New Delhi, Oct 1 (IANS): Inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's call during his election campaign for "Minimum Government, Maximum Governance", a citizens group in New Delhi has drawn up a list of 100 laws that should be deleted from the statue books.
The Centre for Civil Society, the Macro Finance group at National Institute of Public Finance and Policy and the Vidhi Legal Centre - will release 'The 100 Laws Repeals Project Report' on Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary Thursday.
The volunteer group of 15 lawyers and specialists has identified the laws.
In addition to 25 colonial and independence related laws, the report identifies and presents research on 17 laws that constrain economic freedom and impose restrictions on personal liberty, and 19 laws hinder effective governance.
The report includes justification and evidence to support repeal of eight laws that impose taxes, cesses and levies that bring little benefit despite adding significant administrative and collection costs.
The group also recommends that 20 laws passed around the time of Emergency allowing the government to take over private enterprises be repealed.
Lastly, the report identifies 10 central statutes that add to India's labour market rigidities.