New Delhi, Sep 18 (IANS): The chief public relations officer of Tihar Jail here, along with his son, has been arrested for burning his daughter-in-law for dowry, police said Thursday.
Gyan Singh, 50, and his son Nitin, 25, were arrested Wednesday after they allegedly set Usha, 26, on fire at their house in Mahipalpur.
The victim, admitted to Safdarjung hospital with 65 percent burn injuries, is stated to be in critical condition.
In her statement to the sub-divisional magistrate, Usha alleged that she was harassed by her husband, mother-in-law and father-in-law for dowry.
"Usha said that her father-in-law injured her wrist with a blade Wednesday and set her ablaze after dousing her with kerosene oil," Deputy Commissioner of Police Prem Nath told IANS
"The accused have been booked on charges of harassing the victim for dowry and attempting to kill her," said the official.
Usha got married to Nitin three years ago, police said.
Nitin works as a guard in Faridabad.