Delhi Zoo: Lucky escape six years ago, not this time

New Delhi, Sep 23 (IANS): Six years ago, a similar incident had happened at the Delhi Zoo when an inebriated man fell into the enclosure of a lioness. But luckily for him, the lioness spared his life, Zoo officials said Tuesday after a white tiger mauled a man to death.

"Six years ago, a similar incident had happened. The man was in an inebriated state and had jumped in front of a lioness. The lioness fortunately spared the visitor," an official at the National Zoological Park told IANS.

The official said that the lioness had keenly noticed the visitor, who could have fallen prey to her, inside her enclosed area, but had not attacked him.

"All security measures were adopted and the lioness was somehow lured into her cage by us," the official added.

After being rescued, the man had climbed a tree in fear. He came down after the zoo officials enticed him to.


On Tuesday, a man fell into the enclosure of the white tiger and was mauled to death.


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