Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network
Mangalore, May 22: It is two years since the Air India Express flight 812 arriving from Dubai to Mangalore overshot the runway on landing in Mangalore due to pilot error killing 158 passengers including six crew members on board and leaving only 8 survivors. Though two years have elapsed since that unfortunate incident described as the third deadliest accident in the civil aviation history of India, the memories of that heartrending incident will not be wiped away from our minds. Family members of those who died in the crash can never forget the day when destiny rendered a harsh blow to them from which they could never recover. Men, women, children and even infants died in the plane which turned into a ball of fire after it caught fire on crashing.
Despite passage of time family members and relatives of those who perished in this ghastly accident can never come to terms with the loss of lives of their near and dear ones, and no amount of compensation can bring back the lives of those who have left this world. One cannot imagine the death blow received to some of their families who lost their loved ones in the crash. Some families were completely wiped away and many lost multiple members of their families apart from many individuals who died. Some families lost the only earning member of their families.
Agonizingly Painful
Even more agonizing was the fact that the bodies of those in the ill-fated flight were charred beyond recognition adding to the grief of their families who were not even able to cope with the loss of life of their family members. Many members of the victim’s families still harbor guilt that they might have buried or cremated a wrong body because most of the bodies were beyond recognition. Ultimately 12 bodies recovered from the crash site could not be identified and these bodies were buried at a site in Tannirbhavi on NH 66.
Many of those who died in the accident were coming to their home town after a long gap having worked hard in the gulf and were eager to be in the waiting arms of their families and relatives. And now what remain are only the earlier memories of the good times the family members had with those who died and the tragic memories of this accident which has forever brought sorrows of having lost their loved ones. Parents lost their children, children their parents, husbands their wives, wives their husbands, brothers their sisters and so on. Precious lives were lost in a matter of few minutes.
Air India had built a memorial with the names of the victims engraved on black granite at the accident site at Kenjar after the accident. But some miscreants vandalized it October 2010 and land dispute said to be the cause behind such a dastardly act. The miscreants who carried out such an unscrupulous act could not be apprehended till date.
Bitter Battle Continues
In the last two years we have seen the acrimonious battle for compensation by family members of the victims which often crossed the normal boundaries of graciousness with accusations and counter accusations hurled at each other freely. Families of victims decided to come together to fight for compensation and set up “Air Crash Victims' Families Association” with Mohammed Beary as its President. Victim’s families were vocal in their criticism of the inadequate compensation paid by Air India and also the alleged hostile attitude of the airline’s counsel Mulla and Mulla, Mumbai. There was also the confusion over victim’s families hiring the services of an independent Swedish law firm Advokaterna Liman & Partners, for settlement of compensation claims.
Amidst all the bitterness as per latest reports out of the 160 cases 159 cases for compensation have been settled by the counsel by paying an amount of Rs. 115 crores to the victim’s families. According to reliable sources of Air India Express while 130 cases were settled in full 29 cases were settled as per the Kerala High Court’s judgment.
As per Montreal Convention, which has set a two-year period for appeals, any claims for more compensation will be time-barred if a suit is not filed as yet. With Abdul Salam, one of the petitioners seeking a minimum compensation of Rs. 75 lakh to each of the kin of all 158 passengers killed and about 6 to 8 families of crash victims who were paid compensation as per the verdict of Kerala High Court, planning to approach a civil court in Kerala demanding more compensation, the battle will continue for some more time as the victims are bent upon getting the compensation which they feel they are entitled to get.
Exercise in Futility?
Though much was talked about the pilot error resulting in the air crash Government of India had appointed a Court of Inquiry headed by former Vice-Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Bhushan Nilkanth Gokhale to investigate about the air crash. The court of inquiry report which was made public in February this year nearly 22 months after the air crash clearly established the blame for the crash on the pilot saying pilot of the ill-fated plane Captain Zlatko Glusica, a British national of Serbian origin resulting in the death of 158 people. The inquiry report found that the direct cause of the accident was Capt Glusica’s “failure to discontinue the un-established approach and his persistence in continuing with the landing despite three calls from the First Officer H S Ahluwalia to go around and a number of warnings from EGPWS (enhanced ground proximity warning systems)”.
No doubt, the Court of Inquiry has established the prime cause of the accident and which might help in preventing such incidents in future. The court of inquiry has also recommended setting up of an Independent Civil Aviation Safety Board “urgently in view of rapid growth of aviation in the country”.
One expects the government and Civil Aviation Ministry to give a serious thought to the recommendations and implement them. Unless the recommendations of the Court of Inquiry are implemented the entire efforts of the inquiry becomes an exercise in futility.
Anything can happen in our country as long as we the general public remain silent spectators, like the striking pilots of Air India who are continuing their strike despite Delhi High Court terming it as illegal. They seem to be least bothered about the inconvenience caused to the general public. If government also follows such a pococurante attitude just like the pilots do it cannot be in any way different from the striking pilots. The Civil Aviation Ministry should accord top priority to ensure the safety of the people and that too on a war footing.
In the meantime we can only sympathize with the family members of the victims of the Mangalore air crash and pray ‘may their soul rest in peace’.
Comment on this article
reshma, udupi
Thu, May 24 2012whoever comment on this crash pls don't bring political party in this. It ws destiny nothing was there in any ones hand if it was in our hand we could have saved them i lost my dear one but tdy i say vn ppl comment think. regding compensaion as per me they have nt done any injustice.
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Afra Ashfaq, jeddah K.S.A./MANGALORE
Wed, May 23 2012just can't forget abt this incident...Can any one forget it? the answer will be NO,because its the first accident in mangalore. how many people died ,uncountable but 2 years passed how where and when don't know .....
the completion of 2 years,i could not guess if daiji was not there but now i am proudly saying DAIJIWORLD KI JAI HO!!!
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Nithyananda shetty, Karkala/ Dubai
Wed, May 23 2012well said ... Sunandakka
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Arman, Managlaore
Wed, May 23 2012@Atanu Sen..... ya congress is not done anything in last 60 years..check with your father and grandfather what he was getting as salary 60 years back ? brother stop cribbing.... thank god we had good leaders in the past due that we are much better than our neighbours in many ways...why ur forgetting globalization its a same govt which got us opportunity to use some classy products. otherwise we would have been still using maruti and Colgate. hahahaha
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cyril, Mangalore
Tue, May 22 2012O Lord u have taken away ur loved ones from their beloved families and this world. Grant them eternal bliss and strength to their living ones to withstand this tragedy.
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Harush, Bangalore
Tue, May 22 2012All we need to remember is that there is no value for human life in our country.
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Saritha, Bangalore
Tue, May 22 2012This is indeed a sad day... so many died.. it could just be any of us.If Air India is being arrogant about paying compensation.. see where they are now.. so many pilots are on strike and public money is poured in to sustain it...and who is giving that money.. the politicians.. I hope they crash and burn.. they don't deserve to be our national carrier.Families wiped out because of this disaster and all hard working folks..Some scarred for life..who is there for them..atleast give them the compensation so they can live a descent life and remember their loved ones.. instead of nickel and diming the value of the one s lost
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Louis, Kuwait
Tue, May 22 2012Rakesh Shetty, at least we have a govt at center. But in Karnataka there is no govt at all. If Yeddy was still there, he would have denotified Manglore airport itself.
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Indian, Karnataka / Mangalore
Tue, May 22 2012On dis day before 2 years i lost my friend AARON JOEL FERNANDEZ in plane crash.
May their soul Rest In Peace . . . .
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savish, Dubai
Tue, May 22 2012our president spends Rs. 250 crore of public money for her leisure trip , mayavati can spend Rs. 80 crore public money to renovate her house....list goes on, but we the public do not have right s to claim our money when required, we have to wait for generations for it to come to us
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Louis, Kuwait
Tue, May 22 2012Last year on this day I was traveling to Kuwait from Manglore very few passengers at airport no one dared to travel on that day as it 1st Anniversary. Air India staff was welcoming at checking in. No charges for excess baggage for me that day. Despite all this I love Air India very much. When ever I travel to Europe at every airport if there is enough time in transit I will look for Air India plane. We love AirIndia so much but do Air India loves us?
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Sudheer, mangalore
Tue, May 22 2012DON the frog in ocean, tell us one thing anyone of those victims relative working in Gulf loosing his/her job if they dont join job in time because of this AI-strike, what to do??? Please use your vide GK
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Neeraj Fernandes, Mangalore
Tue, May 22 2012Common man, managlore : Do you know what and all trauma the diseased family went thru to get the compensation? and do u know how much time it will take to provide compensation in foreign countries when u compared to India? AI flight officials went to court and fought and finally they lost the case and the court judged that they must give the compensation. We have so much money to spend on each BLUDY Politician and our Govt does not have money to give diseased people. Starnge fact about india but its true
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sudhir kumar, mangalore
Tue, May 22 2012Dear Daiji,
Could you pls. check and confirm with Air India Express will the flights will start operate between kuwait to managlore as this really creating very inconvenient to the passengers. No proper informations are given by AI Express to passengers.
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Don, Udupi/Blore
Tue, May 22 2012arman, Managalore,
Rakesh Shetty is a frog in the well.. No use of giving GK to him...
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Abdul Latheef G, Mangalore
Tue, May 22 2012U r right ayesha .... Rakesh intention is only to blame on central government... he wont think as a son or as parents or as brother of those who lost their life in tragedy... just as one of party agent he will comment thats it.... ignore it ...konana munde kinnari barisidre thale alladisodu bittu innen madutte...like that rakesh condition...may he will get some haftha frm party in case he comment against opposite party.....
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Atanu Sen, Moodbidri/Hooghly
Tue, May 22 2012Mr.Rakesh shetty, mangalore
Well said Rakeshji. Should blame always on Central Government who still not able to give proper amenties like Food/Shelter/Drinking Water/Sanitation etc from last sixty years. It's due to people like Aysha/Armaan go on electing these people like purchasing only one product 'colgate' and not switch on to any other brand either signal/pepsodent/monkey chap.
Shriman Rakeshji just go on writing - we love to read your comments.
jalane vaale chaahe jal jal marege
dil se jo dhadake hai vo dil haradam ye kahege it's due to central government only...
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common man, managlore
Tue, May 22 2012Aysha, mangalore, muscat, this is the problem of NRI's, they talk and talk sittng somewhere in the world under A/C, They also forgot teh days when they were looking for cheap bus tickets ..... before comenting go and ask AI whether Componsation paid or not also remember what you get when you have train accident. one can not satisfy all.Iam sure AI has paid componsation as per the exisisting rules
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Sunanda Acharia, Udupi / Abudhabi
Tue, May 22 2012People wake up..... If the Governemnt is spending in Millions for that culprit " Kassab" finish his matter and give away half the money spent on him to this people who lost their lives in manglore crash for their families. At least a genuine justice be done for those looking for help still from the government. A heart felt tribute to all those who lost life in that ill fated flight.
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Aysha, mangalore, muscat
Tue, May 22 2012@ Rakesh Shetty,
How can we forget about the compensation?? If we forget about the compensation, what about the family who lost their only bread earner?? of the Children whose future and education are in jeopardy ? If the central Govt provide proper AI flights, will you then take care of these people?? God forbid, but if you had lost one of your loved ones, then you would talk about forgetting compensation.. If there is no proper AI flights for people, then they always have alternate options and other airlines to travel. But wat about these people who have lost family? Do they have an alternative option other than the compensation?
You are such a unbelievably small person. Always blame central Govt. For once stop getting politics into this forum.. Remember sir, No one takes you seriously any more ok.
We have helped these people Monterley and emotionally...wat have you done being a fellow human being? PLease answer these and then let us discuss further.
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Comman Man, Managlore
Tue, May 22 2012“Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.”
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arman, Managalore
Tue, May 22 2012@Rakesh Shetty- Its not about central govt or ajith sing. Air India is property of all MPs including BJP, and other parties...all are enjoying free business class service then how can AI be in profit.
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R.Bhandarkar., M
Tue, May 22 2012The crash that 'grounded' many hopes and 'nipped' many a dream in the bud.... To add to the agony
the 'compensation affairs' are in the hands of 'duds' who are trying to make a 'killing' after
really 'KILLING' all those innocents.. Lord of Lords -May good sense prevail and humanity win always....
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Rakesh shetty, mangalore
Tue, May 22 2012@ arman, Managalore.
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arman, Managalore
Tue, May 22 2012We remember this incident every time we see this news in daiji. No other national or international media is publishing this news. I wonder what victims family might have got as compensation.
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