News headlines

Jane Ida Pinto - Muscat - Daijiworld News Network

Muscat, Sep 24: The Mangalorean Catholic Center of the Parish, MCCP (Sts. Peter & Paul Church – Ruwi) will be holding the Annual Konkani Dance Competition on 29.09.2006 at 12.00 noon in the Main Parish Hall.  The official sponsors for this annual event are Gulf Air and W. J. Towell & Co. LLC (Building Material Division).

“There is a tremendous interest among the children for this annual event” says Cultural Event Coordinator Dilip Correa. “ and we are expecting a real good number of participants.  I see lot of preparation is going among community members. It is very important that participants register their names before the registration closing time”

Competition will start with Solo Dance Competition for Group F participants and continue with Group E, D, C, B and A. After the solo competitions, Group competitions will be conducted. 

The officials of MCCP have announced the following rules for the competition and requested the members to register their names before the deadline. 

  1.        Konkani Dance competition for Children will be held on Friday, 29.09.2006 in the Main Parish Hall from 12.00 noon. 

2.         Only Konkani Musical Songs will be allowed. Songs should be recorded in a cassette and available ready to use.

3.         There will be two categories of dance competition;  a. Solo  b. Group. 

4.         For Solo dance - children will be divided into six groups, as mentioned above.

5.         Group Dance should have minimum 6 and maximum 8 members and can be formed with children of all the ages  and groups.

6.         Time duration :  4 minutes for Solo and 5 minutes for Group.  Half minute grace period will be given, however, after this duration, the participant/s will be disqualified.

7.         Entries should be submitted to Mrs. Bernadine Aranha, Telephone 99 598 220 ( 8.00 am to 1.00 pm and 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm ) or Mrs. Sandra Correa – 24 787 991 or  92 354 338, on or before 27.09.2006 (9.00 pm), after which no entries will be entertained.

8.         Participants should be present fifteen minutes prior to the competition at the venue.

9.         There will be three winners in each group. However, organizers reserve the right to reduce the number of prizes if adequate participants are not registered for the particular group.

10.        Prize Distribution will be held during the Mangalorean Day Celebrations.

11.        Decision by the nominated Judge/s will be final and no further correspondence of  any nature will be entertained by the Executive committee.

 Groups for Children’s Solo Dance Competitions:



A          KG I AND  KG II

B          STDS I AND II

C          STDS III AND  IV

D          STDS V AND  VI


F          STDS IX, X, XI AND XII

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