Mehsana, Nov 24 (PTI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi's estranged wife Jashodaben today filed an RTI application with Mehsana police to seek clarity on security cover given to her at present and wanted to know what she is entitled to.
Mehsana Superintendent of Police(SP) J R Mothalia said that Jashodaben wants to know what are her rights as PM's wife as far as the security aspect is concerned.
"Today, she came to our office and filed an RTI to know about her rights as PM's wife with regard to security cover. We will give our written reply to her in stipulated time," said Mothalia.
Jashodaben lives with her brother Ashok Modi at Unjha town of Mehsana district. After Modi was sworn-in as PM, she has been given security by Mehasana police.
"We have deployed ten of our policemen, including armed guards, for her security. They work in two shifts, five each in one shift." said Police Inspector of Mehsana Special Operations Group(SOG) J S Chavda.
In her application, Jashodaben sought several documents from the police department related to her security cover given as per the protocol, including the certified copy of actual order passed by government about providing security.
She also wanted to know the laws and related provisions in Indian Constitution about security cover given to a PM's wife.
She asked the government to explain the definition of protocol and sought details about what is included under it and what other benefits she is entitled for as per that protocol.
She also expressed unhappiness about the current security set-up, where her guards travel in government vehicles like car, while despite being a PM's wife she has to travel in public transport.
Jashodaben noted that late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was killed by her own bodyguards and that she felt scared of her guards. She asked the government to make it compulsory for each guard to produce copy of deployment order.
Comment on this article
Ranjith, udupi
Tue, Nov 25 2014Earlier modi abandoned innocent civilians during Godhra riots when many women and children were brutally murdered, while he remained silent, and didn't exercise his powers on the mob killings history is once again repeating itself in the case of his wife's abandonment.... mr. Modi what's happening?
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Krishna, Mangaluru
Wed, Nov 26 2014It will be interesting to know the reaction of Modi chelas for the charges levelled against him ( as above )
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A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.
Tue, Nov 25 2014Another big news to flash around the world.....
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deepak , mangalore
Tue, Nov 25 2014Pyar kya hotha hai ab samaj mein aya lagtha hai.
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Clifford Fernandes, Toronto
Tue, Nov 25 2014Naseeb ka kel hai
He travels by private jet. she travels by public transport.
He gives 6000 cr to Nepal, 500 cr to Fizi, but poor Gujarat children still swim to reach their school everyday.
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KKR, Mangalore
Tue, Nov 25 2014Previous days even DHAAMDH very well aware of facilities he should grab from the govt hahah !!but now even fmly members has to file RTI to knw fecility they entitled to!!
DisAgree [6] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse
Tue, Nov 25 2014This is an example of great leader Narendra Modi's method of empowering women. The poor lady must be feeling suffocated when being chased by policemen whenever she stirs outside her home. Surely some provision in law relating to prevention of cruelty would be attracted.
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Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait
Tue, Nov 25 2014Hi Declan,
"If Modi has disowned her years ago then why does he use her name as his wife on official records" ?
That's because of our Jannanna's efforts and pressure. Unluckily Jannanna lost LS elections against BJP candidate. Am I right ?
DisAgree [4] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse
Declan, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014@Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait
So are you saying that Modi lied to the nation because of someone's pressure ? Please give me a break Flavian. You need to come up with some better reason if there is one.
DisAgree [6] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse
JNB, Bejai
Tue, Nov 25 2014Hope,
will put some focus on this issue.
DisAgree [2] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse
Nagendra , Mangaluru
Tue, Nov 25 2014Maybe she does not security as she is not used to this. But unwillingly she has become a high profile figure. She is trying to solve this confusion by filing for RTI. But hats off to her for using the public transport.
DisAgree Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse
Michael Noronha, Mysore
Tue, Nov 25 2014Very sad that the PM's wife should file a RTI to know what her rights are as far as security cover is concerned. Why is security meant for a PM's wife not extended to her? If this is the way a PM's wife should struggle for her legitimate rights imagine the plight of women in India under a PM who treats his wife so respectfully!!!
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Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014R. Fernandes, for eveyy woman husband is the most secured person.
DisAgree [1] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse
Alfred, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014P.R.Akash, Mangalore, Muscat
Your wish has come true, She only has filed a RTI so your problem solved.
DisAgree Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse
Tue, Nov 25 2014balya viwaha ok....
aanda Modi dala minni malthd budtera ijja pand confirm malpod, ijjinda paapa Modi na pudara daaye haaal malpod atte ?? :) :)
DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse
RK, Mlore
Tue, Nov 25 2014Is it mercy of Jashoben or Fear of Daku that she has not taken the case to court ? I do not understand where are those women commissioners fighting for the right of women ?
DisAgree Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse
Stan, Udupi/ Dubai
Tue, Nov 25 2014If acche din has not come to PM'S wife then what about other citizens?. its a shame and pity that Pm's wife is moving around with public transport.
DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse
Declan, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014Dear custodians of Indian culture : Is abandoning wife without legal divorce and still using her name as wife on official records Indian culture ?
DisAgree [4] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse
R nair, kollur
Tue, Nov 25 2014In Hindu culture or in Sanatana Dharma,There is no mention of divorce.!!!In western culture, marriage is ONLY between two people and not between two families or two communities. So when a person gets tired of another person, he/she gets a divorce and it is easy.
DisAgree [12] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse
Declan, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014@R nair, kollur
What do you mean by saying marriage according to 'western culture' ? As far as I know marriages are conducted as per religious rituals (excluding Civil marriages). So it is either a Christian marriage or a Hindu marriage or a Muslim marriage or a Jew marriage or a Parsi marriage etc.etc. In each of these cases marriage and/or divorce laws are defined as per the respective religion.
Then you also have 'Civil' marriages where marriages are conducted by the Court.
I dont want to get into the details of the laws regarding these but just making the point that if marriages are conducted as per religious rituals there is no question of 'western culture'.
Moreover, as far as Roman Catholics are concerned 'Divorce' is not recognised/permissible under Canon law as marriage is for life. Annulments are granted on the understanding that a true marriage never took place at all but that too is granted only after a detailed, lengthy review of the evidence and interrogation of witnesses as far as I am aware of. If there are any changes in these laws, I would appreciate being corrected.
DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse
R.Fernandes, Dubai
Tue, Nov 25 2014Modi and her marriage was somewhat like a child marriage but when modi grew up he didn't accept it and went to the Himalayas to become a sadhu ,he met some sadhu who predicted that he needs to go back cause he destined to do something for his country so he came back and joined RSS ,his marriage was never consummated
DisAgree [17] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse
Declan, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014Proof of marriage not being consummated -
Spy camera ?
or Medical tests ?
or just like rest of his Bakhths his words are Bible truth ?
DisAgree [3] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse
Amith, udupi
Tue, Nov 25 2014why cant he divorce her then ?
DisAgree [1] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse
Declan, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014What is preventing Modi from getting legally divorced from her ?
If you say child marriage is illegal then why did he mention her name as his wife on the 2014 Lok Sabha election nomination papers ? Was he lying ?
DisAgree [1] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse
R.Fernandes, Dubai
Tue, Nov 25 2014Divorce or no divorce.
It is his personal life. At least he has concern for her. He is providing adequate security to her.
Modi's mother also travels by public transport even today. So what's the big deal?
Modi haters and Media for its TRP rating exaggerating and unnecessarily getting in to her personal life.
DisAgree [24] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse
Declan, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014Modi is not doing any favours to her here okay ? Once one becomes a Public servant especially a leader then ones personal life also becomes open to public scrutiny and justifiably so as a leader he needs to set an example of living right.
Nobody is expecting Modi to rejoin his wife if that is not his wish but then the right thing for him to do as a law abiding citizen is to get a legal divorce and give her some financial support/lumpsum settlement in view of the fact that she is retired, old and has no responsible person to look after her instead of just abandoning her.
DisAgree [3] Agree [18] Report Abuse
Declan, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014What is the proof of Modi's marriage not being consummated ?
Are there any medical test records
Did Modi say he did not consummate the marriage and if he did so do you just take his word as the Gospel truth ?
Are you all marriage non-consummation experts ?
DisAgree [2] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse
P.R.Akash, Mangalore, Muscat
Tue, Nov 25 2014Hello...If you are so concerned about Modi's marriage, wife etc., why don't you use RTI and get those records yourself. Why are you shooting arrows in the dark. Do some homework and rest peacefully.
DisAgree [14] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse
Declan, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014Dont get frustrated. Arrows are being aimed properly so dont worry about that. I dont care about Modi or his marriage but what I care about is the poor example the PM of India has set with regard to his marriage.
DisAgree [8] Agree [18] Report Abuse
jaykay, fl
Fri, Jan 02 2015If he is not married to her .. let her marry someone or have security cover removed ..
DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse
Roshan Braganza, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014" bhashan " specialist at least getting some hints about extremely biased laws in India. What if his wife files false cases like 498 a and sues him !? , it will be a slap on naarivadi BJP comrade. @ mahendra shetty , dinesh , Guys , Do u aware of the proposed amendment in Hindu Marriage Act , IRBM. If its passed , every HINDU man may face disaster in future. A estranged wife can rob and loot half the mans property and inherited and ancestral property too. Half of all assets goes to her , if she files paper. Congress was skeptical about this amendment and did not pass it.
Your own BJP comrades are pushing for this , i hope you aware of this. And the excuses our law minister gives is equally strange and ignorant. He says , he is getting more emails from feminists than MRA's ( men rights activists )
DisAgree [4] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse
Amith, udupi
Tue, Nov 25 2014This lady is testament of women empowerment of Feku ..use her name to come to power in affidavit and forget her and put her in virtual jail for rest of the years ..
DisAgree [2] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse
R.Fernandes, Dubai
Tue, Nov 25 2014I think you are getting into somebody's personal life.
If you are so much interested then you should know
1) Due to which disease Jawaharlal Nehru died. You ask any medical student and he will tell you.
2) You should also study the personal life of Indira Gandhi.
There are many more in the list.
As far as personal life is concerned I feel Modi is much better than those mentioned above.
DisAgree [17] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse
Alfred, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014R.Fernandes, Dubai
Why ask any Medical student, You Know Nehru and Gandhi family very well so you tell, When Feku supporters get into others personnel life it is okay with you but others should not get into Feku life than you get upset. Please set one standard for all
DisAgree [2] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse
Amith, udupi
Tue, Nov 25 2014Fernandes,
I dont have to have a medical degree to prove that you are a blind follower ..where were you when Modi called tharoors wife a 50 Crore girl friend ??it was not personal attack ??..go get a life outside of following Fekus..
DisAgree [3] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse
Roshan P. D'Mello, M'lore
Tue, Nov 25 2014Saheb directly answers to Adani & Ambani but Biwi has to use RTI to get answers...
DisAgree [2] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse
Ranjith , udupi
Tue, Nov 25 2014Abandoning the wife is worse than not getting a clean divorce. When will these RSS groomed people ever learn?
DisAgree Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse
ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb
Tue, Nov 25 2014Roshan,
Your view point is turning out to be something very interesting.
An open question to legal minds..., (at least to restrain the talking point going beyond limit)
- Can anybody argue(or to consider) that Madam Jashodaben is a private citizen.
On some other pretext, though the media(or paid media if i may say so) was behind Mr. Vadra, & the Delhi High court ruled that he is a private citizen.
DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse
Prakash, Mangalore
Tue, Nov 25 2014Acche din for India's first lady not yet started!
DisAgree [2] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse
Roshan, Mangaluru
Tue, Nov 25 2014She filed RTI, as her own contention, she is both embarrassed and scared. Embarrassed because, when she is going on Rickshaw, police are tailing her on their cars, she is neither his wife, nor she can live independently. On the other side, she is also scared, whether any fake encounters could happen, to eliminate her and blame it on terrorists.
DisAgree [4] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse
Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait
Tue, Nov 25 2014Did she have any such arrangements when Modi was CM? What is the use when Modi has disowned her for so many years in life? This woman should refuse such out word sympathy or concern when a man has no concern on his wife (ex) at all.
She can continue living her usual/normal life without giving importance to other developments.
DisAgree [3] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse
Declan, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014@Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait
It can be accepted that at a personal level she should not bother about a husband who has disowned her for years but her situation is not so simple. Here is why - When Modi was CM security was not a concern as he was CM of the same state where she was residing and the state police are under control of the state government. Now that Modi has become a national figure the security risks for relatives has increased appreciably. She has not asked for any sympathy but only for special security and other benefits she is entitled to as a PM's wife especially in view of the fact that Modi has not formally divorced her.
She has every right to demand her rights as a PM's wife as long as Modi is using her name as his wife on official records because it perhaps gives him a good 'political image' domestically and internationally to show himself as a 'married' man.
So if Modi can use her name as wife for his political benefit why deprive Jashodaben her rights.
The Indian public are sympathizing with her because of her plight as an abandoned wife. She is not asking for sympathy but only for her rights. What is wrong with that ?
DisAgree [2] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse
Declan, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014@Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait
If Modi has disowned her years ago then why does he use her name as his wife on official records ?
I dont think any self respecting person would want to do that.
DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse
vellano1, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014It is highly unfortunate that this lady is badly treated cos she married to high profile leader once upon a time! I feel, she should be let to live the way she lived if her ex-husband had not become PM! this security/constant vigil and protocol actually irritates common folks!...
but then the terrorists are after Modi's blood and this lady should not be a target to their mindless terror! I know it is illogical, but thats the way they act! I feel sorry for the woman... If modi takes her to 7RCR too, it will be like house arrest for her...! I dont see a solution to this at all!...
She is just like Vadra.. who has to also cope up with this security apparatus around him, all the time. poor guy, cant even run when the govt is not that of his Mom-in-law!
DisAgree [13] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse
Roshan, Mangaluru
Tue, Nov 25 2014You are admitting Modi is scared of Jashodaben and Vadra, so he is keeping them under check, using the security apparatus. Not sure of Vadra, but atleast Jashodaben probably had justifiable reason then to leave him as her husband was such a insecure person.
DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse
vellano1, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014You are free to think whatever way u wish to, if that makes u happy! ... if u cut down on one hajmola per day also, it will be lots of saving! lol
DisAgree [5] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse
N.M, Mangalore
Tue, Nov 25 20141. Feku travels in Adani's jet and his wife travels in Auto rickshaw.
2. He is interested in snooping on young girls, but he is not bothered about his own wife's whereabouts.
3. He lives in a palatial mansion but his wife lives in a small house located in a village.
4. He talks of women empowerment, but has forgotten to support his own wife.
Conclusion: How can we expect a 'Bhaashan Specialist' to manage our country, when he cannot manage his own wife???????
DisAgree [8] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse
KKR, Mangalore
Tue, Nov 25 2014Yes ..N.M one should have PAAPU like son ..choar Daamadh.. . and must have some dumb chelas they only they can manage our country!!
DisAgree [18] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse
N.M, Mangalore
Tue, Nov 25 2014@ KKR - COng might have inefficient and some foolish people...But BJP has rapists, Yale educated ministers, rioters, Fanatic babas, looters, Bhashan Specialists and Dakus.
How can you defend BJP when it has Yeddy as a vice-president??? hahaha.
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P.R.Akash, Udupi
Tue, Nov 25 2014Yeddi is a good politician.Court has given him a clean chit now. Why are you getting into his cheddi, that also from back door. Worry about soneki chidiya, pappoos, chores and their chelas...whose days are counted when the legal enquiry starts.
DisAgree [11] Agree [3] Report Abuse
Romith, Mangaluru
Tue, Nov 25 2014It's SHAMEFUL for Modi not to give her official wife status and not living with her, neither he is divorcing here. That's the problem in this whole fiasco.
DisAgree [2] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse
Peter, Bangalore
Tue, Nov 25 2014Legal divorce is the only solution.
DisAgree Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse
Mahendra Shetty, Mumbai Mangalore
DisAgree [44] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse
gm, mlure
Tue, Nov 25 2014Aapna baad mein dekenge lekin Hey shoba nahi detha hai na....
DisAgree Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse
Shafi, Mangalore
Tue, Nov 25 2014Why do you want to abuse Sonia and her family for inability of Modi to take his family along with him ? She is just another Victim like Keshubhai,Advani ,Joshi etc .
DisAgree [3] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse
Mahendra Shetty, Mumbai Mangalore
DisAgree [34] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse
gm, mlore
Tue, Nov 25 2014Now she is complaining that she need security and need cars...
DisAgree [3] Agree [27] Report Abuse
N.M, Mangalore
Tue, Nov 25 2014@ Shetty - She is now doubting her own security...She has a feeling that Feku and Daku will try to eliminate her in their 'trade mark' style.
DisAgree [4] Agree [25] Report Abuse
Mahendra Shetty, Mumbai Mangalore
Tue, Nov 25 2014N.M,
DisAgree [16] Agree [6] Report Abuse
Lingappa, Kuppepadavu/Amsterdam
Tue, Nov 25 2014Why the fish are the Khangress supporters interested in the PM personal life, as long as he delivers its okay. In that case one can ask them about Franco Luison.LOL. Prior to election Janardhan Pujari spoke in length about Modis wife. Pujari was trashed to pulp by an unknown candidate and Khangress was wiped out. A perfect example of 'Like leader like followers' in this forum.
DisAgree [13] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse
jossey saldanha, mumbai
DisAgree [4] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse
Mahendra Shetty, Mumbai Mangalore
DisAgree [14] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse
m.i.k, qatar
Tue, Nov 25 2014shetre who is modi?not bjp PM..indian PM...dont forget
DisAgree Agree [5] Report Abuse
Sudheer, Mangalore
Tue, Nov 25 2014Jossey, Vadra is a joker, so we enjoy Vadra & Joseey too.
DisAgree [14] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse
Lingappa, Kuppepadavu/Amsterdam
Tue, Nov 25 2014Jossey,,Lets have lot of Fun ..lets bring in the topic of Franco Luison then. Google mate.
DisAgree [8] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse
Shafi, Mangalore
Tue, Nov 25 2014She is just another victim in a great career growth of a self centered egoistic person who is interested in ME and I only not WE or US .
DisAgree [2] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse
Ranjith, udupi
Tue, Nov 25 2014If modi is indifferent to her demands, jashodaben can ask kokilaben to scold him and give him a few "kuttis" on her behalf...
DisAgree Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse
Krishna, Mangaluru
Tue, Nov 25 2014Shameful situation for our beloved and honorable PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA. Why cant he go for divorce and get rid of all such problems in FUTURE.
DisAgree [2] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse
m.i.k, qatar
Tue, Nov 25 2014Bd,vhp,rss..ka logh kyu nahi protest karthe ye?
DisAgree Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse
gm, mlure
Tue, Nov 25 2014I think her life is more miserable than earlier. She cant move freely because of this security.
DisAgree Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse
Tue, Nov 25 2014Modi's wife not sure of her life security,how can Modi ensure aam admi ki security!!???This is truely embracing situation to BJP and Modi in particular.
DisAgree [13] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse
S.M. Nawaz kukkikatte, Dubai
Tue, Nov 25 2014MODI fit to give security to black money holders, baba's and his RSS Chela's not ordinary woman's
DisAgree [4] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse
Clifford Fernandes, Toronto
Tue, Nov 25 2014Ismail
What embarrassing situation are you talking about ? Modi and BPJ know to swim with the tide. For Besharam people, there is no embarrassment.
DisAgree [4] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse
ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb
Tue, Nov 25 2014First & foremost, every lawfully wedded wife has a right to live with her Husband..., unless such marriage is annulled by the honorable court as per the law of the land.
DisAgree [4] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse
Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014ca girishkk, they have the option of sleeping separately ...
DisAgree [5] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse
Santan Mascarenhas, Kinnigoli/Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014Jossey
They do have option to sleep separately, but, if she wants, she can ask for her conjugal rights too.
DisAgree [2] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse
KL, India
Tue, Nov 25 2014If she is in the same house, she will become kabab mein haddi
DisAgree [2] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse
Syed Mohiudin, Iruvail/Riyadh
Tue, Nov 25 2014Jashodben Modi not only deserved to be have security and other facility, but she should be stay at Mr. Modi's present PM bungalow.
DisAgree [3] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse
Sudhi, byndoor
Tue, Nov 25 2014It is very sad that our PM Modi who has given so much hope to the entire country has not given any hope to his own wife. Suppose even though he might have been forced to marry her during his young days still it is no fault of her who herself might have been forced to marry him. If he doesn't want to be her no problem but at least provide her some money from his salary and provide those benefits and luxury which a PMs wife is entitled.
DisAgree [2] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse
Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
DisAgree [4] Agree [59] Reply Report Abuse
alice, kirem/new delhi
Tue, Nov 25 2014Well said Mr. Charles D'Mello. Waste of Tax Payers money... This is just to keep media away.
DisAgree [2] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse
Clifford Fernandes, Toronto
Tue, Nov 25 2014Dirty linen of the PM is being washed in public by his legal and rightful wife.
DisAgree [9] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse
For Justice, Abu Dhabi / Ubar
Tue, Nov 25 2014In this stage instead of worrying about benefits,eligibility & security,she should have asked the authority to REJOIN HER WITH HUSBAND which is much more important to a woman or man than anything else.
This article sounds pretty fun, I feel pity on her.
DisAgree [2] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse
Peter, Bangalore
Tue, Nov 25 2014More than security she need a helping hand in this age.
DisAgree [2] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse
RSRB, Kundapura / Singapore
Tue, Nov 25 2014This security system is rediculous in India...
She travels in public transport by paying the amount herself and security personal travel by government cars....!!!
Anyway, I am sure JOSSEY & PSEUDOS will definitely comment for this article even if they are hiding in any ratholes...
Modi's marriage is their pet subject like Janardhan Poojari...
DisAgree [48] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse
Ranjith, udupi
Tue, Nov 25 2014You also must be only traveling in public bus/ transport over there in Singa, that way your lifestyle is similar to poor, old jashodaben....kindly don't eat chewing gum or paan on singapore bus, and get yourself deported! We love you, if you are there only!
DisAgree [9] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse
Vinod, India
Tue, Nov 25 2014Why not comment on Modis marital status? To rise to power, his marriage and wife were acceptable casualties to him.
DisAgree [7] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse
Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
DisAgree [8] Agree [52] Reply Report Abuse
vellano1, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014He is seeing if she can be good match to our Pappu.. ab desh ke pradhan mantri ke naate, pappu ko ek shaadi karna uski zimmewari hai!
I mean dude, come on, we know how Feroze Gandhi was treated! ... we know how kamala Nehru was treated... infact we know how maneka Gandhi was treated...! and you r talking about marital obligations?! ...
Modi had abandoned the child marriage (which infact is not legal), even before he became a MLA, CM, Mp,PM!! and he had guided her to be a teacher and made self sufficient! she and he never consummated their marriage and never lived together and decided on their own that they will remain celibate! what is wrong?
Spare your thoughts, when Pinki didi will go through divorce herself!... let me see what you will advise people then :)
DisAgree [17] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse
Declan, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014In your desperation to defend Modi you are contradicting Modi. If you say the marriage was a child marriage and not legal why did Modi state her name as his wife on the election nomination papers ?
As for marriage being consummated or not were you there with spy cameras or is there any record of any medical tests done to prove consummation of marriage or not ? Oh I forgot being a Modi Bakth his words are like the Bible to you.
DisAgree [2] Agree [11] Report Abuse
Declan, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014In any democratic nation the personal and private lives of public servants is always a matter of public interest and will be discussed, debated and used by opponents within and outside his/her political party to derive electoral and political advantage.
This is a fact of life and Modi being a seasoned politician knows this very well. So he should not be surprised if this matter continues to haunt him for the rest of his political career.
DisAgree [2] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse
prem, mudubelle
Tue, Nov 25 2014its 100 percent......right.
govt should provide Z SECURITY TO HER WITH .. BULLET PROOF CAR...
SHE IS wife OF INDIAN PM....[ baba ram dev is give fre z security so y not pm s wife??????}
DisAgree Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse
Rita, Germany
Tue, Nov 25 2014Its strange she is asking or filing RTI about security now.It should be clear and should have been cleared from Modi or People concerned in PM s secretariate.Or PM is not talking to her or how was till now.Indira Gandhi was killed from her Guards was another issue because of Sikhs temple.and she was the PM. Here she is wife of PM.why she is worried about her security or wants more power ?Why did the PM cleared such things previously?Why should she travel by Public Transport and the Guards by are the guards there ?she must have had a car previously or not ?where it is now?looks bit funny that Modi has forgotten her.He should clean at home before asking to clean the Nation.
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Clifford, Mangalore
Tue, Nov 25 2014It is a disgrace that PM's wife has to travel by public transport while her security gaurds travel by cars. I am sure the government can provide her with a car after all the long suffering she has gone through.
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Declan, Mumbai
Tue, Nov 25 2014In fact Jashodaben's husband needs to learn from Priyanka Gandhi how to not abandon your spouse in good times or in bad times.
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Charles D'Mello, Pangala
Mon, Nov 24 2014If she has to travel by public transport, then why there are security guards surrounding her. Stop this useless expenditure.
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alice, kirem/new delhi
Tue, Nov 25 2014Well said Mr. Charles D'Mello. Waste of Tax Payers money... This is just to keep media away.
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prem, moodbidri
Mon, Nov 24 2014Security given to Jashodaben is not to guard us. It is to prevent media persons to reach her.
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Ranjith , udupi
Mon, Nov 24 2014Uh-oh, I sense trouble brewing between Jashodaben and Modi..somehow she feels aliented and ignored by India's most powerful man who flies in Adani's luxurious, private jet, while she has to travel within Unjha town in rickety, old bus! Poor woman might even be suffering from arthritis to even climb the bus.
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Suleman Beary, Udupi
Mon, Nov 24 2014It is a sad story to hear that she is travelling in public transport and govt. appointed security for her are travelling in vehicle. Modi should answer that...why he estranged his wife? What he is compensated? Why he or his govt. is suddenly think of her security which was not given during his CM to Gujarat? Or she may getting harassed now?
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ca giriahkk, m'lore/dxb
Mon, Nov 24 2014Madam Jashodaben to be provided or deserve Z security.
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