Daijiworld Media Network-Bloomington
Bloomington, Illinois, Nov 8: Past district governors of multiple District 1 in the State of Illinois held their annual banquet and election of officer.
Dr Austin Prabhu, twice Past District governor from Mother District of Lionism, District 1A has been elected unanimously as the president of this prestigious association.

Dr Austin is also the president of District 1A Past District Governors' association. Currently, he is editing and publishing Multiple District 1 State of Illinois e-Magazine, District 1A Governor's Newsletter and also District 1A Cabinet Newsletter.
Ever since he took over to edit and publish MD1 e-Magazine, it has become more popular among all Lions, LIonesses and Leos of the state of Illinois. Currently, Dr Austin's wife Terry is the District Governor of District 1A.
Other officers elected were past district governor Thomas Senger vice-president and past council chairperson Terry Knollerberg as the secretary/treasurer of the MD1 PDG association. There were more than 100 past district governors and two past International directors who took part in this election which was held today at Parke Regency Hotel and Banquets in Bloomington, Illinois.
At the meeting, Dr Austin made a motion to donate $1,000 to Lions of Illinois Foundation, $1,000 to Lions Clubs International Foundation and $1,000 to 2017 Lions centennial convention host committee. Dr Austin is the chairperson for district governors' Elect School at this Centennial Convention from host committee which will be held in Chicago in July, 2017 in Chicago at the McCormick Place Convention Centre.
The host committee has been established three years ago to make Lions Century Celebrations a memorable one.