News headlines
Srinagar, Jun 19:
Mahant Deependra Giri, the custodian of holy mace of Lord Shiva at the Amarnath shrine, on Monday blamed the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board for raising of the 'artificial and unnatural' Shivalingam (phallic symbol of Lord Shiva) at the cave shrine and termed it as an 'act of sacrilege'.

Addressing a news conference in Srinagar, the Mahant said the entire Hindu community was in a state of shock over the media reports suggesting that this year the Shivalingam (phallic symbol of Lord Shiva) had been raised manually.

"The religious feelings and sentiments of thousands of pilgrims have been badly hurt. If found that this year the Shivalingam had been raised manually or scientifically, then I will term it as an act of sacrilege," he added.

"I am of this firm opinion that the holy cave is a natural cave and the formation of the himlingam (snow symbol) is a natural process. It should not be interfered with manual, artificial or scientific artifice or procedures," the Mahant of Amarnath Charri-Mubarak said. 


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