Modi woos youth in Mumbai rally, slams Rahul for 'poverty tourism'

Rons Bantwal
Daijiworld Media Network

Mumbai, Apr 21: On Monday, BJP PM candidate Narendra Modi appealed to the youth of Mumbai to help elect a strong government at the Centre, saying the present UPA government was incapable of fulfilling their dreams.

Modi also attacked Rahul Gandhi in his speech, claiming he indulged in 'poverty tourism' by visiting the homes of the poor, posing with the family and having lunch with them. He attacked Gandhi saying that the latter had never seen poverty, and hence needed to indulge in 'poverty tourism' to understand it.

Modi further alleged that the Congress party had not really reduced poverty. He said that they had merely reduced the measuring standard for BPL individuals, thus artificially reducing poverty.

The BJP's PM candidate then questioned the UPA government over their promise in 2004 of providing 10 crore new jobs. He said that in the preceding six years of the Vajpayee government, 6.6 crore new jobs had been created, whereas the UPA had dismally failed in their promise. Modi concluded by saying that jobless growth was a phenomenon of the UPA's rule only.

Modi then refocused on Mumbai, stating that the city's railway system was its lifeline. He accused the UPA government of neglecting the modernisation of the railways in Mumbai, leading to massive overcrowding, poor infrastructure, lack of efficiency and chaos.

Narendra Modi also compared India to South Korea. He said that South Korea, which was a very small country, was able to host the Olympics and improve its image in the world, while India was still unable to do so. He linked this argument to the Commonwealth Games, saying the UPA government had lost a golden opportunity to make India proud because of the CWG scam.

The Sardar Sarovar Dam, which is incomplete as of now, also received mention in Modi's speech. Modi blamed the UPA government for the incomplete project, and said that Maharshtra would get electricity worth Rs 400 crores for free if the project was completed.

Modi also blamed the UPA government for the rise in incidents of violence against women across the country. He said that tourism to India had fallen because India was no longer safe for women under UPA rule. He pointed to the massive opportunity for employment that tourism generates, and rued the attitude of the central government.

Modi alleged that the UPA government reacted with violence against people who protested the rape of Nirbhaya on the streets of Delhi, and claimed that not a single paisa had been spent so far from the 'Nirbhaya Fund' created by the government.

Modi concluded his speech by exhorting those present to canvass for a strong government at the Centre, and to bring the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance to power in Maharashtra.


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  • Damodar Bhat, Convent Road, Udupi

    Wed, Apr 23 2014

    There is no Modi wave at all. Infact Modi talks like a dictator. In Mumbai, the Congress / NCP will win all the seats.

    In Mangalore Janardhana Poojary will win by a margin of over 1,50,000 votes. Wait, watch and see. In Udupi / Karwar the Congress will win handsomely. This will be the end of the saffron colour in DK ,Udupi and Uttara Kannada Districts.

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  • Ali, Bunder

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    We need to forget all differences and act as one so that in last 10 years our country is looted shall be recovered at least by 50% .Jai Hind

    DisAgree [3] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    PKS, Mangalore.

    I did not mean to say that BJP's rule will be limited to only five years.

    If their rule (first term) brings better conditions for people, sure they will be chosen for second term also. It's all depends, how they will perform, curb corruption and set the situation on the right track to make people happy comfortable in day to day life. I sincerely wish them all the best. Forget the party (favoritism). Think in the interest of the country.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anup, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 22 2014


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  • Alfred, Mumbai / Muscat

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    Wonder why BJP supporters have not commented on the crowd attending the rally or else they make a big noise lakhs attended but this rally hardly any crowd. This goes to show Mumbai people are educated, intelligent wise and know what this Feku is upto

    DisAgree [19] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • rashid ubar, abu dhabi

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    Media had restlessly spread during 2009 election that L.K Advani was “Iron man” (Loh Purush) and now that iron has affected corrosion.
    As per BJP, those opposing Narendra Modi such people will have place in Pakistan and not in India, if so it is Advani who will go to Pakistan followed by Murali Manohar.
    and if Modi is elected, the big issues such as poverty, unemployment, scarcity of water and electricity and foreign debts will be resolved by this “superman” as he falsely claimed that he rescued thousands of stranded Gujarati pilgrims from Uttarakhand.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    BJP - To Win, rule & prove. (time is limited, only 5 yrs.)

    Wait & watch.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • PKS, Mlore

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    for BJP limited 5yrs & for dongi Congi unlimited time for unlimited corruption?
    but,i m sure BJP doesn't require 65yrs to develop this country under NAMO leadership.

    DisAgree [25] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Adil, thekkatte/dubai

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    BJP wont be ruling for full five yrs of its term,that is the challenge for the nation,,,

    DisAgree [13] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • ashi, Saudi Arabia

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    Modi !!!! Tu Kuch Bhi Karle , Par PM Nahi Ban Sakta For Sure !!!! Indian's Are Not Fools Who Believe In Your Pathetic & Nonsense Speech !!! AB KI BAAR AAP SARKAR !!!!!

    DisAgree [39] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • VIJAY LEWIS, Mumbai

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    My Vote is to AAP. Mr Mayank Gandhi
    AB KI BAR.... BAR ...MILL DA

    DisAgree [31] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bryan, Bahrain

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    Mumbai being a cosmopolitan city, the largest number of migrants to the city, however, comes from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. They have traditionally voted against the Shiv Sena and MNS, who have targeted north Indians. People want change, Now let’s wait and watch...

    DisAgree [13] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • VIJAY LEWIS, Mumbai/Shirva

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    North India People will not vote for Shiv Sena & MNS.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • indian, new delhi/ mangalore

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    Bjp says congress is corrupt
    congress says BJP is corrupt.
    AAP says Both BJP and congress are corrupt
    But Common Man says the sunny leone Video which he downloaded is corrupt..

    DisAgree [2] Agree [85] Reply Report Abuse

  • KLD, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    Two factors we should perceive this time:
    1. Anti-modi and Pro-Modi factors increased the poll percentage
    2. If congress able to get one seat higher than BJP, if emerge as single largest party them NAMO should stop dreaming as Pranabda call congress to form Gvt.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    This time its certain that at least 5 seats of the 6 in Mumbai would be bagged by the Shiv Sena-BJP alliance. Modi & Udhav have led a remarkbly charged campaign & succcesfully alerted the common people on the curse of UPA 1 & 2- Lob losses, price rise, corruption, non governance, Scams from A to Z. Iss baar tho Modi Sarkar!

    DisAgree [19] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • vittal Poojary, Muniyal/mangalore

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    Juliet,Ismail,Joseph,Saldana and congress supporters:Pl stop commenting nonsense against the able leader Mr.Modi and he has clear vision what to do to lift the poor peoples of India and to bring India to the international level
    Jai Bharath .wait till 16th May2014 and let us celebrate should know after all vote bank politics Mr.J.Poojary and JP Hegde have lost!!!!

    DisAgree [53] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse

  • Langoolacharya, Belman/Washingon,DC

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    Harr harr Modi...Gurr gurr CONresss....

    Where is my AAP buddy Bhandumaam???


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  • Rajesh Shetty, Mlore Shj

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    Dear VittAl Poojaary
    come on, ignore them, let them atleast vent out their frustration here, what else they can do. They foresee Modi wave hitting the shores on May 16th, that's why they do not know what to do, that's why giving anaab shanaab statements, cant help hit. We cannot expect more from congis whose leaders belive in CUT & CHOP politics and these people dint have any problem then.

    DisAgree [35] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • juliet mascarenhas, bejai mangalore

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    Pl.stop commenting nonsense! What a wonderful piece of advice.Can you practice it yourself before directing others.

    DisAgree [30] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Praveen Castelino, Pernal / Mumbai

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    High hopes...Great....keep it up.....Mr. Vittal Poojary (Muniyal/Mangalore).

    Your above comments.....
    able leader Mr.Modi and he has clear vision what to do to lift the poor peoples of India and to bring India to the international level.

    Buddy... Mr. Manomohan Singh has already shown the world Indian presence to the Global Arena 10 years before.

    Mr. Modi is too late!!! and you are in Deep Sleep!!!!.

    Wake up FEKU from Daydreaming for 16th May 2014.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Manglorean, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

     Lift the poor ,
    ha ha maybe literally nothing else. Rahul Gandhi is one for the poor and the needy, the dalits etc. He works quietly behind the scenes. No show. That too modi cant see and is making mockery, saying visiting poor homes like he's visiting Taj, God save him. Shame on him. He only gives loose talk. His house in in disorder and talking nonsense about others. Look at his dressing now, all crisp linen attire, waist coats etc and look at simple Rahul, unshaven , grey beard only focus is
    working for the poor , not worried about looks or dressing. MOST GENUINE SINCERE PERSON0.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    Muh Mein Ram, Bagal Mein Churi...

    DisAgree [44] Agree [57] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    There are two serious developments before AB KI BAR MODI SARKAR take over.



    What is MODI's reaction for the comrade's stupid speech?So peace loving and matured young voters need to deliberate what Modi's party agenda and deny him to become PM of India who increasingly looks and behaves as HITLER.

    DisAgree [40] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse

  • S.S.D'Souza, Udupi

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    Ismail bhai, everything is just a political gimmick of sanghees. Here is a list which indicates their height of hypocrisy.
    1) VHP leader Ashok Singhal's daughter married Mukthar Abbas Naqvi.
    2) M.M.Joshi's daughter married Shahnavaz Hussein.
    3)Modi's niece married a Muslim
    4)L.K. Advani's daughter married a Muslim in her second marriage.
    5)Subrahmanyan Swami's daughter Suhasini married a Muslim
    6)Bala Thackeray's grand daughter married a Muslim.
    7)Praveen Thogadia's sister married a Muslim, who is a rich man & Thogadia is still keeping a good relationship with his sister & her family.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    Dear SS D 'Souza bhai thanks for info..In that list I did know only Bal Bhackray's...ABBAS NAQURU will stay as spokesperson in BJP till his death!!!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    This Chaaiwala, JeshodhaBen's Husband PuppLove has no shame in keeping his own at home and pointing out others.

    I quote from this news: Modi also blamed the UPA government for the rise in incidents of violence against women across the country. Unquote.

    Madhya Pradesh gang rape against women. Modi himself couldn't sustain his own wife. What a life he can give to the nation's masses?!



    DisAgree [58] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • juliet mascarenhas, bejai mangalore

    Mon, Apr 21 2014

    A person never seen poverty is trying to understand by mixing up with the poor.
    A person seen poverty is enjoying at the cost of the richer.
    Vajpayee Govt.provided jobs but failed to get reelected.
    India has built proud world image in cricket,chess,badminton,tennis,beauty pageant,space research,nuclear power,Oscars,Astronauts,Noble awards so on which country like South Korea could not compete.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • langoolacharya, Belman/Washington,DC

    Tue, Apr 22 2014


    Your future PM looks smart...


    DisAgree [17] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • juliet mascarenhas, bejai mangalore

    Tue, Apr 22 2014

    No doubt.pic.4 & 5.
    'Dadaji,Dadaji,see how smart you look.'

    DisAgree [13] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Praveen Castelino, Pernal / Mumbai

    Mon, Apr 21 2014

    Father(Mr. Pramod Mahajan) made "Crores" for the party by misusing his power & position when he was the Telecom Minister in Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee led Government and left all the riches for the party. That's the History!!!

    Daughter is now trying her luck with Mr. Narendra Modi on stage. Good pose with mobile phone in her hand.

    Fekugiri at its Peak!!!!.

    But Mumbaikars.... are not anti Hindu nor anti Muslim, nor Anti Christian nor anti Sikhs.

    It's for sure Feku's false and created divisive politics won't work here @ Mumbai at all. Chiwala has no place for his chai stall. No vacancy.It can work to a great extent at states like Gujarat,M.P,Bihar,Rajasthan for some time till people comes to know Feku's true colour.

    DisAgree [28] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rehan, Mangalore

    Mon, Apr 21 2014

    Ab Ki Bar Sirf MODI Sarkar!!!!!!!!!!

    DisAgree [52] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sir Lancelot, Manglore

    Mon, Apr 21 2014

    AB BARI MODI SARKAAR... NOT BJP ha ha ha....
    Election baad BJP tukda tukda... like Janata Party.

    DisAgree [37] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

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