Bringing back black money at top of agenda says PM Modi

Brisbane, Nov 15 (Hindustan Times): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday unequivocally said that repatriation of black money kept abroad is a "priority" for his government, as he sought close global coordination to achieve this objective.

Raising the black money issue at an informal meeting of leaders of the five-nation BRICS bloc, Modi set the tone on this key issue ahead of the G20 summit in the wake of his commitment to bring back every penny of black money stashed abroad.

"Repatriation of black money kept abroad is a key priority for us," Modi told the BRICS leaders.

Calling for close coordination on the issue of black money kept abroad, Modi also said this unaccounted money is also linked to security challenges.

As India makes attempts to retrieve the black money, the Prime Minister has already made it clear that close cooperation to retrieve the black money from abroad is a key issue for him.

The G20 host Australia on Friday vowed a "very aggressive" crackdown on tax avoidance. India is also seeking strong action by the Group of 20 industrialised and emerging economies against tax havens.

"A key issue for me would be to highlight the importance of international cooperation against black money," Modi had said, as he is set to renew the country's commitment at the G20 summit to a global response to deal with cross border tax avoidance and evasion.

India is also expected to urge the G20 to pressure tax havens into revealing more information on black money from India to help retrieve this illegal money.

Besides Modi, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, South African President Jacob Zuma and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, were the other leaders who took part in the informal interaction.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa

    Sun, Nov 16 2014


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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa

    Sun, Nov 16 2014


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  • abhyankar, mumbai

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    some thing stupid commenet again by jossey

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  • Hubert D'souza, Mangalore Dubai

    Sun, Nov 16 2014


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  • Lingappa, Kuppepadavu/Amsterdam

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Look who is talking,, the supporters of Khangress whose candidate was wiped out by 200k votes . We have to appreciate the fact that PM has at least initiated it. It will be tough but no impossible. The dumb PM Banta Singh never even thought of this, had to wait orders from the 6th std Italian barmaid.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse


    Sun, Nov 16 2014


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    Sun, Nov 16 2014




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  • Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Gangaram, How can you say people voted just because of 15Lakhs. As per post poll analysis people less than 2% were really cared about the Black Money. So, don't spread wrong information. Major issue in election was corruption, price rise and governance.

    DisAgree Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    @ Lingappa - We are waiting for Modi to bring black money. He does not know where it is, who has it, how much is it? But was howling like anything before elections.

    Was saying will clean parliament from all corruption and criminals. But is appointing criminals, rapists and corruption charged as ministers.

    The only thing he has done is PROMISING, PROMISING and PROMISING ALL FAKE PROMISES.

    When AAP formed government, BJP was asking questions about congress support, but today BJP is running the government with NCP support in Maharashtra. Feku's fake party.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lingappa, Kuppepadavu/Amsterdam

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Mate, I am not a supporter of Modi or BJP. Election times are to faxt. The Khangress has not initiated such measures in their 60 year of Governance. But I know you are die hard Khangress devotee and its obvious the May election results that your are frustrated. However your anger or veiws and opinions are limited to this forum, with support from the likes of Joseey etc. If it was true J Pujari would not have lost by 200k votes.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore

    Mon, Nov 17 2014

    NM Sir, Once again you are twisting the facts. AAP took INC support which it fought all through in Delhi. Similarly NCP did not support BJP...Wait and See, how the things will unfold in Maharashtra. You are talking about PROMISES of MODI. First retrospect yourself on Congress promises and its implementation. Recall Garibi Hatavo promise of 1970s....It is not surprising that being a INC supporter you think Modi would not keep his promises. As a staunch supporter of Modi, I don't mind if some of the promises are not fulfilled. Because Congress never fulfilled its promises and they always scored BIG ZERO. SO, even if Modi keep his words and implement 70-80% of promises then 2019 election is dedicated to Modi.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse


    Sun, Nov 16 2014


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  • Prakash, Dubai

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Wasim Bhai,

    Don't Buy Nissan. This Time Small Alto is enough. cz Again Congress number is Going to reduce in Delhi. I can sense you are Educated. Hence I request you that Don't Go Behind the Sin Money of Corrupt People. I Suggest u to Use the same for the development of India, as in India we can see a lot people who is still struggling for one time meal cz of your Congress 60 years Rule.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse


    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Dear Prakash,

    Ya i know it must be used for development purpose but this is promised by pm of India. even we cant take that money when poor hungry kids are dying without food. As soon as ministers came to power they start taking the crores loan and they mention the property as 10 crores.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prakash, Dubai

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Wasim Bhai,

    Modi Told Every Individual will get That much share if we get back Sin Money. But He did not told he will deposit that money in our Account. Yes I do agree for some of the points of your Second statement. I don't support Corrupt Chelas. yes I Support Modi. cz He is Not Corrupt. I Like his Leadership style of making other ministers to follow his orders. India is a Rich country by having Lots of Intelligent/Super Brain People. Cz of Corruption and Corrupt Rule we are still lacking in the eyes of other nations. We don't want it to continue.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [7] Report Abuse

  • Ozy, Surathkal

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    First remove black money from the politician within the country and then talk about black money out side the country. Just fooling the people nothing else.

    DisAgree Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Romith, Mangaluru

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Seen at Brisbane, leaders of other nations, scratching their head and wondering what 'Black' money was!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore,And by not questioning/challenging you are promoting tyranny which culminates in anti-democratic environment. Fyi, I was very much on planet earth all these years and btw, what makes you to assume CongI is mine? You are talking about appreciating little steps taken, show me an iota of positive outcome of these so called steps. On the other hand let me show you the negative outcome : on May 16th 2014, USD = 58.57INR, today it’s 61.5. When petroleum prices continue to slide globally, in India they have taken an U turn. There seems to be no improvement at border either. And for the last time let me tell you, please don’t repeat where was I during the past 60 years! You can’t travel backward in time and change the history but your present and future is very much in your hands.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Geoffrey Sir, Looks like you are not up to date on the current affairs....Steps taken by Modi Govt is far better than previous regime. Now latest push in Australia tour is another brave step which was never seen in the history of Independence India. Coming to border disputes, foiling the desperate attempts by terrorist to spoil JnK election is major achievement apart from fitting reply to Pak and China which we never saw during UPS due to vote bank politics....Remarkable steps, brave decisions, Govt that works, governance...more than that a Leader who is loud and the change we are seeing. You wait and watch....Modi would have tremendous track record till 2019 and as he said Modi's work will talk in 2019 election and Not his speech....We can keep discussing but Assembly election results which are happening time to time are the real responses from the mass to Modi's action. Have you ever seen BJP crossing hundred mark in Maharashtra....Its bcos of Modi!

    DisAgree [13] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore, again you are talking about speeches, promises and befitting replies and conveniently evading outcome in statistics. By 2019 if our GDP surpasses that of most countries in the world and if we have dozens of Ambanis and Adanis , would you call that development? To me, development is smiles on the faces of poorest of the poor of this nation and disappearance (or at least shrinkage) of poverty line. And for that to happen what we need is a doer and not talker.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh poojary, Bangalore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Few Ambanis and Adanis would definitely bring smileson poor's faces by providing direct and indirect jobs. We can not achieve without GDP or Ambanis...wait till 2019 to see outcome.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [5] Report Abuse

  • Amith, udupi

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Mr Hill,

    Debating with these Modi Bhakts is like arguing who is a better actor amitabh or rajnikanth ..they want only dialogues and one liners and no action ..they are happy to see someone claim u need a 56 inch chest for development and see arnolds chest in their dreams and think thats what they need ..loosers were born and educated and worked under previous Govts but still think they got a pay raise and their living standard improved after may 16th , but in reality they are the same mentally and financially ..they are in la la land and will come back to reality in a few months ..coz filmy dialogues wont last long ..

    DisAgree [5] Agree [19] Report Abuse

  • Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore

    Mon, Nov 17 2014

    Geoffrey and Amith - Before coming to an conclusion on Modi Bhakths, do a retrospect and see WHy did Your INC lost by huge margin in DK and Udupi. Why does INC is losing one state after the other? That means people of India are convinced that Congress did not change their life style both mentally and financially. Modi is trying his best and trying bring in changes....Somebody has initiated the steps and let us support it for the betterment of the country and wait for the outcome. Don't jump into conclusions now itself. Nothing would change drastically in six months or even after 5 years. But a small change is sufficient to realize that BIG change is on its way. Please note all long journey would start with the first step which Modi has taken now. (Previous governments did not failed to take first step itself)That's why I always say, previous Governments failed to keep promises and scored BIG ZERO. If Modi keeps some of his promises then people would decide who is Good for India.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Report Abuse

  • gm, mlore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Is there any black money left in SWiss Accounts?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Most of the Modi bashers & frustrated souls letting out their venom are based abroad....They are basically foreigners in their own land of livelihood...confused souls indeed....

    But in India, 33% ruling over the rest 77%...what say?

    DisAgree [10] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Krishna, Mangaluru

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    33 77=110.....Which school is teaching this formula ?????????

    DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • gm, mlore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Abhi Kuch bhi Ho saktha hai...

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Munna, Nitte/Karla/Qatar

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    This formula is from Virtual University of Pakistan.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    'Rss university of ullu banoving'.

    where else can one get brainwashed with wrong facts?

    33 PLUS 77 = 100 ...hahaha... dumBhakts i tell you!!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    My apologies, it should be read as '67' ...however indeed this extra 10 can be contibuted to Internet Terrorists sitting in far away lands, spewing venom on their country of birth, but do not come to vote in elections....This extra 10 dedicated to their ilk!!

    A mistake made is getting into a blessing indeed!!!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [3] Report Abuse

  • Prakash, Dubai

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Mangaluru NM, GM, KRISHNA,

    If you know what is % (Percentage), No Need to explain in digits Right?. You can tally by yourself. That much Buddu?. :)

    DisAgree Agree [3] Report Abuse

  • S Bhat,

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    So this is the reason why Modi has become NRI tourist? He is touring all the countries where (his) black money is kept. Who is paying for your plane ticket Modiji?

    DisAgree [11] Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • builder, mang

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Thanks God, my black money in India is safe under or piss I am least bothered.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    The expectations are tall, as Promises made were taller. Question is will it happen. If you look at past, people may be right in doubting Mr. Modi, as earlier promises (made by various Governments) such as " Gareebhee hataoo ", never worked even after Sixty years.
    However, in this case of black money/corruption, at least we see some one is serious and putting effort.
    I believe where there is consistent effort there will be success.
    The need of the hour is not leg-pulling but positive pressure from all of us on present government, so that, they wont sleep but they perform.
    Mr.NaMo knows that, he will be no where if he do not perform now. That's the reason he is working round the clock and that is the beauty of Indian democracy.

    DisAgree [23] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    @ Mohan - Namo has a new acronym....'Nita Ambany's Marketing officer'.

    P.S - We all know who is handling his twitter account.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore

    Mon, Nov 17 2014

    NM Sir, As your party, you are deviating from the topic. Anyways coming to handling twitter its PMO already clarified and Nita Ambani has many things to do than this work. When gas rates were hiked by UPA did she used to handle all your Chidu's Moily's account is it? Focus on Delhi....Innova or Auto rickshaw...Your party has fewer options.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Mr. Modi, it is great that you are going to bring back the black money.

    Since you already have the list of those people, for the electorate's satisfaction, please reveal those names at first. We will wait a little more to see the landing of money in New Delhi. If you are reluctant to expose the names, we all will be getting further confused as a big joke.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Stan, Udupi/ Dubai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    If you are serious please do not talk about it but act and transfer
    Rs 15 lac to each account as promised.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Orton, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    "BUT WHEN" I Think till Next Election "Ade Raaga Ade Haadu". Dear Modiiji, People of India knows that you are just giving either Wakeup Call or Missed Call. People Might have forgot about Black Money but why do you remember them.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Abu Mohammed, Mangalore/KSA

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Watch (in youtube)Chakravarty Soole bele faking in a RSS function before election, he goes on saying goes on saying that if all the black money is brought back, every street in India can be made of gold instead of asphalt, and people do not need to pay taxes for next 10 years, what a faking....

    DisAgree [4] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    @ Mohd. - who is this sanghi chaanp Chakravathy Soole bele?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Francis, Moodbidri/Dubai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    If Modi keeps on crying on black money everywhere sure he will be BLACK LISTED one day....

    DisAgree [6] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse


    Sat, Nov 15 2014


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  • concerned 1, bangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    BRICS countries too suffer from their wealth becoming BLACK. That is why their economy is in doldrums.
    Also many other eastern countries.
    I feel it was a good step taken by Modi to start making inroads to realise B\M by involving all G20 so pressure is put on "Safe Havens" to give out information on B\M holders.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Whatever the prime minister or his supporters may say, recovery of black wealth from overseas easier said than done. But if he really has political will to curb this evil, there’s something he can do on the domestic front for which he doesn’t have to make overseas tours in order to urge the leaders abroad to cooperate with him. For example let him pass a bill to put an end to all black money in the real estate transactions. Make all the income of high profile film actors, directors and producers transparent. Make all the professionals such as doctors and lawyers give bills for whatever fees they charge. All these measures are legal and ethical which no one can oppose in the parliament and for the implementation of which he doesn’t have to wait for 100 days or 5 years.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • vijay monis, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Wav...what comment Geoffrey sir .... the question here is as this Modi Sarkar having willpower to pass this Bill????????

    DisAgree [2] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Geoffrey Sir...wonderful thoughts....But I wonder why you did not give these suggestions to UPA or INC who ruled 60 years. After all these tasks needs less than 100 days to implement right....Come on man...Don't fool yourself :)

    DisAgree [11] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore, I've never justified/agreed with whatever the previous government did or didn't do. But the current PM shows a lot of concern about black money in his SPEECHES both at home and overseas. My challenge is let him put his money where is mouth is, period.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Geoffrey Sir, I wonder where were you all these days? By challenging Modi you are indirectly creating anti Modi environment and How come you never dared to challenge your Congi? Why don't you challenege similar things with your Karnataka Govt? You need not justify or agree with UPA. But in the same spirit, please try to support or appreciate what ever the small steps Modi has taken towards this then talk about challenge.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [6] Report Abuse

  • manohar bhandari, mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    I agree that recovery of black money is progressing slowly but it looks like Modi is honest, trying hard & exploring various options to address the issue
    Raising issue of black money in G20 is a bold step. Modi raises issues & also convinces people:
    Detractors and Scamgress supporters ...EAT YOUR WORDS NOW...No one is as serious about black money than Modi, one of the greatest leaders India has ever seen. Some people don't have the courage to appreciate the deeds of a good man. Atleast Modi is trying. What did Scamgress did for 50 years?
    It's called "walk the talk". Clearly shows sincerity and commitment to bring black money back... Thank God we are done with useless congress

    DisAgree [28] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • KKR, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    yes of the greatest and progressive leader India has ever seen!!god bless our PM!!

    DisAgree [28] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    @ manohar - I pity you and your blind belief in a person who is so fond of bull S#!&&ing.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prakash, Dubai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    @ NM,

    Don't Pity on Us. pity on urself for supporting congress for 60 years for their corruption and looting.

    DisAgree [20] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    NM, we pity you for your blind support. Can you recall GAribi Hatavo of INC and its effort in 60 years? What is this called? Bu###? Atleast Modi is trying all his efforts to bring back money. Leaving no stone unturned....If even if he brings 1% of the money....2019 election is dedicated for Modi.....You need to keep bu###ing for ever :)

    DisAgree [5] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    NM, INC has been fooling voters from past 60 years....I suggest you focus on upcoming elections....See what would your fate in Delhi. LAst time INC got 9 seats and Innova was enough for them. This time looks like their number would be 3 or 4 so....Auto Riksha should be enough :)

    DisAgree [4] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Rai, Bantwal

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    NM, I wonder how frequently you were checking your UPA promises with UPA implementations in last 10 years. If you would have had the same spirit as you are doing now then INC should NOT have reached to 44 seats. At least, your voice could have heard by UPA folks and corrected their style right? Do you still know the reasons for INC reaching such a ever lowest figure in the history ?

    DisAgree [7] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • AAP, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    If he is honest what stops him in publishing the list. We dont care who are there . from few names leaked we came to know that they have funded bjp heavily .Modi is not honest ..he is playing in the hands of Big business houses who funded bjp rallies

    DisAgree [12] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sneha Pai, Bangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Modiji enough of talk....
    we want action...
    we voted for Development...
    we want development work should start.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Sneha Pai, yes good to see you speak out & voice out...Inflation down to lowest, whole sale prices index come down, fuel prices controlled...What else??

    DisAgree [10] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Irfan, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    No Peddu maading . no peddu maading

    DisAgree [9] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • AB, Mlore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    After successfully fooling Indians now Modi has gone to fool the international community. Jai Ho

    DisAgree [15] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse


    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Dear AB,
    Dont think he can fool international community like the way ur dongi congi fooled us for all these years..
    Wake up

    DisAgree [22] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • richard, mangalore/mumbai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    well said, this CD will play for 5 long years so sorry people please bear with
    this New CD Album 2014 "BLACKMONEY':

    DisAgree [3] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • vijay monis, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Dear Modi Sir,
    I am totally bored of this topic Black money. The fact is that within India there is 10 times more black money compared to that abroad.
    Can you take any such action against these people?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Modi is different from MMS. Modi talks and ONLY talks....And DumBhakths rejoice !!!!!

    His black money discussions will go on for 5 years.This bjp government has no guts to touch the big Gujju industrialists who are stashing black money abroad.....The reason is simple as these rich industrialists fund BJP for election campaigning.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Rai, Bantwal

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    NM sir, 2014 results showed 332 parliamentary constituency people were convinced who is talking and who is not talking. In democracy people's verdict is now you know who rejoicing and who is not getting sleep and who is not able to digest :)

    DisAgree [4] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Yes Modi talked and ONLY talks got him 332 seats....Rahul talked and talked and touched 44 seats....If Rahul keep talking further they would further loose Jarkhand, JnK and Delhi....

    DisAgree [2] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Forget about congress which will be a defunct party soon. the ball is in your/bjp's court.

    So far there has been only speeches, photo-op,very little action and lots of U Turns.

    Look at the HRD ministry which is once again facing a degree row.

    Minister of state for HRD Ram Shankar Katheria is caught with forged graduation marksheet.

    Foget about Pappu...Feku's govt and his ministers are filled with rogues. what do you have to say about that?

    Abki baar u-Turn sarkar?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore

    Mon, Nov 17 2014

    NM Sir, At least I am glad that You agreed Cong will be defunct party soon. Modi will show actions and he has shown it in the past by winning hatrick in Gujarath...Modi's work would speak in 2019 election....Wait and watch...We will repeat the 2014 May 16 results again in 2019.Till that please monitor closely :)

    DisAgree Agree [2] Report Abuse

  • simple, bangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Let him bark at any tree, as long as he succeeds in bringing back the B\M as promised by him.
    I think he will do it. But give him a couple of years. What are couple of years since we have waited so many years already.
    Let him do that without his cabinet ministers naming\blaming other political parties.
    Just bring back B\M and take actions against every one without exception.
    Trust him to do that.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan, Mangaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    The transformation of rather aggressive BJP supporters from their earlier position of over confidence to current hopeful, is quite telling. Today, they are saying atleast Modi keeps talking of Black Money, what big deal if he did not get it as promised?.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan P. D'Mello, M'lore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    I heard somewhere that I will be getting my part of 15 lakhs from black money which is on the way to come to India from Sydney. Can anyone please lend me 50k. I will return once I get 15 Lakh. Please trust me, I am also trusting Modi.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Saboor Roshan! Have patience, process has started & we will all have our share!!

    You waited patiently for last 10 L-O-N-G years of abysmll misrule by UPA ! & @, when someone is doing job, you're getting frustrated!!

    DisAgree [22] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Shri 56 inch feku has already shown his lack of will on BJP's biggest election promise.

    Every week he and his government does a U turn on the promises which were made before elections.

    BJP have fooled all Indians. BJP makes such statements to please people for upcoming elections.

    Has feku forgotten how he won the election with Rs.10,000 crores of black money from corrupt hambani and hadani.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Yes NM & that is exactly why FEKU is winning everywhere...his FeKU party getting peoples mandate in Maharashtra & Haryana forming popular governments....& soon in Jharkhand & JK....FEKU Magic?? or MODI wave??

    DisAgree [5] Agree [3] Report Abuse

  • Ramesh Poojary, Bangalore

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    NM, INC has been fooling voters from past 60 years....I suggest you focus on upcoming elections....See what would your fate in Delhi. LAst time INC got 9 seats and Innova was enough for them. This time looks like their number would be 3 or 4 so....Auto Riksha should be enough :)

    DisAgree [5] Agree [4] Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Rai, Bantwal

    Sun, Nov 16 2014

    Yes NM, Modi spent 10000Cr on election campaign. How about Congis election expenditure? Hope they would have used all the money from 2G/3G/CWG and DaamadG and all that money has gone into drain by settling to 44 seats. Atleast Modi's campaign money had well Returns....Jai Modiji!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [5] Report Abuse

  • abhyankar, mumbai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    you did not hear for the last 67 years that you will get job security, no poverty in india,food bill, women bill , securalism..... Have you ever asked the congress government wheare are those promises gone?

    DisAgree [21] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vellano1, Mumbai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    see, where congress has left you!!!,,, 50000 nattu lekka maltd poter maare.... dont worry, Modi will uplift you!!... and bhikaripanti chodo... aur mehnat karo... Jan dhan yojana ka account kholo... MNREGA mein enrol karo... Modi tumko "shiradi ghat ke kaam pe 100 days guranatee scheme mein job dega"... mehnat karo..

    tune kaunsa vote diya hai "black money laane ke liye"..! swast reh ghar

    DisAgree [19] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anees, Karkala

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    In G-20 he said before "I am bring to serve white milk Cha, Now thinking most priority BLACK cha health to the Indians"In future no more serve white milk CHAA.....

    DisAgree [5] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincy, Bangkok

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    The Bharteeya Fools Party voters are waiting for the day the flight arrive with BLACK cash and they line up at DC office to collect the cash in buckets and then wash the BLACK cash at Arabian Sea.
    Every leader has fooled almost everyone of bringing back the cash and make India a rich fools country.
    I really appreciate the Gujarathi Mode of operandi in convincing the entire country's 33% serious voters.
    The world is laughing at us because we are the richest country with rich people and rich labour and we can afford to park our money in Europe with 4% interest for parking.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • S.F.H, Indian

    Sat, Nov 15 2014


    DisAgree [7] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    I knew he was going to enbarass us . What these Gora's know about our black money...

    DisAgree [25] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    The black money is safely kept by the Goras only

    Our weakness for white skin & foreigners stand exposed

    DisAgree [32] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    J.anta, what an irony - Black money earned by Kalias, safely kept by Goras...

    DisAgree [10] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Jossey - Are you Indian or Foreigner??

    DisAgree [11] Agree [3] Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Gonsalves, Mangalore / Dubai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Iss Modi ki black money ke chakkar mein mere baaki black baal bhi white ho gaye.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jayaprakash, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Plz no more Ullu banawing :)

    DisAgree [10] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter, mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    By chance if they manage to get back this black what would be the benefit for individual? This should be announced first, otherwise it will end up in our politicians and heirs account. It is strange government is talking about bring black money for outside, while it is not trying to control the black money movement within Indian. All builders have huge amount of black money. just ask any flat owners how much he paid through cheque and how much he paid through cash? There is not control here, then why to talk elsewhere?

    Recent example is Ms. Jayalalitha, now she is out on bail
    Our poor legal system, which left many loop holes for criminals / wrong doers to escape.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • JC Pinto, Mumbai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Can anybody enlighten how a speech at BRICS or G-20 countries will help in bringing black money back? just see the names of member countries of BRICS and G-20, purpose of Summit etc. and draw your own conclusion.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prakash, Dubai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Modi doesn't want to close the issue of Black Money means, he will try his best to bring it back. I Like the seriousness of him towards it. Good going. The People who have voted you still having the patience & Hopes in you. No worries.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mahendra Shetty, Mumbai Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014




    DisAgree [29] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Irfan, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    When will come .. U want 5 years?

    DisAgree [9] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jayesh Anchan, Mumbai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Don't fool us Mr.modi, we know what you are doing for the past months.
    You have already shown your lack of will on your biggest election promise. You have fooled people. You only make such statements to please domestic constituencies for upcoming elections.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • santhosh crasta, puttur dubai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Save this dialogue as a alarm its go on ringing......ullu banave... ullu banave...

    DisAgree [10] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • vijay monis, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    This black money discussions will go on for 5 years. This government has no guts to touch the big corporate from Gujarat slashing black money abroad. The reason is simple as they funded the money to BJP for elections.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • JSaheb,

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Modiji its enough now. please

    DisAgree [8] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Saurabh, We all know who fooled people for last 60 years!! From 216 to 44 seats is the 'reward' people of this country 'democratically' handed over to people who always kept 'fooling' people, all the time!

    Sad to see people like you still support slavery & dynasty

    DisAgree [24] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • vikram, udupi

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    My dear friend J Anatha,
    The same people voted for congress last 60 years given chance to Modi this time to bring black Money,
    Mr Anata un fortunate Modi also following the same path congress is doing, So now we don't have faith in Modi.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Omg! Tremendous faith & discipline & slavery mindset & dynasty dfeet licking in 3650 days, huge disappointment in just 150 day??? Hypocrite

    DisAgree [19] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • MIK, qatar

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Iska matlab black money kabibi anhe wala nahi ye sabko pataye..acha din be anhe wala nahiye

    DisAgree [3] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Romith, Mangaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Black money is a ghost which is creation of BJP/Congress/AAP. The black money within India is 100 times that of abroad. It is held in the form of Gold, cash and real estate in India.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan P. D'Mello, M'lore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    I am the biggest fan of MODI's "Fool people and still make them feel proud of it" Really, MODI is a man of Lights, Camera & ACTION.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Saurabh, Udupi

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Modi is fooling public. The person who spent thousand crores for election campaign is raising the black money issue in G20 summit!! How did he get such a huge sum during the election campaign and from whom? Indian mass are sentimental and media is also using the sentiments of the people and fooling the people along with mighty politicians! Let Modi bring black money and also stop complete corruption in the country so that we would meet both the ends and live peacefully. Is it possible? Only time has to say.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan P. D'Mello, M'lore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    @Saurab, Does he know which 20 countries form G20?

    DisAgree [6] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan, Mangaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Prior to election Modi for people, a decisive, non-corrupt and a man who will deliver.

    1) It took SC to push for elections in Delhi.
    2) They can't even get rid of rape accused ministers and forgery ministers. BJP was asking resignations of everybody even when the issue was just accusation.

    Non Corrupt.
    Nobody blamed MMS as corrupt, they claimed he is company of corrupt.
    Today, most of the ministers are accused of all kinds of crime.

    Will deliver
    Black money is now become an agenda from earlier position of black money back in 100 days.

    One thing for sure, there will be many marketing events in coming days to keep the people's attention diverted.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014


    DisAgree [3] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Wilfred J. Lewis, Matpady-Brahmavar/ New York, USA

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Lewis and Clark Expedition team of 1804 commissioned by, President Thomas Jefferson helped USA to double the area of United States, helped Louisiana purchase (from Canadian boarder to today's Louisiana) from the French.

    Give this all black foreign account deposits to THIS INDIAN LEWIS (That is me), Using a Patel or a Singh as team member, I will use this money to purchase more states to India, so that India's area can be increased by purchase of new states. I can get the job done for India, increase area of India. In return, for my services for this cause I do not even expect a coffee or a thanks from anyone...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Wilfred J. Lewis, Matpady-Brahmavar/ New York, USA Before increasing the area of India, you need to increase your cerebral area pertaining to IQ.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter, Bangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Same dialogues every where..
    That's the reason , Feku is called good narrator but bad implementer

    DisAgree [19] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    But he's SPEAKING about INDIAN BLACK MONEY art high levels in 150 days!!!
    What did the Congress do in the last 3650 days?? NOTHING

    DisAgree [25] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • vijay monis, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    J Anata,
    who made this hype?
    and for what reason?
    Only to fool illiterate people ... for Vote bank.. saying he will deposite 15 laks those who vote for BJP.
    Its now moral duty of our PM to get back that money.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Peter, you're yet again missing the trees for the skies!!

    What did Congress do in last 10 years?? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING & see what Modi is doing in 150 days...Now you're saying its duty of PM, why not this dialogue way back in 2004 when UPA 1 came in? Hypocrite

    DisAgree [21] Agree [13] Report Abuse

  • J. N Lobo, Mumbai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru,
    you mean to say Congress also should have spoken 3650 days about INDIAN BLACK MONEY at high levels !!!

    DisAgree [9] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Francis, Moodbidri/Dubai

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    As you said, why not this dialogue way back in 2004 when UPA 1 came in?

    I am asking you why not this dialogue way back in 1999-2000 when NDA came in? why that time they didnt aware of black money ??

    DisAgree [8] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Francis, the petition in Supreme court to moot the Black money was submitted by the NDA Govt under Vajpayee....That the Court too so many years to mull over it & raise the demand for enquiry came about in 2005 when UPA 1 came to power....Then we know what the UPA 1 & 2 did for 10 L-o-n-g years including 17 interjunctions & counter affadavits by Kapil Sibal, Chiddu to block the disclosure

    & yes people who feet licked & celebrated dynasty sycophants did not utter a word for last 10 years, suddenly every one is panicking when Modi is taking it up

    DisAgree [15] Agree [9] Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    @j.nata - Please check facts before commenting. UPA was instrumental in imposing a fine of around 250 crores on black money hoarders.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [12] Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    He's barking up the wrong tree

    DisAgree [17] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    The way Modi is going around linking all the tentacles of the black money couldron is indeed admirable..

    We all know how the mafia & the ultra rich protect their black monies & bank accounts, the BRICS summit & the G20 is the right platform for highlighting this issue at the International level & get their consensus for safely bringing back this money back to India...

    In last 10 L-O-N-G years of UPA misrule, no body bothered about this nor did the then Govt honour the Supreme Court diktat too, but now this is progressing very fast & at the right forum...

    DisAgree [28] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • vivek, herebile / abudhabi

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    it is common..for everything blame on predecessor Government..but as assured in election manifesto the time is running out...
    please come out of UPA misrule Hangover...and don't spill stupid idea of BLACK MONEY means CONGRESS..

    DisAgree [12] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Vivek, its high time you come out of dynastic mindset & slavery...

    Congress men & ultra rich amassed wealth worth thousands of crores & stasthed abroad we all know....They did nothing to bring this back BTW it was Indira Gandhi who first raised Black Money slogan & issue...& now Congressmen are crying bogey!!

    DisAgree [19] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • vivek, herebile / abudhabi

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    who cares about dynasty unless or until our HOLY PLACES no pelted by stones...we won't be stopped Gunda's calling them self as MORAL POLICE...our kids are forced to learn ancient LANGUAGE in place of some bread providing language, we won't be questioned for following our own FAITH and introduced mass majority faith , and we are not threatened to change our own countries history to force some Group's Ideology, Projecting as hero who killed a National Hero......there are so many such issues i should consider before i choose dynasty or dictatorship

    DisAgree [9] Agree [17] Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    vivek, herebile / abudhabi

    Are you Indian or foreigner?

    DisAgree [15] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • vivek, herebile / abudhabi

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    i think these are the only few lines you know...crooked mind only stores certain ideology and HATE...i advice you dump that useless methodology and accept fact that INDIA is secular and no place people like you...who only support VIOLENCE...

    DisAgree [5] Agree [12] Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    What has voilence to do with Black Money?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Report Abuse

  • vivek, herebile / abudhabi

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    mera hissa zaroor the way...Black money is not in the BRICS country so why rising issue there....

    DisAgree [13] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rosario Fernandes, Kallianpur

    Sat, Nov 15 2014

    Good luck. But don't be ive.
    This target should be for A to Z.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

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