Kundapur: Treasure Brings Ill Luck to Woman, Two Men
Silvester D'Souza
Daijiworld Media Network - Kundapur (DV)
Kundapur, Dec 6: A year ago, Sadhu Poojarti, wife of Ranga Poojary here was probably the happiest woman on earth. She had found treasure, real treasure, consisting of Ramatanka gold coins, gold ornaments, jewels and silver, altogether worth Rs 5 lac. Today, she and two of her neighbours who tried to 'share' the booty are under police scanner, with all the treasure gone.
In fact, the incident came to light because of the dispute that arose between the three parties over the treasure.
A year ago, Sadhu Poojarti, an elderly lady, stumbled upon the treasure while clearing an area near her house. She couldn't believe her luck when she found gold ornaments, Ramatanka gold coins, silver articles and other valuables buried in the earth.
However, she could not keep the discovery a secret, and shared the news with her neighbour Shekar Poojary.
Shekar asked her to keep the treasure with herself but share with him the profit obtained by selling the valuables. Unfortunately for him, Appu Poojary, a relative of Sadhu, also learnt of the treasure and advised her not to keep the treasure at home. He even mande arrangements to sell the gold ornaments, coins and other items to a person. Sadhu who was not familiar with such dealings agreed to sell a part of the treasure, while the rest she sold to Ulathoor jewellery store in exchange for new gold ornaments.
Meanwhile, Shekar who heard of this development could not contain his temper. He quarrelled with Sadhu, and consequently, the incident came to the notice of Kundapur police.
On Tuesday December 4 night, under the guidance of Kundapur DySP, the police raided Sadhu Poojary’s house and seized more than 25 Ramatanka gold coins, 205 grams of gold, and Rs 32,000 in cash.
Sadhu Poojarti, Shekar Poojary and Appu Poojary were taken into police custody for further enquiry.
A case was filed against Sadhu and she was be produced in the court on Wednesday December 5 evening. She was later released on bail.
Comment on this article
Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah
Sun, Dec 09 2012DON'T SHARE SECRET WITH OTHERS ..Please remember philosopher,minister Chanakya's quote always..
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haniel, dubai/udupi
Sat, Dec 08 2012Richard, Shirva/Sharjah
religious token with portraits of Sri Rama, Sita and Hanuman is ramatanka coins
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Prasanna, Mangalore
Sat, Dec 08 2012mahendra shetty, mumbai,Mangalore, Only you are talking about Vadra, No BJP ministers are talking about him nor congress ministers about Gadkari. Because it’s a deal between VADRA vs GADKARI. Even after 2024 also nothing will happen. Behind the screens BJP, Congress etc are all friends. One BJP minister in Karnataka is facing corruption charges for favoring DLF.
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Sat, Dec 08 2012"Malamaal Weekly"-part2 (tragic comedy)
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Richard, Shirva/Sharjah
Fri, Dec 07 2012what is 'Ramatanka gold coins'..anybody can explain history behind this?
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veer pinto, mangalore
Fri, Dec 07 2012after all women.... cannot control emotions :). Too bad for old lady and the sharing parties
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Candle, Mangalore
Fri, Dec 07 2012One of my friend's colleague who was travelling from ME purchased a lucky draw ticket and won the fortune but his joy lived only for a short time, many investors,share brokers approached him for investing and with in a year time he lost whatever he got from the draw.When God gives us something we should know how to make use of it.This treasure should be given back to the poor women who got it.It was not stolen. She found it in her own land and it becomes her property.God has given her and he wants to see her rich. Its Gods wish. Definitely govt has every right to investigate to make sure the booty was not stolen. Some time back in Kerala enormous wealth was found in the temple underground. But Supreme court gave the judgement by saying that the Govt has no authority over it and should be return back to the temple.We may learn an very good lesson here "Whatever your left hand does your right hand shouldn't know about it".
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Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh
Fri, Dec 07 2012Sadhu Poojarthi I think she undervalued the meaning of ' secret'.Hope she will not repeat the same blunder again with her neighbours, a bitter experience to one's life !.
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Dinesh, mangalore
Fri, Dec 07 2012Of course the Indian law is really funny!! How can the government claim the booty if the land is legally belongs to an old woman? If the govt has any guts let them bring back KOHINOOR diamond. Common people are fed up with the frauds and lootings of politicians. Earlier British looted us.. Now the Italian with the help of ‘son of sardar’!!!
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A.M Shaikh, Dubai, Belapu
Fri, Dec 07 2012Sadhu Poojarthi is a original "HAQDAAR" of that ornaments, Khazaana usko mila hai uska hai, Shekhar Poojary is "LALCHI", its called "MAUKE KA FAIDA",put him behind baar, for 10 years. Dont't take any action against Sadhu Poojarhy, she is an innocent in this matter.That is her luck, Shekhar Poojary ko miltha tho kya who Sadhu ke saath share kartha?
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Ganesh, Bengaluru
Fri, Dec 07 2012Same Iron ore has bought propseprity & good luck to our beloved Dharam, SMK, HDK, Shiv kumar & Kharge. Unfortunately bad luck to Yeddy, Reddy. Since these people are innocent & doen't know how to escape from Chakravyuvha. Good luck people are part of CBI (Congress Bureau of India), having blessing of Sonia (Shakuni) & know how to escape and are like fox in the sugarcane field.
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Aadil Khan, Kasaragod, Saudi Arabia
Fri, Dec 07 2012Why a police action!
The treasure was found under the earth and it is by chance she found in her own compound. The lady did not steal. Does it demand a legal offence? I think all the three should be let out without any penal action.
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Hyder Ali , Kundapura
Fri, Dec 07 2012Yes let the old lady keep the treasure ... I am surprised at Indian laws very funny indeed
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mahendra shetty, mumbai,Mangalore
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aravind, blr
Fri, Dec 07 2012Jossey....good one. Laughing for the last 5 mins non stop
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Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore
Thu, Dec 06 2012Do you think police will preserve all these coins???!!!
They will share some coins among themselves and remaining will be accounted for the government.
Police are happy to see such disputes among the people and they wait in vain for such cases.
There are still a very few Honest Police men.
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Roshan Braganza, Mumbai / Udyavar
Thu, Dec 06 2012They mess'd it up , instead of keeping mouth shut. Coins could have melted and drafed into new ornaments with some goldsmith exp. Some fake bills , they r in bussiness.
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Austin Pais, Mangalore
Thu, Dec 06 2012It all took place because of spreding the news..If she did not tell,never would the fight take place and never would she be in the fishnet.As the saying goes..When two people fight,the third person gains.
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Anil, Mumbai / Dubai
Thu, Dec 06 2012The title emits jealousy. Actually poor innocent woman robbed by two greedy men. Its her find, her rightful wealth. We must amend this law. This booty will be ultimately swindled by Crook politicians & corrupt police !!!
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Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/Mumabi
Thu, Dec 06 2012Iron ore also bought bad luck to our beloved Yeddy and Reddy..............
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Gurudath, M'lore/Mumbai
Thu, Dec 06 2012Indian law is very bad in this regard. It should be finders keepers like in many countries.
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Thu, Dec 06 2012"EBBRA JAGALA DALLI MOORANE YAVANIGE LAABHA"A secret is never remain secret if it known to second person.One year was wasted to dispose the booty which means those who got it are not smart or innocents.
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