New Delhi, Oct 20 (IANS): A Delhi court Monday awarded life imprisonment to five men who have been found guilty in the Dhaula Kuan abduction and gang rape case of 2010.
Here are some key points of the case:
* The convicts abducted the prosecutrix (victim) in a jiffy after she along with her friend had been dropped by the office cab demonstrates that the convicts were on the prowl, looking for a prey to satiate their sexual lust.
* It appears that the convicts were wandering on Delhi roads like beasts looking for their target of attack.
* It has come on record that all the convicts were married at that time, having children and still they were roaming on the roads in Delhi in search of a soft target to satisfy their sexual lust.
* This manifests that the convicts are psychopaths having no regard for the honour and dignity of the women in the society and thus are a threat to the whole society. It is the demand of justice that they should be kept from society as long as possible.
* The crime committed by the convicts is intensively grave, serious and odious in nature. Rape is the most hated crime in society. It not only affects the physique and psychology of the victim but has an impact upon society as a whole.
* The rape victim has to live with the scar of rape throughout her life and the incident shatters her life as well as her dreams in a violent manner.
* "Rape" is a serious blow to the honour, dignity and womanhood of the victim and besides causing immense trauma to her, it has an everlasting impact on her mind as well as her soul.
* In the instant case, the judge was informed that the rape victim had to leave her job, wherefrom she was earning handsomely, soon after the incident and shifted to her native place in the northeast where she is making both ends meet by running a petty shop. This amply indicates the impact of a rape incident upon a victim.
* Any liberal attitude shown towards the offenders, particularly rape convicts, by imposing meagre sentences or taking a sympathetic view merely on account of their family background or their economic status would be counter-productive in the long run and against the social interest, which needs to be cared for by imposing a stern sentence.
* The society itself looks upon this crime with utmost indignation and abhorration and expects the perpetrators of the crime to be dealt with sternly.
* The court, while sentencing an offender, cannot ignore the impact of crime upon the society and the society's expectations upon the court in dealing with such criminals. In other words, imposition of sentence without considering its effect on the social order would be a futile exercise.