Opening Ayodhya temple doors error of judgement by Rajiv: President

New Delhi, Jan 28 (PTI): The opening of Ram Janmabhoomi temple site in Ayodhya was an "error of judgement" by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and the demolition of Babri Masjid an act of "absolute perfidy" that destroyed India's image, President Pranab Mukherjee has said in his memoir released today.

"The opening of the Ram Janmabhoomi temple site on 1 February 1986 was perhaps another error of judgement. people felt these actions could have been avoided," the President has written in the book titled "The Turbulent Years: 1980-96", released by Vice President Hamir Ansari.

"The demolition of Babri Masjid was an act of absolute perfidy...It was the senseless, wanton destruction of a religious structure, purely to serve political ends. It deeply wounded the sentiments of the Muslim community in India and abroad. It destroyed India's image as a tolerant, pluralistic nation," he says.

Mukherjee says implementation of the Mandal Commission's recommendations "contributed to reducing social injustice in society though it also divided and polarised different sections of our population".

The period of 1989-91, Mukherjee says, was a phase dominated by violence and bitter divisions within Indian society.

"Insurgency and cross border terrorism broke out in Jammu and Kashmir; the Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir-Babri Masjid issue rocked the nation. Finally, a suicide bomber brought Rajiv's life to an abrupt and tragic end on 21 May 1991," he says.

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad's campaign by mobilising activists to collect bricks from all over the country and take them in a procession to Ayodhya caused communal tension, he said.

Recalling the Shah Bano case, the President says Rajiv Gandhi's action eroded his image of a modern man.

"Rajiv's actions on the Shah Bano judgement and the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Bill drew criticism and eroded his modern image," the President said.

Shah Bano, a Muslim mother of five children, was divorced by her husband in 1978. She filed a criminal suit in which the Supreme Court ruled in her favour and she won the right to alimony from her husband.

However, the then Congress government, enacted the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986. The most controversial provision of the Act was that it gave a Muslim woman the right to maintenance for the period of iddat (about three months) after the divorce, and shifted the onus of maintaining her to her relatives or the Wakf Board. The Act was seen as discriminatory as it denied divorced Muslim women the right to basic maintenance which women of other faiths had recourse to under secular law.

Mukherjee says Rajiv Gandhi has been criticised for his excessive reliance on some close friends and advisers who installed the so-called 'babalog' government. "Some of them turned out to be fortune seekers."


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  • Vincent Rodrigues, Promenade Road,Fraze Town,B'lore 560005

    Sat, Jan 30 2016

    He might have in the cabinet,might have registered his opposition then.

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    Fri, Jan 29 2016

    True the President is Right. Opening the doors of Ayodhya temple was truly a grave error of judgement. The assassination was the consequence of yet another grave error of judgement to send IPKF to Srilanka as it was thought it would bring in peace in the island nation. The then cunning President of Srilanka Mr Jayawardane used the IPKF to bring peace resulting in Indian soldiers getting killed on Srilankan Soil. Jayawardane was shrewd enough to safeguard the Srilankan soldiers.Somehow those mischevious advisors of Rajiv Gandhi played their trump card well to project Rajiv Gandhi as a weak PM especially when he was cornered on Bofors which was totally a fabricated story against him. Though number of opposition governments have ruled since 1989 and passed out they have failed to unearth the truth to this day. We have hawabaazi PMs like VP Singh and those from the NDA onwards who did nothing to unearth the truth. By making false allegations they were catapulted to power by the innocent electorate and later realising their folly the electorate unseated them at the earliest opportunity. Unfortunately we lost a promising young leader who could not match the cunningness of the seasoned politicians of his time who conspired against him both within and outside his party, which also included one of the erstwhile President of India who allegedly had planned a coup against him, as per press reports. Politics is a dangerous game and rightly said by Ms Sonia Gandhi - Poison. May Rajiv's soul Rest in Peace and let those who betrayed him live in guilt.

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  • nazneer Husain, jeddah saudi Arabi

    Fri, Jan 29 2016

    Finally somebody holding highest post accepted the fact.But same pranab mukherjee why signing number of racially targeted ban orders of various state govt especially like beef ban ,anti conversion laws which even goes against to the spirit of free will democracy.Atleast by saying no to such one sided legal effort pranab mukherjee saab can try to protect the paricipative multiculturalism for that our india is famous for.

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  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Fri, Jan 29 2016

    Honorable President Pranab Mukherjee is saying now.
    It's quite easy to become intelligent after the incident.
    Honorable President Pranabda who was then is in INC, in all his fair wisdom should have advised or restrained Rajivji then!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • vidisha, Mumbai

    Fri, Jan 29 2016

    Do you think it is so easy. Mr.Mukherjee is a fly in this big party, who would listen to him. If he had done so, he would have been side tracked.

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  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Fri, Jan 29 2016

    If he knew it will be a big issue, he should have spoken up.
    If they had ignored he should even have left the party.
    What was a point in remaining in a party where he has no voice and is totally ignored?
    He was not a small figure then, he was a Minister!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Wilfred J. Lewis, Matpady-Brahmavar/ New York-USA

    Fri, Jan 29 2016

    The honourable President of India, during his political career, as a Congress party man played few self-serving, vital political games...

    Immediately after prime minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi's assasination, in the cabinet meeting Mr. Mukharji suggested that he could take over PM's position. Other two aspirants, Mr. Venkatraman of Tamil Nadu and Mr. V. P. Sing of UP were weighing their options, but were quiet. However Andhra man PV Narashima Rao, a stunch loyalist of Gandhi family made sure that the cabinet waited till Mr. Rajiv Gandhi return from his foreign tour of Medagasker, and Mr. Rao steered Mr. Rajiv Gandhi as PM. That is why Rajiv gandhi did not include Mr. Mukharji in his cabinet, and later brought in Mr. Mana Mohan Singh as Chairman of Planning Commision. Moreover because of Rao's loyalty, Sonia Gandhi installed Mr. Rao as PM after Rajiv Gandhi, as she could not head the government...

    The political turbulant years of India began in 1974 just before Indira Gandhi's Emergency rule, not in 1980, as he mentioned in his book. Mr. Mukharji was a insider of Indira Gandhi's cabinet, approved emergency rule and was an admirer of Soviet Union's autocratic rule. His Soviet Union does not even exit today...

    After Mr. V.P. Singh toppled Rajiv Gandhi and became PM, Congres party slowly brought back Mr. Pranab Mukharji otherwise he would have been in political memory books.

    Still, I believe he has been a dignified "Statesman" throughout his career and a good President of India...

    DisAgree [8] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • gaurav, udupi

    Sat, Jan 30 2016

    in politics or in any other field,people work and strive for decades not to become sub ordinates or jee huzoor to any individual or family but to attain a position that reflects thier hard work and is no rocket science for others to assume that after indira gandhi, it was pranab,vp singh or pvn who deserved to be pm.what qualities rajiv had during that time apart from being indiras son?in bjp, even a bottom ring leaders,if they have the ability can attain top post like pm.the example is modi and shah.INC was created by mahatma gandhi to attain independence and wanted to close it after attaining independence.he did not create it to do politics post independence or be subservient to one family.

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  • S.M. Nawaz kukkikatte, Dubai

    Fri, Jan 29 2016

    It means.

    Rajiv Gandhi opend the babri masjid door. Narasimha rao supported for demolished the door.
    Then after congress started wiped out from India step by step..

    Babri masjid demolished by congress with the help of BJP and RSS.

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  • VM, Moodbidri

    Fri, Jan 29 2016

    Me. Kukikkatte,
    Don't attach name of BJP, RSS & all, in every wrongdoings made by so called Secular CONGI'S.

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  • Ravi Shetty, Mangalore/UAE

    Fri, Jan 29 2016

    That place should be made ground Zero. SC the President or nobody should allow to build anything over there, in fact they should make a burial ground who sacrifice their life for our country.

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    Fri, Jan 29 2016

    Advani and gang demolishing it was not an error. President leaning towards this government of shameless ministers.

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  • R Mallar, Kasaragod/ Dubai

    Fri, Jan 29 2016

    One foolish act lead to another. To appease minority Shabano happened. Majority opposed it, to appease them temple door was opened, shilanyasa was allowed, then to divert the issue mandal happened (by VP singh), culminating finally in Mandir. Major share of the blame goes to inexperienced Rajiv and his chelas- same way what is happening with his son.

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  • shaan, manglore/Dubai

    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    Proud to be a citizen of secular India & proud to be a President like Pranab Mukherjee..God bless you..

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    At least now the Indian President is exposing some serious blunder committed by the politicians for vote Banks. If we are trying to live by the pasts and trying to march backward, thousands of places of worship of different religions would be trapped up in bloodshed.

    Likewise, the President will have to answer one day for signing the beef-ban law both in Maharastra and Haryana to please the BJP Government. In the sacred books of Hinduism, also in the writing of great Hindu propagators, it was clearly written that the Hindus consumed beef. But, now the current Government doesn't want to offend the supporters in their wild dream march to establish national beef ban. 40% of the people of India eat beef, a very high protean rich food, using the religious card, another national trouble was enacted.

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  • Ramesh s, Mangalore

    Fri, Jan 29 2016

    Beef beef beef. When you will come out of beef fobia. Many say pork also rich on protien good for health. Most of the countries eat pork. But there are dozens of countries which wont eat pork sighting religious sentiment. Do you think people died there because of protien difficuency!! Come on man. There are lot of things to eat other than beef pork to eat. First of all you should know that 90prcnt of bans done by congress not bjp. By the way i am not favor of beef ban. Just countering your comment

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    Thu, Jan 28 2016



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  • Vantage Point, mangalore

    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    India is eating fruits of babri....It is not secret Both Bjp and some congress members worked in tandem...need to appreciate pranab for that....Narasimha is one such stooge..For the same reason ...BJP and bhakts revere him ...There is no proof babri is built on ram mandir except according to sanghi tales....

    DisAgree [25] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Raj Shetty, UAE

    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    What you mean by sanghi tale? Where was sangh in 1859? Why archelogy al survey india again accepted there was temple under mosque?

    DisAgree [19] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Swamy, Mangalore

    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    Did ASI survey on SC order or unofficial statement on BJP-RSS order?.

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  • Syed Mohiudin, Iruvail/Riyadh

    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    This statement from the 1st Citizen of India gives much more strength to the up coming Supreme Court verdict

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  • jeevan, mangalore

    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    Ha.ha.ha, What else we expect from communal, corrupt, criminal party of congress. Honestly i feel congi is curse for nation.

    DisAgree [53] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincy, Bangkok

    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    The curse really worked in Delhi and Bihar elections.
    Now the curse will work in next LS election.
    The media that you read and comment,TV that you see and enjoy,education that was for rich,Agricultural Land was owned by few ..all this reformed by BJP????

    DisAgree [21] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    Cow god deity adoration of the nation through putting millions of people into economic and food consumption trouble will be blamed on the BJP by history like the Temple trouble blamed on Rajiv Gandhi by the same person who signed the bills in Haryana and Maharastra.

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  • KRPrabhu, B'luru

    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    For that reason I always appreciate Rajaeev Gandhiji...We are also grateful to Late PM Narasimha Rao who then PM with out whose support demolition could not be possible.As Pranabda says muslims deeply hurt by demolition of babri structre...before that Hindus deepy hurt when Ram Mandir was razed by king Babar to build a masjid there.This point missed by Dear Pranabda because he is from Congress coterie....
    I wish that Sonia and Rahul should fulfil the dream of Rajeev Gandhiji by helping to build temple there and foil the attempt of VHP/BJP and allied forces to exploit the situation to their sides and definitely come to power once again in 2019.

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  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    ..secular mistake..check the history of communal riots,film ban,book ban, beef ban, mutton ban..everything start from Congress..end of the day BJP is communal..RSS its terr#r organisation..any media highlights fake encounters/extra judicial killings in NE states..people are fasting until death to stop this, which govt ruling these states..but for our National media, NE states not part of little coverage to these states, very few know SIKKIM/MIZORAM/ARUNACHAL our states..

    DisAgree [16] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    He is right, the masjid/temple issue was not in common man's mind until politicians interfered for vote benefits and started rift between two major communities and resposnisble for creating hatredness as Hindus and Muslims lived like brothers.

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  • Swamy, Mangalore

    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    What way it will serve just by giving statements and speeches without any disciplinary strict action. As time passes it will be forgotten and these political parties will go back to thier normal way of life as they have been doing. Please don't talk, but act, that will be heard loud and clear.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Jan 28 2016

    Doors to places of worship should always remain Open ...

    DisAgree [9] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

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