.”

Dr Geeta Maiya, director of student affairs, MAHE, remarked, "Yoga is a profound cultural heritage that offers holistic benefits, integrating physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Celebrating this day allows us to reconnect with these ancient practices that foster a balanced and harmonious life. Holding the event at the beach was intentional. The serene and natural environment of the beach enhances the yoga experience, allowing participants to connect deeply with nature. The calming sound of the waves, the fresh air, and the stunning morning sky all contribute to a tranquil atmosphere that is ideal for practicing yoga and promoting mental well-being."

Dr Annapoorna, head of the yoga department, further enriched the gathering with her insightful remarks. She said, "Yoga is a journey of the self, through the self, to the self. It is an invaluable gift from our ancestors that helps us achieve a harmonious and healthy lifestyle. This event is a wonderful opportunity to inspire and encourage everyone to embrace yoga in their daily lives."

The event was skilfully hosted by Arjun Ahuja, president of Fitvib, who infused enthusiasm and energy throughout the proceedings. Before the main yoga session, Fitvib members led an invigorating 15-minute Zumba and aerobics session, igniting the participants with zeal and excitement.

The yoga session, led by Dr Annapoorna, head of the yoga department, was a blend of tranquillity and an intensive workout, allowing attendees to rejuvenate their bodies and minds. Dr Arvind Pandey, deputy director of student affairs, delivered a vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all participants and organisers for making the event a resounding success.

Overall, the International Yoga Day celebration at MAHE Manipal was a testament to India's rich cultural heritage and a practical demonstration of the university's commitment to holistic student development. Participants departed feeling refreshed, energised, and inspired, ready to integrate the spirit of yoga into their daily lives.




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