Media Release
Mumbai, Nov 17: The GSB Sabha, Mumbai, organized its annual Adhyatmik programme in English on Sunday November 11 at the IM Pai Hall of the Sabha’s Sujir Gopal Nayak Memorial Kreeda Mandir.
The speaker was Sudhakar Dass from the Vedanta Cultural Academy who gave a lucid presentation on ‘The Purpose of Life’ which was heard in rapt attention by the audience of about 90 people.
The founder sponsor of this program, Sanjivi Bhat, was present on the occasion. The program was also supported by generous co-sponsors.
In addition, the sevadars for this year were Ranjana and Raghuveer Prabhu , Rupa and K R Bhakta, Sudha and K G Pai, Suman and S D Shenoy, Vijaya and Venkatesh S Bhat and Sangeeta Shenoy.
The program began at 5.30 pm with bhajans rendered by Maya Nayak and Saraswati Padiyar from the Mahila Shakha Bhajan Group.
In the formal programme which followed, the Sabha president, Sudha G Pai gave a brief description of various Sabha activities.
The presentation by the speaker, Sudhakar Dass, stressed on the development of the human intellect as a means of ushering peace and happiness in a person’s life.
The program ended with Bhojana Prasada.
Managing committee members’ co-ordinated program arrangements.