Media Release
Kolkata, Mar 30: Caritas India, one of the oldest humanitarian organization reaching out to the poorest and the marginalized, since 1962 completed 50 years of its service recently. A press conference was arranged at press club to announce the golden jubilee of Caritas India.
On this occasion Archbishop of Calcutta Thomas D’Souza said, “We are very hopeful the way Caritas is working for the overall development of the poor people and the society. It is a tough work. Caritas India works day and night in reaching out to the most marginalized in every corner of the society in the country. Church as always is by her side.” Fr Frederick D'Souza, executive director designate-Caritas India said, "Caritas India works for the restoration of Human Dignity for the Poor and Marginalized. It is the leading Humanitarian organization advocating for the rights and entitlements of the people. It serves people without any distinction of caste, creed and religion. It considers everyone as a child of God".
Caritas India, has been working in all the districts of West Bengal specifically in Sundarbans for more than a decade in the area of disaster risk reduction and very recently through climate change adaptation programme in Mousuni Island. Many other partners and stakeholders like Government Departments, Sunderban Development Board, Academic Institution like Jadavpur University have immensely contributed together with Caritas India for the social and economic development of the people. Caritas India is also working on CMDRR (Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction) program in West Bengal. The journey in west Bengal began way back in 1962 with Rs 2640 for relief project and till date Caritas supported a total of 906 projects and amount invested is 51.83 crores in the last 50 years. Currently Caritas India is supporting 18 Projects with a total financial support of 5.80 crores, among them 10 are for CMDDR, six for Human and Institution Development and Animation programs and two for relief programs.
Caritas India works with 165 Diocesan Social Service Societies, 14 Regional Fora under 13 Regional Bishops’ conference. Besides this it also collaborate with many non- church based NGO partners. The Caritas India website details the nationwide activities of Caritas India.
Caritas worked extensively in the relief work at the time of major emergencies. As for example in 1971, at the Bangladesh refugee camp, in 1991, Uttarkashi earthquake, in 1993, Latur earthquake, in 1996, hurricane in Andhra Pradesh, in 1999, Orissa super cyclone, in 2001, Gujarat earthquake, in 2004, tsunami in 2005, Jammu and Kashmir earthquake, in 2007, Bihar floods, in 2008, Kosi Breach, Bihar, in 2008, communal riots in Kandhamal, Orissa, in 2009, cyclone Aila, in 2010, Leh cloud burst.
“We need support to support others. It is a journey for the betterment of Humanity and is a part of Church’s social mission for the integral development of the people” said Anthony Chettri, spokesperson, Caritas India.
Caritas India established in 1962, is the official national organization of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI) for social development. As an umbrella body, Caritas India provides coordination and facilitation to member organization whose development work reaches out to more than 250,000 CBOs (SHGs). They include the poor and destitute, disaster affected and displaced, people living with HIV/ AIDS, migrant workers and refugee, women and children. Caritas India, is an active member of Caritas Internationals, one of the largest Humanitarian Network, having its presence and action over 165 countries.