Chennai, Feb 21 (IANS): Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J.Jayalalithaa Monday urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to withdraw the home ministry's order on the setting up of anti-terror hub and start consultation process with the states.
In a letter to the prime minister, the text of which was released to the media here, Jayalalithaa said: "I urge the Government of India to ensure that the objectionable memorandum which is scheduled for implementation from 1st March, 2012, is immediately withdrawn in deference to the apprehensions expressed by the constituent states."
"I also request you to start the consultation process with the states immediately keeping in view the fact that matters of public order and police are in the State List of the Constitution of India."
Referring to her letter dated Feb 17 on the same subject, she said the disturbing provisions of the home ministry's order need in-depth analysis and consultations with all the states.
Jayalalithaa said she shares the concerns of all other chief ministers who have voiced their reservations and objections to the setting up of National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC).