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Mumbai Mirror

Mumbai, Jun 24: The battle between Priyanka Chopra and her ex-secretary took an interesting turn when Chopra received a telegram from someone called S B Boralkar, who claims to be an astrologer… The contents of the telegram state that Jaju will either have acid thrown on her, or have her house raided by goons.

Confirming this new, Priyanka's lawyer Mangleshwari Prasad says, “It is true that we have now asked for special protection, apart from routine protection, for Priyanka as she is very upset and scared after receiving the telegram.”

The telegram has come from the Parbhani district in Maharashtra and the Chopras and their lawyer have handed it over to the police for enquiry.

In the meantime Jaju is claiming a sum of Rs 1.37 crore from the Chopras, while the Chopras claim that he had in fact been overpaid by Rs 18,700,34 —  and are asking for money back.

“There are many charges against Jaju like cheating, forgery and breach of trust. Also, there are many films that she never did, but had taken signing amounts for, from the producers (which she eventually returned). However as she had already paid him five per cent commission for these films, he should return it now,” says Prasad. Priyanka signed around eight films during Jaju's tenure.

Meanwhile Jaju has also sent a legal notice to the Chopras, for defamation. “He has been claiming various amounts. He also claimed to have loaned Priyanka Rs 65 lakh,” says Prasad. 

Jaju, on his part, says, “I think they have gone mad. They are making various sorts of claims now. I feel they don't want to pay me my dues, so they are looking for excuses,” he says.

Prasad counters this allegation too. “Jaju had claimed that he had received threatening calls from a few numbers, asking him to lay off Priyanka. The police have found out that one of those numbers belong to his erstwhile neighbour Naren Lamba who has a PCO below his building Marvel, where he stays, at Shastri Nagar in Andheri. Right now the police are investigating the international number from which he claims he got other threatening calls,” he says.

The telegram in question

According to Prasad, Jaju had apparently changed the notice period from one month to six months, on termination of services. He says, “Jaju's forgery was exposed by the police handwriting expert, Haresh T Gajjar.”

Jaju however claims that the police are hand-in-glove with the Chopras. “I know they can do a lot through the police, because they have their support,” he alleges.


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