Udaipur to be plastic free

Jaipur, Sep 23 (IANS): To keep its lakes clean, the district administration of Udaipur, also known as the city of lakes, has decided to make the city plastic free.

The authorities have decided to impose a complete ban on the use of plastic cups, glass and polythene bags among other things from Sep 29.

"If someone is found selling or using these things then legal action would be taken against them," an official told IANS.

He said that the district collector has authorized the police, sub-divisional officer (SDO), additional district magistrate (ADM), pollution control board, nagar nigam and district supply officer (DSO) to implement the orders strictly.

The official said that the campaign to make people understand the bad effects of using plastic things has already been launched from Tuesday and it will continue till Sep 28. From Sep 29 if anyone is found using plastic bags and cups then legal action would be taken against them.

Any infringement of the order would attract prosecution under the Environment (Protection) Act, which prescribes imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years with fine which may extend to Rs.100,000.


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