Sahitya Akademi finally condemns killings of writers 

New Delhi, Oct 23 (IANS) : The Sahitya Akademi for the first time on Friday condemned the killing of writers and urged the writers to take back the awards they returned in anguish against the Akademi's silence so far on the issue.

The appeal followed a meeting of the Akademi's executive board, Krishnaswamy Nachimuthu, an Akademi member and a Tamil scholar, told the media here.

Over 100 litterateurs have returned their Akademi awards to protest primarily against the attacks by some Hindutva groups on writers and thinkers like M.M. Kalburgi.

The writers also cited the lynching of a Muslim man in Uttar Pradesh over rumours that he ate beef as an example of growing intolerance in the country and took out a peaceful march here on Friday.

Kalburgi was killed in August this year followed by a series of protests by writers over growing religious intolerance across the country, but the Akademi has been silent till date.

Another noted writer, Govind Pansare was attacked on February 16 in Kolhapur when he was shot at from a close range. Pansare, 81, died of bullet injuries four days later.


Earlier report

New Delhi, Oct 23 (IANS) : Nearly 100 writers took out a peaceful march here on Friday to protest against increasing intolerance in the country.

Writers from across the country gathered at Shri Ram Centre near Mandi House and marched towards Sahitya Akademi in the capital, wearing black ribbons on their heads as a sign of protest.

The writers said that the protest was to express their anger against the government for letting anti-social incidents happen and also to attract attention of the academy towards the increasing attacks on litterateurs.

The protest was organised just before Sahitya Akademi's emergency meeting to discuss various issues.

"Freedom of expression and speech is currently being suppressed in the country. Whatever is happening in the country nowadays, people belonging to minorities and schedule caste feel insecure," a writer said in the protest.

"The government must take some concrete steps to stop such incidents which shatter nation's secular fabric. Sahitya Akademi should also pressurize the government and pass some resolution against increasing attacks on the writers," the protester added.

Earlier this month several writers had returned their awards to register their protest against increasing intolerance in the country.



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  • Swamy, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    The writers haven't crossed the limits and nothing that they have written is unlawful. They have not gone against what is written in Hindu basic holy books but hindus might take offence against their comman beliefs in their day today life with what they are used to it and has become their strong belief just like Muslim women wearing the face covering (Niquab), whereas it is not written in Quran but conditions in the Arabian deserts made it a necessary to life and hence became a dogmatic doctrine for women. So, going forward in democracy everybody has freedom to live and practice what they believe and no one can dictate their will upon others, accuse, abuse and ultimately lynch. As a responsible citizen you can file a complain to the police also show your grievance explain your concern to your local MP/MLA.

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  • Vishal D Souza, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    I need reply for my question from writers.
    Who gave you the permission to hurt the religious sentiments of a particular Religion?

    If freedom of speech, expression is concerned then why all these people targetting only Hindu religion?

    They know very well that Hinduism is the most tolerant religion & they can target it, become famous, they can protest too by targetting only & only Hindus. Then they will become "SECULARS" too.?????
    Also i need the meaning of word "SECULAR" from these so called intellectuals, writers.
    What is their motive & who is behind them?
    Government should investigate these writers & of whole Academy.
    People are not interested in these biased writers & they are trying to disrupt peace, incite violence throughout the Country only & only because of their hatred towards the ruling Party at the centre.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Richard, Shirva/Sharjah

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    'Writers who returned their awards have no right to protest, Akademi is not their ancestors property....strict action should be taken against these communal writers!! by the Akademi..these communal writer(those returned their awards) should know we are in Hindustan and anything against the sentiments of Hindus will handled appropriately,,,,they should also return award money with interest if they have guts!!..Jai Hind''

    DisAgree [4] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vishal D Souza, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Drama over? Don't take back awards if you are serious, return all the benefits provided by the Government. Let the young generation take over the Academy, let all the old heads retire. We need new young thinkers, writers, Liberals etc.. We need all young neutral minds not these baised political party workers. I request younger generation to take up Politics, Academy & Administrative related carrier. We need young sharp minds.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Vishal, India needs sharp minds who are not scared to use their Real Names ...

    DisAgree [14] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anirudh P, Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    You call yourself SICKular and expect people to align/support to political party based on their religion !!!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vishal D Souza, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Mr. Jossey, Exactly. Those who do that only get such thinking in their mind. Am i right?
    You didn't expect comments from my name "Vishal D Souza" against your thought , right?
    Come on GOD has given me brain to think what is right or wrong. Who is right or wrong.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • JL, Mumbai

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    In jungle raj the hypocrite fanatics do not want to allow the writers freedom of speech. if they feel offended sort it out peacefully and not kill the writers.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    India has gone to the Dogs ...

    DisAgree [13] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anirudh P, Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Yes, until India has dongi intellectuals, hypocrites and pseudo¬-seculars this is what is going to happen.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    whats makes you "FASCIST" guys so great??

    you are after all supporters of RSS who use gods name and and carry out riots, loot and spread communalism.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • perchu, pervaje

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    why these intellectuals opted ed incidents. if they want to oppose Modi govt then they should tell this openly/directly. I don't agree this kind of protest

    DisAgree [5] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter, Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Hate crime increased under BJP govt.
    Days are near Indian might migrate to nearest counties for peace.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anirudh P, Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Peter, Bangalore

    Are you intellectual and writer ?

    Which award did dongi party gave to make this false propaganda ?

    DisAgree [16] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • RnS, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Peter, not all pseudo secular may migrate and surely they may spoil secular fabric of the country where they migrate ..

    DisAgree [5] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, B'luru

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Peter after getting heater may migrate to Syria .....

    DisAgree [7] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anirudh P, Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Syria ???? he does not have that much meter

    DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Report Abuse

  • naveen, udupi

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    people are not fool ...if you are returning the awards or protesting.
    you people got all these awards from congi govt not for your hardwork. if its hardwork then you will not return the awards.almost 65 years congi govt was there and somany incidents happen r u protested? or you returns the awards? 

    DisAgree [8] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alphonsa Rodrigues, Udupi/ Mumabi

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    I jsut saw this on TV. The posters they were carrying is for Karnataka Killing , they should protest in Bangalore why Delhi? . They are hypocrites. What they lack is common sense. Now these cowards protest only because they know that they are safe. Where was their conscience when sikh genocide happened in 1984. Where were they wen lakhs of kashmiri pandits were hounded out from the only home they knew by the fanatic mob? Communal clashes and murders have been happening since independence. But ALAS !! the recent incidents have awakened their conscience. Those who still do not get this logic may act like jokers saying there is no freedom of speech. They have returned the awards but chose to keep the money - shouldn't they return the money with interest? Please accept their return and relieve us of the shame to have such writers felicitated.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Tell us you real name and show that you are not a hypocrite ...

    DisAgree [14] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • hemanth, bangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    swallow it dude.. Everyone won't be so sickular like you...

    DisAgree [3] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ex Sgt. George A Borromeo, Mangalore, India

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Hurting your fellow citizen's sentiments, Religious feelings, questioning their beliefs on the open forum, is not acceptable even from freedom of speech defenders, what is secularism ??? respecting each other's Religion is secularism. Let us live our Religion, respect other Religion and take care not to offend our fellow human beings by practicing our Religion beliefs, specially in public. God is one and supreme, Religion is man made to guide humans to live according to God's wishes and Plan. When every human being firmly believes that Moksha or Heaven or Jannath is for every good person then our mind set will change. Writers or Artist or Intellectuals should not shred some others Religious beliefs or their practice, specially from the podium. They should first practice tolerance then preach tolerance to others.

    DisAgree Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anirudh P, Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Poor guys, while receiving awards (which they don’t deserve) from dongi party they never thought there will be payback time in future.
    They returned awards to display their loyalty to dongi hoping it will help dongi party to revive and they could get some more awards in future.

    Unfortunately, people of India who are aware of double standards of so called intellectuals just didn’t give a damn for award returning drama.

    Now having returned the awards their monthly pension / honorarium must have stopped. Because of which their family has sent them on road.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • naveen, udupi

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    most of the writers writing against hindu dharma ...and congi govt given prashasti for them. almost 65 years congi govt was there and there was so many incidents happen that time these people returned award? or they protested? this is all political gimmick. peoples are not fool if u r returning the awards.most of the buddi jeevigalu and writers only writing against hindu dharma and all. they dont have dhum or guts to write against non hindu dharmas.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Subramanya, Kasaragod

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    All these writers got their AWARDS during kaaangress rule & it is time now to show their loyalty.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • The Guru, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Burnol moment for writers... Anyways with award please return the money back to the government, it can help poor people..

    Chanakya Quote came true "When Intellectuals and criminals start protesting then the king is indeed in the right path"

    DisAgree [12] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • vasanth, mulki

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    it is good move by these people. we are not an intellectuals, we are common people. they give us a chance to judge what are intellectuals. as per common people of india, this kind of incidents were happened earlier also in large. but then there was no protest & award was returned. only now they are returning the awards. that too referring ed incident which related to particular people. recently 2 dalit youths been attacked in kundapur, in moodabidri prasanth was killed, in DK only, 7 case was registered for attacking on hindu youths. even after independence Kashmiri pandits have been kicked out from valley. if we search in google we can get more such kind of incidents. but unfortunately that time nobody was worried about that. why it is so? there could be some reason. need to find out the reason on priority.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vishal, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Writers, generally, are a peaceful and non-violent lot. If they have to take to the streets against the government's inaction against the atrocities committed, that is an eloquent commentary on the sorry state of affairs in our country. This government came to power on the promise of providing development but instead of doing that, if it is abetting division and marginalising the minorities, it bodes ill for the country. They live in a state of fear and instability in their own country. This reminds me of Dr. Manmohan Singh's warning last year, "If Modi is elected to power, it would prove disastrous for the country." Recent events, unfortunately, have proved him right.

    DisAgree [23] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Monty, Manipal

    Fri, Oct 23 2015

    Where are there intellectuals when so many things happened in the past.
    If wants to do something to it in the border.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

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