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Kundapur: 'Conversion is Threat to the Country' - Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat

by  Vinay Pais - Daijiworld News Network Kundapur

Kundapur, Jul 2: There is a great threat to the country owing to conversion initiated by Christians in the name of social service, said RSS leader Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat.

He was speaking at the anti-conversion awareness meet organized by Hindu Janajagruti Vedike and Bajaranga Dal at Shastri circle here on Monday July 2.

In the last 250 years, Christian missionaries have been indulged in conversion through schools, orphanages, hospital etc. Hence, there is a great threat to Indian culture, thoughts etc, he opined.

A journalist of Kundapur has sent baised reports to a newspaper about the attack on priest. To create awareness about this false report, the meet has been organized, he added. At the same time, he defended the act of Ramanna Shetty who assaulted the Carmelite priest Fr Sylvester Pereira on June 25.

Krishnaprasad Adyantaya, managing trustee of Kollur temple said that, the act of Bajarangadal leaders is appreciable as they foiled the anti-Hindu acts of Christians, he said.

"Dhara Singh, who burnt Christian missionary Stains at Orissa few years ago, is a role model to us. There are many Dara Singhs in Kundapur who can foil the attempt to convert," he opined.

Sangh Parivar leaders Navinchandra, Madhukar Mudrady, Vasant Shetty Belve and Shridhar M were present on the dais.

A call was given by the Sangh Parivar leaders to observe Bundh in Kundapur town afternoon. But there was very poor response to the bundh call as most of the business concerns, shops were open as usual.

Also see:

Mangalore: Massive Protest Gathering Condemns Attack on Fr Sylvester - Justice Sought


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    Sun, Jul 15 2007

    These fanatics are creating hatred among people of Dakshina Kannada and hampering the economic progress of our country as well as state.These so called protector of Indian culture donot even know what is Indian culture. First of all they have to understand what is the difference between social service and religious conversion.

    Half knowledge is dangerous! We Catholics love our country and love our Indians.So we do social service as our moral duty and we do not expect any benefit in return.But I request these people either start doing some good work for our Indians or atleast do not cause obstacles in the good service of catholics.

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  • Nelson Lewis, Karkala/Bombay/Kingdom of Bahrain

    Fri, Jul 13 2007

    I read the comments of RSS leader Kallada Prabhakar Bhat, "There is a great threat to the country owing to conversion initiated by Christians in the name of social service." This man reminds me of Don Quixote written by the Spanish author, Don Miguel de Cervantes. What more can I say? Further to quote him, "In the last 250 years, Christian missionaries have been indulged in conversion through schools, orphanages, hospital etc. Hence, there is a great threat to Indian culture, thoughts etc."

    If that is the case, then why does he sit on his bottoms, instead of galvanising himself into action by establishing schools, hospitals and orphanages to avoid this scenario? Well, tongue has no bones and any irresponsible person can speak any crap.

    Will many of the Hindus who have gone through the Christian institutions ascribe or subscribe to his views? Only the uninitiated. It is for these Hindus to get together and tell these bunch of fascists to either shut their mouths or set up hospitals, schools, colleges, orphanages, old age homes, etc., so that Hindus can seek admissions there.

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  • aveline pinto, vasai, Mumbai

    Fri, Jul 13 2007

    Shame on you!! Do you know the good work that the catholics do in the world? Because of catholic institutions most of Indians are educated and live good life.Have you ever cleaned a wound of a sick person.

    Look at Mother Teresa. We Catholics uplift the marginalised which you can,t see? My advice for you which is from Lord Jesus - If you can... do good never do bad. We respect all religions, serve all, do only good. May God forgive you- repent.

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  • donfrank, mangalore, uae

    Mon, Jul 09 2007

    All the Sang Parivar activists want their children to be educated in Christian schools, but they are very much against the Christian religion. Many of my Hindu friends had studied in Christain institutions and now they occupy very high positions in India and abroad.

    When I asked them about their studies in our institutions, they said that no one had asked them to convert to christianity. They are surprised at the events that are taking place in India against the most harmless, yet most helpful people, Christians.

    None of the top BJP leaders have condemned the attack on Christian priests, nuns etc. It is really something very strange. They know very well that they have a vote bank of majority Hindus. It is a tragedy. Recently, I read an article in a famous Kannada weekly "taranga" about Tirupathi and conversions. That artice had full of hatred against Christians.

    I wonder how a reputed weekly could publish some hate articles, only God only knows! The Indian media, by and large, is controlled by some narrow minded individulas who are sympathisers of hardline Hindu fundamentalism. Also,we can not expect anything from the mainistream political parties as we are not "vote banks".

    Most of our people are so lazy to exercise their voting right during elections. Only God can save us. But one thing is sure, in spite of so many attacks and other injustices done to us for the last so many years, our Christains faith is becoming stronger day by day, since we are not doing any harm to anyone. We will surely win. God bless us all.

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  • Clement, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 08 2007

    First of all, assaulting at Fr.Sylvester on the ground of conversion, was cowardly act of RSS & Bajrang Dal.Their knowledge is just like a "Frog in the Well" who doesn't know anything about the world. Better Ban all these organizations who take law & order in its own hands.

    These should be banned by withhelding Assets and Funds and bank accounts. Secondly, they should  remember that, millions of people are migrated or working in Ameriacas, Europe, Oceania, Gulf etc. before attacking Christians or muslims or any communities. It may cost them too much, if Christians or Muslims or Any community start attacking on Hindus who reside all over world.

    So, please do not attack on any human beings and everyone has got right to live in this world, even the ant also. India is not yours, It is everyones'. Thirdly, No one is converting Hindus, specially Roman Catholics are not for conversion but for service only.

    One thing, I can understand that, these outfits are so jealous on christians, because Christians are so much forward on social services. Fourthly, instead playing the blame game why don't these organizations also involve in doing good things like social service, helping poor, sponsoring & educating children, cleaning wounds of patients, developing roads in interior villages etc etc. Don't waste your time on doing unwanted attacks.

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  • Suresh, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 08 2007

    Now we are in the civilized and free society. Why do we need to be controlled by some few Orthodox fanatic mentality people who still want to control people in the name of religion and politics? Don't we have the right to choose what we want?.. Why we need to be dictated by some one? like what we eat, how we dress how we walk, what we believe and do what in our life??

    More than 35% of people are still starving properly to eat 2 meals a day, Where are all these Big people so called " PROTECTORS"? Are they blind and deaf ? Children are drawn to slavery and prostitution. Are they not one of their own community?

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  • Roshan., Udupi/kuwait

    Sat, Jul 07 2007

    No difference between Prabhakar Bhat & Osama Bin Laden only put fire between people.  Let them kill each other & he will stay far away safely & watch innocent people dieing.  We can really name them as real terrorist.

    Why our people dont think by themselves which is right & which is wrong?  Dont they have thier "ANTARAATMA". It will never ever allow each one of us to do wrong.and last thing Mr Bhat said there are many Dara Singhs in kundapur.  That means he is only encouraging people to do crime & he is doesnt want to become Dara Singh himself and just to want to instigate people to commit crime.

    Mr. Bhat you are clever, but you and your family will pay for it infront of Almighty God.  Please my dear Hindu Brothers, dont listen any one such advice from a terrorist, Only listen to your ANTARAATMA. Thank you .

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  • jacob john tauro, mangalore

    Fri, Jul 06 2007

    I am surprised to hear Brabhakar Bhat praising Dara Sing and insticating people by saying we have many Dara sings in kundapur. This is a very serious threat to our Society. If Dara sing is a model role for him he can do similar acts in our peaceful society. We must be very careful with these leaders.

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  • Navin L., Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 05 2007

    Where on earth is it written that an Indian should be a Hindu? India herself is the birthplace of many religions. Even today India has adherents of many religions. Religion is a matter of one's conscience. I wonder who appointed these leaders as guardians of a religion, or of individual consciences. Do they know what religion is? I am sure they know nothing of it.

    A man who promotes violence cannot even be a religious person. How can these irreligious leaders claim to protect religion. God does not require these irreligious men to protect Him. Through their utterances they are only showing their own ugly faces to the world.

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  • anish,haleangadi, manglore/al kobar/ksa

    Thu, Jul 05 2007

    We dont have to bother about his wordings, because every secular people knows what is Kalladka Prabakar Bhatt & Sangh Parivar is.

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  • Nelson Lewis, Kingdom of Bahrain

    Thu, Jul 05 2007

    Normally, I do not like to comment on religious topics simply because I respect all religions, however major or miniscule they may be. Further, I have avoided raising hornet's nest by broaching on this issue, simply because it is highly sensitive and emotive. However, I wish to say to these bunch of fanatics who are crying hoarse that Christians are converting people into their fold and to quote the words of Kallada Prabhakar Bhat, "There is a great threat to the country owing to conversion initiated by Christians in the name of social service," that what they are uttering is a bunch of belony and hogwash.

    This man needs psychiatric help to check whether he is okay. Can this enlightened man tell me, what was the percentage of Christians when India achieved independence on 15th August 1947 and what is it today? If he honestly answers my question with figures, then what is he crying hoarse about? If what he says is correct, then their "Atal" leaders, Lal Krishna Advani and others, would have been a Christians today, simply because they were, at some time of their youth, educated in Christian institutions.

    I do not say that conversions are not going on, but they may be just isolated cases which will not create even a dent, forget threat to any community or religion in a country with excess of a billion souls. So there is nothing to shout from the rooftops.

    Further, if this is happening, then R.S.S., Hindu Maha Sabha, Bajrang Dal, etc. are to be blamed for not taking care of the needs of the less fortunate breathen. Giving hollow speeches is one thing, but translating them into actions in other. It is no use to speak about a superiority of a religion, its virtues and its good qualities, but convert them into concrete actions to ensure that the poorest of the poor of their flock get their basic needs and also some level of education to enable them to stand on their own feet.

    Further, why do these fanatical parties urge their people to avoid Christian institutions, i.e. schools or colleages, simply because they stand the threat of conversion. In all religions, there are people that fall into various categories, but it is the fanatical bunch that is dangerous, be it Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews or any other religion for that matter.

    It is the duty of filthy rich Hindus to help their poorer breathen and the same applies to privileged personalities in other religions too. It is no use having swanky edifices like shopping malls and at the other end of the fence you have very poor people living in shanties.

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  • Sameer K M, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 05 2007

    Frankly, the person who glorified dara Singh's burning of Graham Staines should ideally have been charged for abetment of violence and promoting enemity between communities. However, our administration, as usual, probably remained mute spectators.

    As for Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat, the less said the better. He is a glorified goon who habitually threatens entire communities and organises violent activities. in fact, there were reports of his involvement in the recent riots as well.

    Mr. Bhat has nothing to fear as he usually gets away scot-free even after making the most incendiary of speeches. It is interesting to note that Mr. Bhat has a problem with schools run by a certain community. If so, can he please explain why certain RSS men still seem to send their children to these schools ? He should look inward and analyse the hatred that is preached in RSS run shools and camps instead of pointing fingers at others. God save out country from these monsters

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  • K. Balakrishna, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 04 2007

    Bajrangabalis insulting the name of Shri Hanuman,who never  did never did anything to hurt the innocent, had taken law into his own hands. They should be condemned. Religion is a free choice of the individual.  VHP or others have no say in this.  The trend of lawlessness should be curbed. India should remain a free country, .not one that is managed by unemployed hooligans.

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  • jacintha, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 04 2007

    We have to fight the menace bad & corrupt administration, dirty politics, state terrorism, naxals, fanatism, international terrorism, bad media, materialism etc... Do we need this new one in our list for Mangalore? Are we here to create a hate-filled soceity for our children? Is this what we want history to write about us?

    Public utterings such as these by people who hold power, position are doing more damage to the peace and tranqility of Mangalore. I wonder what is happening to the so called educated district. I am sure all the new business heading this way, will do a right about turn, for no one wants to be in a communually disturbed area.

    Additionally, if christian priests and nuns had indulged in conversion as stated by the 'learned', should they be still in minority status today?The educated majority are turning a blind eye to the utterances and not working at grass root levels to remove this venomous attitude and influence. We are busy flaunting the newly acuquired wealth.

    If we go at this rate, there will not be an environment very soon to freely enjoy our own hard earned good life. Awake and arise when there is still time.

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  • Jovi, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 04 2007

    Do these RSS or Bajrang Dal (whatever names they give for their communities) know what the word conversion means?A bsolutely a BIG NO. Because if they knew,they would have presented proofs not conduct protests. Let these people first learn the meanings of the words they use and then let them talk.T

    hey dont have peace within themselves,no wonder they keep criticizing other religions and kill people.I think the murder of Graham Stains is a human and religious act according to Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat.

    I also want to point out the fact that THERE ARE PEOPLE FROM THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY TOO who are helping these communities who believe in violence and not humanity... There are so many Christians going to the outer caste. Have the Christian families murdered them or done protests for converting them to the outer caste.

    Since India is secular,everybody has the right to live their religion. So it is left to the couple to decide what they want to do. If Fr.Sylvester runs an orphanage,it means he is helping the poor and the needy and sacrificing his life for the destitutes,not murdering people like Dhara Singh...

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  • Alfred J. Rebello, Kundapur/Dubai

    Wed, Jul 04 2007

    Bajaranga Dal's rally against conversion only puts Bajarang Dal & RSS to the lowest. Perhaps they do not even understand what is conversion. They just call whatever priests do is conversion. These priests are very much involved in welfare of the society together with preaching of God's words. They gave one of the best education to all without any discrimination, built many schools, old houses, tried to improve poverty etc. and at the same time they made all to know the existance of God irrespective which religion one belongs to and his preachings and brought us closer to God.

    They did not force anyone to change the religion but left it to the individuals perhaps. We the Christians do not make any hangama if any one wants to change their religion if it helps them to become better. Perhaps we remember, a NUN married to a Hindu man and changed her religion to Hinduism. We could have made a 'hangama' or atleast a protest. But we considered it is her individual right. We call our country is one of the biggest 'Democracy' where everyone has his rights as long as it do not make loss to others. Here I am NOT talking about sentiments.

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  • Austin Prabhu, Nanthur/Chicago

    Wed, Jul 04 2007

    Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat – RSS Leader – what a brainless child! He is praising Dhara Singh a criminal who killed a missionary and his two sons by burning their jeep and also he praises Ramanna Shetty’s criminal act on Fr. Sylvester Pereira and supports this crime!

    Do we deserve such criminal minded so called ‘leaders’ in our communities? Because of such careless people who don’t know the difference between fire and water, today our India is filled with violence. They arouse uneducated citizens in the name of religion and destroy peace and harmony.

    For these inflammatory remarks, Prabhakar Bhat should be immediately arrested and put in jail until he start promoting peace and harmony in his surrounding community.

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