58 persons embrace Hinduism in Kerala

Kottayam (Ker), Dec 25 (PTI): At least 58 persons, most of them belonging to Christian families, embraced Hinduism at two temples in Kottayam district under the initiative of Vishwa Hindu Parishad on Christmas day today.

At least 42 members belonging to 20 families embraced Hinduism at the Puthiyakavu Devi temple in Ponkunnam while at another function at the Thirunakara Sri Krishna Swamy temple in Thirunakara, 16 were converted to Hinduism, VHP District President, Balachandran Pillai said.

One of the person who converted is said to be a Muslim.

Pillai said those who had converted had come on their own from Vaikom, Kumarakkam and Kanjirapally.

Similar functions are being held at various places.

Yesterday, 11 persons had embraced Hinduism near Kayamkulam in Alappuzha district in yet another case of conversion since the last week in the state.

A batch of 30 persons belonging to eight families of Scheduled Caste Christians had re-converted in the district on December 21.

On conversion, Chief Minister Oommen Chandy had said yesterday that the situation did not warrant a government intervention.


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  • Vincent Rodrigues, Frazer Town,B'lore

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Conversions are O.K if the conversion is with the consent and according to the Law of the nation.

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  • vellano1, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    why one needs to be converted is my question..? everyone can practice and follow multiple faith.. we vote our govt. we our leaders... if we are hungry, poor, deprived, we should go to them!.. why go to new religions, which promoses falsehood..? I am talking in both ways.. HINDU to X'IAN and vice versa...

    Anti conversion law should come.. and still if buddhee jeevis want to choose their god, or religion or remain athiest, he should go to the District magistarte level and apply for it... simply dipping in some water, should not be his baptism!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • avinash, ksd/bluru

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Well said Robert. If one doesn't have any respect for his own religion then it doesn't matter whether he follows that religion or not. As you said, these people would have converted to Christianity under some circumstances and now want to go back to Hinduism.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    It is the very karma which gives them an excuse to help their own brethren by saying the poor and downtrodden are so becos of their karma of the past. isn't this hypocricy. first save the existing hindus who are dying of lack of basic necessities then later invite guests.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Changing ones faith is long term desire and consistent effort. Comparable to education.
    Just by changing wrapper or cloths, commodity or persons inner quality doesn't change.
    Let's truly believe in God's presence in our lives and retain God's fragrance and character.
    Faith has grown, spread and rejuvenated mostly in turbulent times.
    We should always stay calm and pleasant during difficulties and sickness.
    God's way are different than ours, let us submit it to him, it may be his way to spread the words deeper and wider where they have not reached.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Varun, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Except for the developed western countries, Christians are not doing any better in rest of the world, like in Africa or Eastern Europe.. By the way, in developed countries,which also have high human development index atheism is increasing and Christianity is decreasing! Food for thought, eh ?!

    DisAgree Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Sat, Dec 27 2014

    let talk about India first then jump to other countries

    DisAgree [2] Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • varun, mangalore

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    No, i do not understand! what do you mean by hell?! afterlife stories?! why do you expect others to believe in afterlife?!

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Achhu , M,lore

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    They can change only poor category, they are running hell life here in Duniya with the expectations of good life in hereafter. That also stopped by this Ghar vapasi. Hope all understood me well

    DisAgree [4] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • honest, mangalore

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    duddu ede sar.. MODIyalli.. duddu ede

    DisAgree [5] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prakash, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Let them go back. The people who not believe in Jeuses Christ and his teachings, no space in christinity. People who change their religion only for money, ration card or for other benefits are not true followers of any religion.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • juliana, udupi

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Paapi pate ka sawaal hai. Some other day I saw one video clip in which one little child was crying in UN assembly for the beggars of India. She is not Indian but it shows how the condition in India as found by rest of the world.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • I.A, Polya

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Efforts to polarize , create an impression among hardcore Fekku fans that Fekku is delivering on the promise that he made them .

    Let development / infrastructure / foreign relations all go to hell ....important thing now is ghar wapasi ....

    But do these fekku bhakts even know that 99% of Indian population has come from overseas and only 1% population is native Indians . This 1% is the tribals / adivasis ..

    DisAgree [9] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • sunill, bengaluru

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Who told u this chandamamakathe?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • NS, Mlore

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Were they allowed to be priests in Churches? Were they giving sermons? Were their kids married to any respected family of Catholics. Please elaborate.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Any Christian is allowed to join
    the priesthood and become a priest, give sermons and celebrate mass. Marriage is an individual choice but yes there is no bar as a community. They are free to marry as per their will.

    Your hatred also seems to have kept you ignorant too. Get well soon.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lawrence, USA

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    If the re-conversion can uplift them from poverty and elevate their social status, why not. Any religion is good become a religious fanatic is bad. At least accept these Ghar vapasis in your temples and homes.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • RSRB, Kundapura / Singapore

    Fri, Dec 26 2014


    Accommodating convertees into Hinduism is not your headache.
    I have not understood what makes you to bother here, except your hatredness towards..........

    DisAgree [6] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • REEMA.D, doha/udupi

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    RSS & Sanghis ,please check in youtube" 80,000 Dalits rejected Hinduism & converted to Buddhism in Gujarat India". BJP lost 80,000 Hindutva votes in coming election.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita, Germany

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    @DineshBangalore,how Little you know about missionarys is sad. Dont worry,missionary is not only conversion of poor as you thinkinto another Religion and give Money and boast about conversion.They are not afraid about your type of conversion.who saved when People were sick and suffered leprosy and brought them and gave medicine for example,when None of your People had the mercy and left alone on the road side ,even put out of the house?and Fr.muller had brought to hut and gave them shelter and medicine?Who built the best educational institutions where even now People are rushing to get a seat there?They didnt convert People in a mass ceromoney hurried like todays.but left them to decide .Today it is all because of lacs rupees.Where it is come all of a sudden to this conversion ,which they were not Aware of it,with all of the time living in India.? come on,all These "converted "People will what practice when they go home?Anyway one should not boast now with it.Let them live everyone what they want.but not go to hunt People to the sake of "reconversion".Missionarys having not lack of convertys but lack of helping Hands to work with them.Take for example in Mangalore itself there are People who do volunteerly to help sick and abandond People on the road where you People dont have time to do it.and now commenting about missionarys.It is a shame.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Manju, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    What goes around comes around. Karma acts here.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    It is the very karma which gives them an excuse to help their own brethren by saying the poor and downtrodden are so becos of their karma of the past. isn't this hypocricy. first save the existing hindus who are dying of lack of basic necessities then later invite guests.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shivappa, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 27 2014

    to provide somebody basic necessities is it required them to convert?
    If not, why Christians are doing it?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Manju, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Churches are not getting Fund from European countries because recessions there. Even UK is now flooded with Muslims. No money for converting by inducement.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Manju, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    welcome back to Sanatana Dharma . Good work by Hindu organization. Keep it up and salute to your hard work. Today 58 persons rescued from slavery from foreign funded missionaries.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prakash, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Because of missionaries, we have good education institutions, Hospitals, Job training institutions, ashrams for sick,poor , beggers, desserted people, old age centers, TB & Leprosy centers to all cast and religions and these facilities cannot provide by so called Hindu outfits.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr S Kamath, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    As per reports CM Chandy has said there are no forced conversions and hence no case will be registered .Everything happened in full public view

    DisAgree [4] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Now the Minister of Information and broadcasting has to release the exact number of re-conversion in six months of BJP ruling as the greatest accomplishment.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Changing ones faith is long term course and desire.
    Just by changing wrapper or cloths, commodity or persons inner-self doesn't change.
    Let's truly believe in God's presence in our lives and God's fragrance and character.
    Faith has grown, spread and rejuvenated mostly in turbulent times.
    Always stay calm and pleasant during difficulties and sickness.
    God's way are different than ours, present works will spread the words deeper and wider itf it is Gods will and plans.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • varun, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Again, accusing only right wing hindhu groups ?! easy, no ?! In North east india, tribal were converted and even armed by missionaries...mass conversion from one religion to another religion is mostly political and about increasing Head count..any way, irrespective of the new religion they adopt i do not think, their social status will improve significantly..suppose,any lower caste hindu person converts to Christianity, can he/she get marriage proposal from upper class english speaking konkani catholic community in mangalore or india?! same with Islam.. No Syed family gonna arrange the marriage of their kids with new converts...about hinduism, no need to elaborate as we all are aware of rigid caste system.. So bottom line, is conversion is not gonna change new converts social status in India..Its only marginalized, exploited community convert en mass hoping for a better future! I know we indians do not really like bitter truth

    DisAgree [2] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • vinayak prabhu, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    May i know what is latin catholics in kerala? Chruch have more castism than hinduism dont blame vhp

    DisAgree [4] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • vinayak prabhu, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    All converted by their own will..vhp just helped them..anyone who want to come back by their wish..maybe they felt they will attain moksha or salvation in hinduism

    DisAgree [2] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • vinayak prabhu, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Well said..

    DisAgree [2] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anirudh P, Bangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Haha very true...when I mentioned about "Scheduled Caste Christians" Declan d that as "childish comment from caddies!!!! And he commented something irrelevant and avoided commenting on Scheduled Caste Christians

    Really having fun when double standard and hypocrisy of these people gets exposed.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Albert, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Government should ban all conversion and re-conversion theories. what is happnening in Kerala is really condenamble. Similarly what Christian missionaries and nuns have done by luring poor, especally in north east , Orissa and tribal belts in the name of GOD as well as luring Hindu girls by Love Jihad by conversion factories of Ponnani and Mallapuram are also equally objectionable.
    Let Humanity prevails of religious belief!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vikas, Udupi

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Scheduled Caste Christians.....lol. hahahahahaha

    Where is that Declan and his friends who asked what sub caste do they belong to after conversion to Hinduism?

    Was this the caste you guys gave them when they were Christians???
    Mirror is in front of you now. Hypocrites, your double standards all stand exposed. I am looking to saying anything from the pockets. Just read the news above. I thought you upgraded them to business class after conversion but they were still traveling in cattle class and you guys point fingers at Hindu caste systems?? Shame in you.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Why you guys wont leave me in peace even to celebrate Christmas !

    Enjoy and gloat on your revenge Ghar vapasi conversions and do whatever you like with your caste system. Mera use koi lena dena nahi hai. All the best.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vijay, MANGALORE

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    There is no Caste system In Christianity, They were Scheduled Caste persons who converted to Christianity and now Returned to Hinduism, They use the same church, and it is not a Forced conversion, They have done it on their own free will

    DisAgree [5] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • vellano1, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Many dalit christians who have converted to climb social hierarchy, pathetically find themselves entangled in more and more sophisticated forms of casteism.

    Christians are sophisticated in Kerala. Every grand mother in a Christian family will boast of brahminical roots, as per my keralean christian friend.. Though as a community, Christians are educationally,.economically and socially developed, pathetically they need the reinforcement of a caste tag. That too in spite of thriving in kerala from AD 72 onwards! So the dalit Christian has no succor here, she remains more on the fringes, in a more sophisticated manner.

    he tells me, know personally some families who refused to go on a Holy Land tour from the parish church because an upscale, former Fisher woman's family was also part of the trip....

    even Hindus have come off age, in getting rid of caste bias (more evident from Modi's elevation and people rallying behind him cutting across castes.. brahimns, dalits, lingayats, jats, upper castes, backwards ...ALL), it is disturbing to know untouchability is practised in Christainity and islam, here in India!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Good luck for believing a Mallu. He gave you some cock and bull story and you lapped it up or it is your own cock and bull story ?


    DisAgree [10] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • vellano1, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    and yes, I have to believe you, who hails Xavier as biggest thing, Roman Queen Maino has truth personified and you are all SANT AATMAs!!
    those few mallus when they convert to christianity and islam they are all truthful is it?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Report Abuse

  • Mahendra Shetty, Mumbai Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014


    DisAgree [23] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • m.hussain, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    There is no word like in our constitution "Ban re-conversion" with immediate effect

    DisAgree [12] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • avinash, ksd/bluru

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Before banning 're-conversion' let the govt ban 'conversion' first.

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rems, Qatar

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Conversion to Christianity: Forced conversion, balaatkaarada mataantara.

    Conversion to Hinduism: Ghar vaapsi, they came on their own.

    DisAgree [26] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Milan, Dxb

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Convert to Hinduism and receive one lakh.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • varun, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    This mass conversion organized by religious group is not in good taste. As a Hindu i am not comfortable with such conversion of any one to Hinduism. Having said, non Hindus here criticizing the conversion should become less hypocrites and take a deep look into their deeds in the past including the recent past. How your people targeted tribals and lesser privileged people enticing them with materialistic gains or via threat and converting them..its so laughable that now you find such mass conversion condemnable!

    DisAgree [8] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    There is no problem anyone wanting to convert to Hinduism. God bless them. What is hurting here is that this whole campaign is being done not as a regular normal act but it is being done at the behest of the Parivar as a kind of revenge - 'to get back' at minorities and to work towards 'Hindu Rashtra', thereby killing the secular nature of our Society which is in bad taste and threatening to us.
    India may not be 100% secular but at least we do not have widespread communal problems or extremism and fundamentalism widespread in our Society.
    Why is the Sangh messing with that ? Is this about revenge ? Is this about Hindu Rashtra ?

    DisAgree [15] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Adil, thekkatte/dubai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    they might be innocents @Robert

    DisAgree [2] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rosario Fernandes, Kallianpur

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    The fact of the matter is,:
    'Every individual prefers life first than religion'.
    As such, it is easy to convert starving people into ANY religion. I am sure, out of 58 people not a single person is economically sound or minimum educated. This proves Modi's agenda of 'Development' is 'Religious Development' and not 'Economic Development'!!!!. 

    DisAgree [5] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • vinayak prabhu, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Ya this is the theory missionaries followed for hundreds of years..thanks for exposing

    DisAgree [2] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Conversion for the sake of money(beneficiaries) (publicity for Sanghis) will not change their faith/heart.In fact, in India money can buy anything everything.If that families thinks that they got ticket to paradise it is well and good be they from Christians or Muslims.

    This strategical move of conversion is because VHP was scared that from Hinduism people are converting to Buddhism/christian /muslim en masse and to thwart the exodus that they want anti conversion Bill to be introduced in the parliament and that is why they are making big noises.IN SPITE OF MODI'S APPEAL TO WITHDRAW THE MOVE,RSS /VHP/BD go ahead with cosmetic move for a hidden agenda.Now RSS defiant with request of Modi and a crack in long run between dictator Modi with RSS is imminent.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Thu, Dec 25 2014


    To put it in some words, RE-CONVERSION will be there as long as your FRUSTRATION exists.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Dinesh Poojari,

    I am not minding some one changes his faith...But making such shows are fake and has some agenda in that.By the by where these converted people will stay?Can you give them POOJARI Community status?or Can you accept your own people.Mark my words they would be untouchables in the society as they can't able to marry nor they can give their daughters any community with in ?

    DisAgree [21] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Tom Cat, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Fekus development as cant do anything else, all he can do good is to ambanis and adanis and to the idiots the conversion drama. He is diverting the mind of people with a conversion programme so that people don't ask him for 15 lakhs into their accounts.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Em, gangolli/uae

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Religion ke saath khelne walo, Janta maaf nahi karegi...

    DisAgree [5] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Now christian missionaries have to pack up and go. Else they will become like our Vijaya Mallya...

    Moral : Not all businesses give ROI.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • praveen, udupi

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Dinesh see our christian missionary St Francis Xavier.Even though he died his body didnt perish.He will protect all our missionaries.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Thu, Dec 25 2014



    DisAgree Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • vinayak prabhu, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    What are the ways they used in goa for inquisition? To convert people..go read history..its said tobe worst brutality ever

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Now a days we see a religion- politics ...!!!Politics and religion should go side by side but not intermingle.one another...A unfortunate development !!!.India is also well known for it's peaceful livings under the thin fabric of 'unity in diversity'.

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • mik, qatar

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Soon politics ka jaisa religion be ek business ho jayega kaun jada paisa pay karega kisko religion kei upar faith nahi unlogh oh religion mei jayega usse be jada diyatho us mei jump karega...haha kya dinaya

    DisAgree [2] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    ..read Kerala CM comment..he is crystal clear, not Peddaramayya..he said at this stage Govt interference unwarranted..this what center saying past several days but RS sickular leaders didnt listened..when willful conversion is not a crime, why there is foul cry..it happened earlier also..every one will condemn forceful conversion..let the families complain that its forceful then every state Govt has enough laws to catch the thugs..

    DisAgree [7] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • mik, qatar

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Thise all drama unlogh dilse nahi paisa keliye hinduism acept kiya ye...reay dekhneko gayatho unlogonko kisi be religion ke upar faith nahi...kal usse be jada psisa kaun be diyegatho ho religion mei jump karega...yaisa religion be abe ek business banjayega...

    DisAgree [2] Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    We will continue to enjoy BEEF ...

    DisAgree [12] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • vinayak prabhu, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    You eat whatever you want..we dont care..

    DisAgree Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anirudh P, Bangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Dear victor, mangalore

    Of course Hinduism was/is/will be peaceful and compassionate religion.

    Even after you provoke it,try to harm it by conversion of poor hindus by luring them, it has remained peaceful and compassionate.

    The above news is good example for "What you sow is what you reap".

    DisAgree [8] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • India First, India

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Thousands converts from Hinduism to other religion and no news !! But only 58 converts to Hinduism and its a breaking news ???

    DisAgree [4] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    58 or 580...ALL DEPENDS ON THEIR FAITH...

    DisAgree [10] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    FEKU had promised Rs. 15 lac for every Indian from Black Money.
    Now this money is used for unlawful CONVERSIONS ...

    DisAgree [14] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Shetty, Mlore SHj

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Really don't know why dongis and Media are giving importance to such news. Its people's choice. As far as it is not forced why we are bothered about it. Let anyone convert to anything. Let them not convert into animals , that's all...MOVE ON.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • masif, Jubail

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    This drama will ongoing until implement the anti conversion law!!!

    Anti conversion law implement karne keliye pura tara ka drama karega

    DisAgree [15] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • rajeev, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Christian kare to chamatkar.....
    Hindu kare to balatkar......

    secular India.....

    DisAgree [51] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. M Shaikh, Dubai, Belapu, Kaup

    Thu, Dec 25 2014


    DisAgree [16] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohan, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    India is a secular Country. People are free to chose the faith.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. M Shaikh, Dubai, Belapu, Kaup

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    People are free to chose the faith
    But not free for taking BRIBE or RUPEES

    DisAgree [22] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohan, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Agreed. Like it was happening earlier.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • victor, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Unfortunately this is how hinduism is propogated in western christian countries...But they desnt know other side of peaceful,compassionate Hinduism ...i.e hindutva in India...slowly they are becoming aware....Hinduism is always exported s peaceful compassionate..in the form of meditation,spirituality,yoga...etc in western countries...Unfortunately quite opposite side of hinduism is preached in India ...

    DisAgree [31] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shivappa, Mangaluru

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Unfortunate is your comment Victor.
    If Hindus were what you think they are then things would have been different.
    Look at the Government stand on this issue and learn something. If this was forceful conversion then Kerala Government would have acted by now rather than giving just a statement.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • sid, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    unfortunately you cant preach Hinduism in India . If you do try to preach then u r not secular !

    DisAgree [2] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • victor, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    This reply to Dinesh poojary..

    DisAgree [8] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vantage Point, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Govt of India shouldnt ban conversion...It is helping to increase percentage who always played victim card when percentage of other religion is increased...Now I think there is no need of baning conversion ,every religion indulges in every religion benifits from it ...Conversion is not a crime until lakhs or ration card or threat of deporting is used to convert but political party should stay away from it..
    Christians are becoming minorities among the minority ..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harish, Dubai Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Its right time to Ban all forms of Conversion. The money used to convert people should used to give basic requirements like education to people.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lingappa, Kuppepadavu/Amsterdam

    Thu, Dec 25 2014


    DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Is this Good Governance or Chalu Governance ...

    DisAgree [41] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Thu, Dec 25 2014


    Ask you Omen Chandy...

    DisAgree [18] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Abhijit, M'lore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Why big news when they reconverted to Hinduism??? There were no news when these ppls converted to Christianity by so called secular Missionaries.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anirudh P, Bangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Scheduled Caste Christians !!!!

    What's happening ? Where are those who were advocating conversion of Hindus in the name of "Social Uplifting" ?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Childish comments are to be expected from Chhadis.

    Know this that Christianity is the only religion which has spread to every corner of the world and India is no exception to that. I don't say this to brag or because I'm a Christian but because it is the simple truth.
    So you Chhadis can keep gloating with Ghar Vapasi for some more time.
    This campaign to needle minorities is nothing new and it deserves to be simply ignored.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Abhijit, M'lore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Now tell me how Christianity spread across the world??? Ppls themselves converted to Christianity or through missionaries & money power???

    DisAgree [6] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • alan, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Abhijit, As long as you all continue to degrade & try to look down upon the lower caste & treat them very badly people will convert. First change this attitude , We do empathise with you all for living in a Fools paradise,

    DisAgree [6] Agree [7] Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Your envy is understandable. Just because your Chhadis party has been elected by money power don't think that Christianity has spread globally by money power.
    If you understand the meaning of love, compassion and forgiveness and can give it freely to those in need without discrimination, people will be drawn to you. That is what true missionaries do inspite of having a heavy cross to carry and withstanding criticism and vilification from people like you. May God bless them.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [3] Report Abuse

  • vellano1, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 26 2014

    Alan, if your "lower caste" funda was correct, then this country should have been ISLAMIC or EVANGELIC long back and muslims or christians should have outnumbered us, during Moghul rule or British rule..!! WHY IT DIDNT HAPPEN? and tell me, how christianity prevailed rest of the places..? was there any class differences in America, Europe, Africa?

    BORN A JEW, BROUGHT UP AS A JEW, LIVED AS A JEW, PREACHED AS A JEW, DIE FOR BEING A JEW AND CONVERTED AFTER DEATH!!... How sad... and so are others too got converted! its Multi million Dollar church vs the rest!

    DisAgree Agree [3] Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Good to see that people are allowed to exercise free will. Will VHP allow them to continue eating beef?

    DisAgree [18] Agree [50] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Welcome back to the paradise of peace, love, harmony, sympathy and compassion.

    DisAgree [55] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Dec 25 2014


    DisAgree [29] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Thu, Dec 25 2014


    We faced all these days. Now you are facing.

    Remember one thing : EVERY PERSON HAS HIS DAY.

    So be good, and others will be good to you.

    DisAgree [28] Agree [46] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Dec 25 2014



    DisAgree [7] Agree [6] Report Abuse


    Thu, Dec 25 2014


    DisAgree [19] Agree [23] Report Abuse

  • sid, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    we will defiantly going to face

    DisAgree [4] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Dinesh, do you guys practice what you preach or is it plain FEKUGIRI ...

    DisAgree [10] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Adil, thekkatte/dubai

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    VHP and BJP should stop this drama for a healthy country...

    DisAgree [44] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • Robert, Karkala/Qatar

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Why stop? Let them continue. We do not want those people who do not have faith in Christianity.

    They must have converted to Christianity due to some lucrative benifits. Let them go back to their original faith.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [78] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Dear Robert, Karkala/Qatar,

    Which is their original faith?!
    Will you elaborate to me through Veidhaas.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Robert, now you agreed that FAITH and MONEY are different and can't go together.

    FAITH is intangible and can't be bought with money.

    We Hindus oppose if any our organizations tries to make monetary inducements to other people to convert them to Hinduism. We don't want such people to Hinduism. But we have all rights to bring our people back to home who were bought with money by others.

    We are taught a beautiful poem by our teacher in primary school :

    Ram, Rahim, Yesu, Budda yella devare....
    Rita, Geeta, Laila, Pappy avana Makkale....

    We all are the children of god. We are playing here today, when we die we will go to a common nest..

    You can buy a house, not home.
    You can buy a book, not knowledge.
    Money can buy a bed, but not sleep.
    Money can buy a clock, but not time.
    Money can buy position, but not respect.
    Money can buy religion, but not salvation.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru Those who say 'Money can't buy everything' don't know where to shop

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Report Abuse

  • A. M Shaikh, Dubai, Belapu, Kaup

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    This is not original benefit Robert,
    Its another benefit.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Khan, Manglore bolar

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Robert karkal ..well said bro ...

    DisAgree [2] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • ravi shetty, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 25 2014

    Mirchi lage!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

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