Muslims should declare Jihad against terrorism: Islamic scholar

New Delhi, Nov 17 (IANS): The Muslims should declare a jihad (holy war) against terrorism as radicals and zealots have unleashed a reign of terror that challenges the basic tenets of Islam, which propagates and promotes peace and harmony, an Islamic scholar said on Tuesday.

"Waging a jihad is a positive act intended to root out evils from society. Killing of innocents can never be accepted as an act of jihad," Jamiat Ulema-I-Hind leader Maulana Mahmood Madani said at a press conference at the Constitution Club here.

It is the responsibility of Islamic nations to wage war against terrorists who are misusing the name of Islam, the Islamic scholar said.

"There is a need to check groups spreading hatred. Intolerance should be discouraged at all costs," he said.

Quoting teachings of Prophet Mohammed, he said that "saving one human being is like saving humanity".

Madani said countrywide protests would be held on November 18 to denounce terrorism. Protest rallies would be held in Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai and over 65 other cities in which leaders of various Muslim groups and organisations were expected to participate.

The Jamiat Ulema-I-Hind leader said it is a matter of great concern that terrorists are commiting brutal killings in the name of Islam.

"They claim they represent the real face of Islam. So, it is incumbent upon Muslims, scholars and clerics to preach and propagate the real message of Islam and defeat the designs of fanatics who are out to malign Islam," he said.

Madani said no one could deny that terrorist attacks have caused maximum harm to the Muslims.

He said his organisation has held a series of conference and rallies against terrorism since 2007.


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  • Daniel, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    this is good beginning as someone stood on rightly.
    The most important is to ' all human beings are the Children of God/ Allah and have right to live freely by following any faith or not.'
    Would you be able to come out of this clutch!!!

    DisAgree Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rodrigues, Promenade Road,Fraze Town,B'lore 560005

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    This is really a good proposal to stop the menace against the mankind.

    DisAgree Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Next ISIS target could be the SCHOLAR himself!
    'Ham se panga math lena'

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • sulaiman, alain

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    head line only wrong .why muslims fight against terrorism?.what connection have muslims in terror? what jihad means fighting killing innocents? totally wrong concepts.
    islam never came with war or violence.our prophet never killed any one.terror started from degrade islam.who sponsor terror in the world muslims?no never .who kill millions in the world name of war muslims? world war 2. who kill millions in Nazi time.hitlor is muslim? musloni is muslim? who put bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki? muslim? viaetam war ?are these muslims? british invade all over the world are muslims? jalian wala bag massacre who did?king ashoka kill millions is muslims? naxalites are muslims? ltte is muslims? now al quieda and isis sponsor is g20 countries.they put water them to grow bcz of their aim to settle in oil rich muslims country.they have hidden agenda to sopil Islamic country.isis is killed more than millions of muslims.they are paid per Russian president putin statement he said thease fighters are paid terrorists.they fighting not for islam.they only spoil muslim countries.actually voilnce started in the world not now .it was long history.still going on.this terror no faith.first of all they are not we are indias should unite together and live.hindu muslim and any religion people shoud live like need to fight together.we have to built great india together. jai hind

    DisAgree [3] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • bk fayaz, mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    If you want the fact who the real terrorist
    Type Dr david duke
    he is the former governor of the United States of America you will no how is the real beneficial of all kinds of bombing in this world

    DisAgree [20] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Avinash, Mangaluru/Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    For your information
    There were no Governors in United States of America. Only President...!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    The Hezbollah of Iran operating in Lebanon have shielded women and children around the rocket launchers and d e c l a r e d war against Israel.

    Later the Hezbollah gave compensations to the victims of women and children.

    Also the Palestinians are shielding the children as sympathy to categorize the Innocence of Palestinians as simple as that. Therefore don’t cry for their cowardly innocence.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vantage Point, mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Where was world when millions of Iraqi's were massacred on a wrong pretext....And millions of children were massacred...
    where was the world when millions of Afghanistan were murdered ....
    where was world when millions of Rohingyas were massacred and uprooted...(Most persecuted minorities in modern era-UN)
    where was world when 400 Palestine's children were massacred...Is it not the same people who blamed Palestine's for that....

    Is it not the same people who justified killings in Iraq,Afghan,Libya,Palestine...who are now requesting Muslim's to condemn...
    Yep we condemn even if it is peanuts infront of above terrorist attacksidcause we are not hypocrites...
    When wikileaks reported U.S France and Britain financed ISIS. these people still believe it as conspiracy theory...???When ISIS were massacering millions of Muslim's where were these people...??...
    when Israels chief rabbi said Paris attack were payback for holocaust where were these people...Did these people ever request condemnation...
    we are living in a hypocrite world..

    DisAgree [17] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Nov 18 2015


    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • vikram, Dubai

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    why some of Indian Muslims wanted to join this ISIS before ?,,,, is this Indian Government Conspiracy ?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Avinash, Mangaluru/Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Oh ok. So that was small reply from your end that means. Trying to justify the heinus act....?
    Iraq Saddam killed hundreds of thousand in his rule you forgot. When Saddam become menace to the region, arabs called in USA to control Saddam.... Libya was misruled by Gaddafi and his own people toppled him....Israel entitled to their land which was earlier dislodged and exiled from their own country and don't blame USA for syrian tragedy.Hafeez Al Assad gassed his own 20,000 innocent people and you have no idea? Afghanistan was alone for many years and no one interferred and look what idiology they adopted and and went backward economically 50 more years. If I am wrong, I should not blame others for that rather correct myself.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Who helped the Americans in the Iraq war? why dont you blame the saudis Kuwaitis and other gulf nations who helped America topple tyrannical Saddam hussein. Are the saudis not culpable of the mass killings in Iqaq war? The Americans and NATO will be seen as a villain despite trying to bring democratically elected government in Afghanistan. left to themselves the Afghanis who comprise of many ethnic groups would have engaged in bitter power struggle that would have killed many Muslims. It is easy to blame west and use exaggerated figures.

    DisAgree Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Dear Karthik,

    Providing asylum or accepting them as refugees and finally, they conspire or stand against the host country. That’s what happened during Iraq invasion of Kuwait. Lots of Palestinians were found wearing military uniforms in the streets or offices following the invasion.
    European countries were so sympathetic and are fighting for the cause on humanitarian grounds and see the result. Because few branded guys the genuine people have to suffer. So sad.

    GCC countries are well aware of the fact.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Karthik karkera, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    In that case Arab nations sympathizing with Palestenians is just hypocrisy as they are not willing to accept them in their country.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Want to conquer the world by killing the innocents in the name of religion or it's deviated thinking !!!We should live our life with reality but not by it's evil ideology !!!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Avinash, Mangaluru/Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Without declaring the jihad, you can not control...?

    DisAgree Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Nov 18 2015



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  • nasir, mangaluru

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Every thing ok, but what about Israel attacking on neighbour county, and killing many many peoples last more than 50 years.

    DisAgree [40] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Karthik karkera, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Let the other Arab nations accept Palestenians and provide citizenship to them in their countries, when europe can do this for syrian refugees why not Arab nations to their own brothers? Why are they letting Palestenians suffer?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rems, Mangaluru

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Because Arabs know exactly what these Palestinians are - pure evil. Israel would have been able to eradicate them if they were really innocent.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    I dont know if i should laugh or cry at this news article lol

    DisAgree [19] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    If that is going to work out, there could be peace between India & Pakistan. Also, to some extent peace within the country!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Nov 18 2015


    DisAgree [8] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Declan..Read the DW report and read my comment once again, where it is personal?..where is the question of stooping low level!!..and CHADDIES are not back packing to SYRIA/IRAQ..who are they? is a community which is realising whats happening with them and they are trying something good and you say DADRI/HARYANA!!..there is every reason for this community to bring awarness since nearly 15 people still in syria (incl, from Karnataka) and many trying to go and many caught in Airport..Dont you think, its alarming!! far as CHADDIES are concerned, there is enough check & balance for them..Congress & other parties full of people from Majorities, all of them opposing RSS ideology..But let others also have this check & balance before everything going out of control..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Wed, Nov 18 2015


    Really food for thought...People should do the introspect. First inside our country and then outside the country.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Exactly !!!

    Chhadis are taking advantage of what is happening in Europe & the Middle east to divert attention of the public of the social injustice and intolerance happening right here in our country !

    DisAgree [23] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • krishna, canada

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Ha ha.. I can't stop laughing the way u guys stand in a corner and sing chorus together.. well, nobody's trying to divert attention.. ppl who love to live in cess pool r attacting attention towards them by causing problems like Paris. . And so called pseudo secular are busy scratching their head as to how to run away from that topic.. see today's news, so much for the attention diversion. Let me know when u guys grow up and then let's debate..

    DisAgree [9] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ravi, Udyavara

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Anybody will listen this scholar? or may be some will consider him also feku ?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • R Bhandarkar, Mangaluru

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    I read somewhere that Muslims are not safe in Islamic states only where they now bomb and kill each other.They are very much safe in India London US etc where the militants Calling themselves Muslims create havoc not allowing anybody to live in.peace. Where will this live Islam? A point indeed to ponder for all Muslim intellectual s.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan, Mangaluru

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Injustice is part of life, from 1 sperm out of millions getting an opportunity to live and prosper. It is injustice if one thinks about the rest.

    One can not fight injustice with terror all the time. Some has reasons, justifications and rationale. As humans no one knows what waits tomorrow, so the best way forward is to do the most appropriate thing, which is in favor of humanity.

    I hope the essence of scholar's message reaches all.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • kbf, kundapur/dubai

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    There is mastermind behind every attack, it is not common man who think,these are the attacks politically motivated, why no problem in ISRAEL,,,now wait n watch mr.putin what he can find..

    DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • shaikh Imtiaz, Mangalore/Chennai

    Wed, Nov 18 2015



    DisAgree [7] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    I fully agree n endorse the the nameof any religion killing innicent civilians is not at all acceptable n perpetrators must be put to death...if these radicals hv a problem with particular govt they shd take the matter with the govt n not with the citizens of that country...its high time that indian muslims show solidarity with the victims n their families...islam doesn't allow killing innocent lives..let alone human beings...there is a big conspiracy behind these attacks..who is funding n arming themn who is providing logistics support to them...All islamic countries shud stand united n seek the help of powerful countries n attack n wipe these radical outfits as sri lanka did with eelam tigers n now there is absolute peace in sri lanka...kill these terrorists n there is no right for them to live ....they cant giveblife hence they cant take life....i am ready to fight and go for jihad against these radical islamic state....jai hind.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • sam, world

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    @shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi
    "All islamic countries shud stand united n seek the help of powerful countries n attack n wipe these radical outfits"

    Why cant or rather Why wont the Mohammedan countries wipe ISIS from their own lands?

    DisAgree [7] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Don, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    "Waging a jihad is a positive act intended to root out evils from society. Killing of innocents can never be accepted as an act of jihad," Jamiat Ulema-I-Hind leader Maulana Mahmood Madani said at a press conference

    I'm confused, this is a head scratcher. Since killing of innocents can never be accepted as a Jihad, so Moulana Sahab are you saying that we should all join you in "Waging a Jihad - against Jihad"

    DisAgree [2] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    What about Dadri lynching to death of a Muslim man for eating beef ?
    What about burning of Dalit children in Haryana ?
    Is that not terrorising minorities ???
    Which Hindu scholar will speak against that ???
    Why no strong condemnation and strong action against the offenders by the central & state governments and leaders ? Should we define this as instrument of state policy ?
    We are concerned about what happens here in India first.
    Where is Susu Swamy's brutal honesty on Dadri lynching and Dalit burning ?
    Only obsessed with scavenging the garbage bin looking to find any dirt on the Gandhi family ?

    DisAgree [54] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Interesting to see many 'Disagrees' to my above comment.
    Does this prove we have many sympathizers to those terrorising Dadri lynchers and Dalit offenders ???
    So why only accuse many in the Muslim community of being sympathisers to Islamic terrorists or ISIS when there are many from the other community too who do just the same ???????
    Does being from the majority community automatically bestow the right on one to breathe down on minorities ???

    DisAgree [21] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Declan..dont deny a chance of course correction to the community while showing your hatred towards a political party or particular attacks are not stray incidents like Dadri..its happening daily, every hour in every part of the world in the name of JIHAD defaming faith..BEEF/COW/GODHRA/JOB is not a reason for them..for BURMA also they will kill & burn in Mumbai, for SYRIA they will leave families in INDIA..try to understand it..let them find solution which is effecting & defaming them most..You & me are least effected, but they are most effected..No super power, Bombing can stop ISIS/IM/SIMI/IQ..only community itself can stop it..let us wish Good luck them..God bless all..

    DisAgree [9] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Ramesh S
    It seems like you just cannot comment without stooping down to a personal level. Don't try lecturing me and don't judge me either.
    I have lots to accuse you of too at a personal level from the kind of comments you write but I am not intellectually bankrupt.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • praba, mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015


    Burning of Dalit childrens happened due to long standing personal rivalry between both the families.Not solely due to caste.

    Dadri lynching happened due to personal grudge, cos one of his 2sons had an affair with a Hindu girl.. Local UP channels have shown d complete truth.. Whatever may be d reason killing of innocent father is not at all justified.

    Two months back a upper caste girl was raped and murdered by a Dalit man in a remote village of D.K.. National media ignored it.

    Murder of poor flower vendor/Cow protector Prashant poojary by PFI goons is equally disgraceful.

    Christian mob in northeast paraded a innocent muslim man naked & tortured him to death by framing him in bogus rape case has to be condemned too.

    In Mangalore , 60yr old Brahmin man(Upper caste) was mercilessly beaten to death by spraying chilly powder on his eyes, for consuming alcohol. Bcos hez a Brahmin none of the national media reported it.... TRP is gained only if victim is dalit or a minority.

    There are bad people in all Religion n all caste.
    So please stop projecting Hindus as villans and Minority/dalits as victims....

    DisAgree [6] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Mr Declan, Hindu scriptures are a guide and not a rule book. Therefore there is no necessity as such to clarify on religious verses like jehad etc.. In a country as large and diverse as ours with more than a billion population stray incidents happen and therefore to give it a colour that majority is after minority is too far-fetched. Indian constitution gives special status to Dalit’s and there are laws exclusively made for their protection. The architects of the Constitution were not just Dalit’s. There were and there are Brahmins who fought for Dalit rights.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • krish, Dubai

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    arey mere bhai
    ek dadri ko leke aur kithna award wapas karoge????? kabhi sikh riots ka baare mein 1 comments likha???

    come out of dadri and look at world. dont be a frog of well. feel the sea also some time.

    any way every one needs to fight against terrorism to protect humanity.

    there is no religion / cast when the issue comes to terrism. every one suffered in the world.
    caste religions believes comes only if we live.
    no one dislike if every one live like brothers.
    no one want war in India pakistan border.

    stop hatrade comments. and understand we are humans before muslim / hindu / christians.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Whatever is the reason, If Muslims wage Jihad on terrorism, terrorism will END soon, for terrorists mainly operate from Muslim countries.
    Civilian casualties will also reduce drastically in fight against terrorists.
    Peace will come to this universe soon.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jafer, Ullal

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Can we expect same gesture with any Swamiji against right wing extremism?

    DisAgree [54] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Karthik karkera, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Islamic Scholar has spoken against terrorism and ISIS not against PFI, SDPI, MIM which are extremist organizations. If they do so then you can say why Swamijis have not spoken against BD, VHP or SRS.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [52] Reply Report Abuse

  • indian, india

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    yes you are right.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Tausif, Mysore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    How about:
    1.2006 Malegaon bombings
    2.Mecca Masjid bombing
    3.2007 Samjhauta Express bombings
    4.2001 Odisha Assembly attack
    5.Ajmer Dargah attack

    DisAgree [17] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Karthik karkera, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    If it is proven in Indian courts that either BD,VHP,SRS or any Hindu organization was involved in the cases you mentioned they will be declared as terrorist organizations and banned, don't jump to conclusion before the court provides the verdict

    DisAgree [4] Agree [10] Report Abuse

  • Jayaprakash, Mangalore/SFO

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Good to know that finally somebody raised voice against terrorism in the name of Islam, hope like minded people will join him

    DisAgree [1] Agree [60] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Wed, Nov 18 2015

    Jayaprakash, Mangalore/SFO

    More than 1,000 Muslim clerics in India have ratified a fatwa that condemns the Islamic State and calls the extremist group's actions "un-Islamic" last month and it was a record that more than 1000 scholars raising fatwa on a similar issue..

    Don't say it as "finally somebody raised voice against terrorism in the name of Islam", Muslims have always opposed ISIS and terrorism

    DisAgree [12] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Nov 18 2015


    DisAgree [1] Agree [59] Reply Report Abuse

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