Udupi: Flood-like situation in low-lying areas, heavy rain causes extensive damage

Pics: Sumanth

Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (TP)

Udupi, Jun 27: Heavy downpour led to significant damage in Udupi, causing flood-like conditions and prompting the evacuation of residents from affected areas on Wednesday, June 26.

The heavy rains resulted in artificial flooding in Udupi city and surrounding areas, including Malpe, Manipal, Bailakere, Indrani, Pandubettu, Moodubettu, and Bannanje. As floodwaters seeped into homes, residents were forced to evacuate. In Bailakere Adamaru Math, residents had to be rescued when water entered four houses during the night. Firefighters relocated a total of 14 individuals to safety, housing them in a private hotel at the Shri Krishna Math parking area.

The continuous rain throughout the night caused the Shri Krishna Math parking area and nearby regions to flood. The heavy rain and wind disrupted daily life, with trees falling and blocking roads across the city.

A significant tree collapse occurred on an inner road in Indrani, blocking vehicular traffic. Power outages were reported in many areas, exacerbated by high winds that uprooted trees and downed electric poles, particularly on the Pandubettu road connecting Udupi and Malpe. Traffic on Malpe road was severely affected by these conditions.

In Adi Udupi, a tree uprooted at around 11 pm on June 26 led to power cuts as falling electric poles further disrupted services. Similar incidents were reported along Udyavar national highway and near a CNG pump on Ambagil National Highway, where trees were also uprooted.

Heavy waterlogging was observed in Moodanidambur and Bannanje, with water even flooding a temple. Residents in these areas face annual hardships during the monsoon, with water levels rising above sea level and causing widespread flooding. In Moodubettu, overflowing drainage systems led to additional flooding.

Shalini, a resident of Moodanidambur, expressed her frustration, saying, “The drainage here is blocked by a compound, causing rainwater to seep into our house, creating a dangerous situation. We face this issue every year and have reported it to the officials, but the problem persists. The logged rainwater pollutes our well water, emitting a foul odour every night.”

Natesh, another affected resident, added, “For the past two years, heavy rain has caused water to flood our house. We have reported this to local authorities and the municipality, but no action has been taken. The improper drainage system, especially during the construction of Jayalaxmi, exacerbates the problem. We urgently need a proper drainage system.”





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  • Honnappa, Byadagi

    Thu, Jun 27 2024

    Smart cities now flooded. Slogan by visvaguru long forgotten by samanya janaru.

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  • Gibbs, Udupi/Bengaluru

    Thu, Jun 27 2024

    Udupi is fast developing, especially construction sector commercial and residential flats. There is no proper drainage and sewage system according to the requirement of development!!!. Municipal authorities are least bothered of rainy season problems as Builders are bribing concerned officials for getting license and clearances. Most of the cultivating land has been bought by builders for commercial development so absorption of water too difficult!!! People have to face difficulties specially low lying areas every year and solution is difficult for another 1-2 decades!!!

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  • Tauro john, Mangalore/Malad

    Thu, Jun 27 2024

    very sad and pitiable situation of the lowland lying area people. God protect them. year after year same situation, the disaster management is waiting for the disasters to happen and they show up in action. Overall it looks like very bad and poor town planning.

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  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Thu, Jun 27 2024

    @ "They forgot to build Gutters ... " Such bad situation crops up even in most modern cities world over. No plannings or precaustion come close to do away with such natural calamities. Even USA, Europe, Russia, China, Japan are not spared when natural calamities strike.

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  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Thu, Jun 27 2024

    Olden days the rain used fall by drops and used to continue for many days like a week or more. problem with drying the cloths on a drying line outside and inside. suddenly starts rain and all the fly members rush to remove semi dried cloths and arrange inside drying line and such process neds to continue for few days. Now a days with few hours of down pour (like cloud burst) it covers entire moths rain fall and how the drain will cope with such a huge quantity to flow evenly. constructions have added to the disasters by way of landslides, walls giving way and water logging.

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  • Prakash, Manipal

    Thu, Jun 27 2024

    Just 36 hours of rain and so much damage... Just imagine if it was like olden days when we used to have continuous 4 to 5 days.... We used to crave for sunlight... If such conditions exist today we may have unimaginable troubles... Much of the problems are due to compromise in the construction norms by the officers for sale and short thinking public....

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront

    Thu, Jun 27 2024

    They forgot to build Gutters ...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

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