Mumbai: Family Retreat held at St Joseph Church, Mira Road

Rons Bantwal
Daijiworld Media Network- Mumbai

Mumbai, Feb 11: With the theme ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand’, Fr Augustine Vallooran, director, Divine Retreat Centre, Potta and his team preached three days retreat at St. Joseph Church  grounds, Mira Road.

More than 8,000 people from different parishes participated in the retreat  to praise the Lord and feel his presence. The retreat was held from February 7 to February 9.

Fr Augustine Vallooran and his team led the faithful with praise, thanksgiving, sharing and adoration. It was a spiritual nourishment which delighted every participant.

The Church ground was jam-packed and many had to remain in the church and hall but the spirit bound them together in unison to proclaim together that Jesus is Immanuel – God with us.

Many people witnessed divine graces through healing sessions after the confessions.

At the end of the retreat Fr Dominic thanked Fr Vallooran and team as well as all the organizers for making this retreat an enriching one for all the participants.


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    Tue, Feb 11 2014


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  • Flora Dsouza, kalmady/Jerimeri, Mumbai

    Tue, Feb 11 2014

    Dear Fr. Dominic Vas, Asst. Priests & Parish Community of St. Joseph’s Church, Mira-Road .. Thanks and Congratulations for their great efforts in organizing such a wonderful “FAMILY RETREAT” of 3 days with the theme of “THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND – FAMILY THE CRUSIBLE OF LOVE”. Also Lots of thanks To Fr Augustine Vallooran and his team for his wonderful preaching the Word of God and leading the faithful with praise, thanksgiving, sharing and adoration. It was a spiritual nourishment which delighted more than 10000 participants every day.

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