Bhopal, Feb 22 (IANS): On the first day of the Madhya Pradesh assembly's budget session Tuesday, the Congress alleged that officials present in the house did not follow protocol and remained seated when Governor Ram Naresh Yadav was leaving after the day's proceedings.
"It was disrespect to governor as under the protocol all present there should stand up. We will raise the issue inside the house tomorrow," said Congress leader Ajay Singh.
Speaker Ishwardas Rohani defended the officials and said that it was only the legislators who should follow the protocol and not everybody else.
The Congress members also wore black badges to protest the arrest of their party legislator Kalpana Parulekar for allegedly morphing the picture of Madhya Pradesh Lokayukta P.P. Naolekar as an RSS cadre.
The budget session would be spread over 44 days.