No direct link of Kanhaiya with anti-India slogans: DM's report

New Delhi, Mar 3  : "No direct link" has been found between Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Students' Union president Kanhaiya Kumar and anti-India sloganeering at the campus on February 9, said a Delhi government report.

"I have submitted the report to the Delhi government late last (Wednesday) night," District Magistrate, New Delhi, Sanjay Kumar, who conducted the inquiry, told IANS.

The report also stated that the role of Umar Khalid, another JNU student accused of raising anti-India slogans, needs to be further investigated.

"Umar Khalid was visible in many videos. His support for the role of Kashmir and Afzal Guru is known and he was the organiser of the event. His role needs to be further investigated," the report states.

Sanjay Kumar refused to divulge the details but an official privy to the report, who did not want to be named, said: "The DM report says they could not find any link between what Kanhaiya Kumar said and the anti-India slogans raised at the gathering.

"No witness or video available to me could support allegation against him," Sanjay Kumar stated in the report.

But the official said that "anti-India slogans were indeed raised in the campus. There is no doubt about it".

"Anti-national slogans were indeed raised on the campus of the JNU. The university administration has identified few faces who were clearly heard raising anti-India slogans. Whereabouts of them should be found out and their role must be investigated further," the report stated.

The official said that seven videos were sent to Truth Labs, Hyderabad, of which three were found to be doctored. "In those doctored versions, video has been edited and voices added," the official said.

The state government had ordered a magisterial probe into the matter on February 13.

On February 9, a cultural event was organised at JNU to commemorate the hanging of parliament attack convict Afzal Guru.

During the event, anti-India slogans were allegedly raised, following which JNUSU president Kanhaiya Kumar was arrested by Delhi Police on February 12.

Kanhaiya Kumar was granted interim bail for six months by Delhi High Court on Wednesday.


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  • Vincent Rodrigues, Promenade Road,Frazer Town,B'lore

    Sat, Mar 05 2016

    Better the government and BJP to note this and introspect their actions.

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  • Ashwin, Udupi

    Fri, Mar 04 2016

    @Rathnakara A, Shirva, you said "Modi also gone through so many legal battle. He also got mother who must have suffered", Are you telling me only Modi has mother?? Alaas!! you forgot his wife (which he himself also forgot when he filed his nomination papers) Everyone don't have a wife. Do you know Rohit Vemula also had a mother? Is healing the religious hurting (for only people like you) is the duty of this unpad education minister or she has something else to do? Do you pay tax only only for JNU,? Who is paying Feku's, this upad education minister as well as Bassi's salary?? You talk as if you're paying taxes in crores.

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  • Sachin, mangalore/ dubai

    Fri, Mar 04 2016

    For all Congi supporters u only making kanhaiya as hero for your own political advantage. Forget whether he shouted anti national slogans or not my question is what is the requirement to organise a event for afzal guru. He is freedom fighter ? Or he was at the siachin border. For political advantage pls stop making fool to people by question BJP for everything. I only need a brighter India rather than the buls#it politics jai hind

    DisAgree [4] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • John, Udupi

    Fri, Mar 04 2016

    Some say even though Kanhaiya didn't do anything anti-national, he was the leader and should be punished for the same!. Can we do the same to Modiji because at many places in the country BJP's doing all criminal things!?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • SMR, Karkala

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Now question remains,why does only Zee TV only covering 'anti-national' activity in the JNU campus.

    Is ABVP of JNU and Zee TV has much more to disclose?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • RR Bahrain, Bahrain

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Sathya Meva Jayathe

    DisAgree Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Alright, videos were doctored, what about the 3000 used condoms that were supposedly found in JNU campus and counted meticulously by some not so busy MLA?

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, MANGALORE

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    ..Delhi Govt!!..forget it..they given clean chit to many and one who questioned them(BHUSHANS/YADAV) got permanent chit..for clear picture, read Judge's comment while giving to bail to KANNAIYA..thats why there is no much coverage on bail by NDTV..Judge said "Sometimes students who misinterpret freedom of speech need to be cured. Whenever some infection is spread in a limb, effort is made to cure it by giving antibiotics orally... if the infection results in infecting the limb to the extent that it becomes gangrene, amputation is the only treatment... To enable him to remain in the mainstream, at present I am inclined to opt for the conservative method of treatment," ..Only KUJLI/RAHUL can say this is clean chit..

    DisAgree [28] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Langoolacharya., Belman/Washington,DC.

    Thu, Mar 03 2016


    This is added by judge to be in the safer side with her promotion in future is not stopped by these crooks...

    Who made the "doctored tapes"??? Bassi/Jung/Ranjut/Modi/Zee????


    DisAgree [1] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, MANGALORE

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    ..there are many videos circulating..but KUJLI ed 5 clips which is submitted to the court as evidence, he thought it will be fake..instead 2 come out doctored..still 3 clips genuine..some say KANNAIYA didnt shout slogans..It doesnt matter..he is the leader, every one agree on that..If he is not responsible for what his members did during agitation, then why every one blaming MODI for Godhra & pressuring him to give statement when SADVI/PRACHI so on give statements!!..

    DisAgree [18] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Langoolacharya., Belman/Washington,DC.

    Thu, Mar 03 2016


    If there is a crowd of students, do you think any leader could control them from shouting anything? Common...

    Perhaps Modi and Smiriti have not gone through my opinion its not good for any Government to confront them...ignoring them is a better my opinion if you don't agree with them...

    Now this Kanhaiya will become a big political leader...wait and watch...may be a potential candidate against him in Varanasi...


    DisAgree [1] Agree [21] Report Abuse

  • bhuvan, kavoor

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    so thats make it clear that there were anti-india slogans shouted..but dongi congis claiming the video was doctored.. now whos mouth supposed to be shut??

    DisAgree [33] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • shaan, manglore/dubai

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    "Umar Khalid was visible in many videos' it seems ABVP & Sanga Parivar joint with TV Chanel made his videos more copy & past to target him because " his name "Umar Khalid'

    DisAgree [3] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • CHRIS, Dubai

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    My simple question ,why organize such an event in the first place ?Can they deny doing so ??moklena ammena Afzal Guru ??

    DisAgree [14] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prakash Shetty, Pune

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    What to comment. ??

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rakib, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Thank you Sangha Parivar
    Thank you Zee
    Thank You Arnab for making a JNU student leader to a national leader.

    Kanhaiya tum sangharsh karo hum tumhare saath hain

    Rohit Hum Sharminda Hai Tere Kaatil Zinda Hai

    Jai Bhim
    Lal Salam

    "we have nothing to lose but our chains"

    DisAgree [9] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Direct link was found and proved between CHEE (Zee) news and Nagpur HQ

    CHEE news busy now for one more morphed video...

    DisAgree [7] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Abhijit, M'lore

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    It is clear from your comment that you just comment on news heading, so for your info find the below part mentioned in the neaws...

    But the official said that "anti-India slogans were indeed raised in the campus. There is no doubt about it".

    "Anti-national slogans were indeed raised on the campus of the JNU. The university administration has identified few faces who were clearly heard raising anti-India slogans. Whereabouts of them should be found out and their role must be investigated further," the report stated.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • kEJRIStAR, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Mean while ABVP guys helping BJP MLA Gyan Dev to count the number of used condoms

    DisAgree [3] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • India First, India

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    What about Indirect Link ??

    DisAgree [4] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Indian, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Bassi have evidence...
    HMO have proof.....
    Arnob knows everything.....
    Zee news knows everything.....

    Now no direct link ...... means everything is FAKE and fabricated....

    Shame on us.....

    DisAgree [3] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    RSS trying level best to destroy its opponents especially left wing ideologists. BJP Govt using all the govt machinery to attack the people who opposing them. But they cannot do it any more in India. Left wing will fight against Sanghis till the end. Lal salam.....Lal salam.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sumit Shanbhog, Manipal

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Curtain raises to the stage managed anti-national show of BJP to take revenge on those who questioned RSS/Sanghparivar/BJP ideology.

    What's more disgraceful is they didn't even mind holding Afzal Guru, Huriyat leaders Chaddi to plan this dirty trick.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Raviraj Shetty, Mangalore/UAE

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Each and every people who are been asked regarding the anti-India slogans has said that Kanhaiya as not raised any anti-India's slogan, in that case he should be fully released and people who ever had hurt him should be made to pay him heavily.
    Now as per the per the investigation they have stated that...
    "Anti-national slogans were indeed raised on the campus of the JNU. The university administration has identified few faces who were clearly heard raising anti-India slogans. Whereabouts of them should be found out and their role must be investigated further," the report stated.
    The official said that seven videos were sent to Truth Labs, Hyderabad, of which three were found to be doctored. "In those doctored versions, video has been edited and voices added," the official said. It means everything was pre-planned by the ABVP because they had lost the election and they were the people who started all the drams about anti-India slogan, beside that in the investigation they have found out that seven videos which were sent to Truth Labs, Hyderabad, of which three were found to be doctored. "In those doctored versions, video has been edited and voices added," it means everything was changed into anti-India slogans.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Just forget about video, question is...

    1.Why did Kanhaiya arrange program at JNU ? For what ?

    Ans: To celebrate Terrorist Afzal Guru's death anniversary and protest his hanging ..

    Note: If it is NOT a crime,then what is Crime ? Even in Udupi,some people protested Kanhaiah's arrest and rally was organized..Only thing they did not carry Afzal Poster like Kanaiah and Ummer Khalid..Funny part is that Afzal was hanged during Congress rule,Raul Gandhi was MP and he himself joined in protest meeting with JNU ? He forgot that Hanging Verdict was declared by Supreme Court..and you say He is future Prime Minister..GOVINDA..GOVINDAAA !!

    DisAgree [59] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Mar 03 2016


    Kanaiya is just a student leader, not a Dean of the university. Where is your administration knowledge ? Is the University administration permitting/rejecting events or the student leader ?

    DisAgree [11] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • The Guru, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Permission was granted because, it was informed by students union council stating event is related to poetry/literature..

    In the name of poetry and literature students started to shout anti india slogans and since permission was seeked by Kanaihya he is arrested and if you see the court judgement on conditional bail it states the same

    DisAgree [37] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Mar 03 2016


    Granted, all misunderstandings and misleadings. Has it still not gotten into your head that Kanaiya is not the one who shouted the slogans and the police failed in arresting the right people despite knowing that the video is morphed ? They had sufficient time to correct their mistake and apologize, why delayed and made their own offence even bigger ?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [31] Report Abuse

  • Ravi C, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    So who was wrong? Not Police, Lawyers, ABVP, RSS, BJP right? Anyone can become PM, you have the live example right? Now also it is Govinda Govindaaa..

    DisAgree Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Mar 03 2016


    The arrest was protested because a WRONG person was arrested. Why arrest precisely Kanaiya Kumar, because he was the leader of the student Union ? Just because he (actually its the JNU admin.) did not give heed to ABVP demands ? What were the demands ? I am not spoon feeding - go and read the news from the beginning.

    I too agree that Anti-India and Pro-Afzal Guru slogans were shouted but WHO shouted them ? Efficiency is in arresting the right people, not a scape goat ! By arresting a wrong person, Kanaiya is made a hero ! Moreover, all education institutions in India are backing him ! See what a pathetic situation the government (especially the Education Minister) has landed itself in ?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Maniapl,Sharjah

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Lydiya..For the sake of criticizing Modiji,you people support Anti Nationals.Do you hang Afzal Guru's poster in your house..? Kannaiah was a student leader,he should not have taken part in that celebration..No need to shout..Mounam Sammati Lakshanam..Read my first question in my earlier comment..try to get answer..DON'T SAY I AM AGAINST ANTI NATIONAL..DO IT AND SHOW IT TO THE WORLD..

    DisAgree [36] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • gm, mlur

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Why the video is fabricated?

    DisAgree Agree [24] Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    No.. No... Jaimini, this has nothing to do with my dislike towards Modiji.

    You tell me, why the actual anti-India/Pro-Afzal Guru slogna hanters were not arrested ? Why should Kanaiya Kumar fit-in at that place despite having not shouted those slogans ??

    You answer me !

    DisAgree [3] Agree [33] Report Abuse

  • Sumit Shanbhog, Manipal

    Thu, Mar 03 2016


    Kanhaiya went to the gathering to stop a scuffle between two groups who were shouting slogans. As a union leader its his duty to do so.

    And who were these people holding Afzal guru posters? These were some outsiders hired by ABVP with the help of ummar khalid!!! This was not a mystery anymore.

    This entire drama was staged by the political patronage of BJP/Sangis to take revenge on Kanhaiya who openly challenged the RSS/Sangh ideologies, discrimination against Dalit, Manuvad, right wing extremism etc.

    BJP/RSS wanted this to be a anti-national issue and the doctored video recordings are proof for that.
    This was a master plan to garner mass support & turn the table

    DisAgree [3] Agree [36] Report Abuse

  • sid, mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Kanayya is just a student and students can do any thing . If rahul ghandhi has run in support of these anti nationals then you know where we stand . In next few years you will have Afzxal guru in text books as freedom fifer ... this is the state in india !

    DisAgree [29] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Mar 03 2016


    No, not anything what students do is acceptable - don't twist the facts. Don't even analyse whether RG should support or not which happened much after Kanaiya Kumar was arrested.

    Primarily, explain me the events took place before that. There were a group of students who shouted anti-India/pro Afzal Guru slogans. Now, why those who were presented there and recorded the slogan shouting, did not make that specific students get arrested, why did they let Kanaiya Kumar arrested ? Now, why was the actual recording (made by those present there) was modified to defend arrest of Kanaiya Kumar ? Couldn't they correct their mistake at this stage itself ?

    You see to what extent it continued from there ! One is that RG came in support of Kanaiya Kumar (I too am) so, whats wrong in supporting a victim ? Secondly, Smriti Irani went and fetched JNU website print-outs to tell the Parliament that the university supports celebration of Mahishasura Jayanti. She also got documents to tell the house that Mata Durga was abused ? Why ? Just to prove that the arrest of Kanaiya Kumar is right ? What if Kanaiya Kumar wasn't arrested ? Would anybody have at all cared to know whether Mashishasura is worshiped and Mata Durga abused ??

    What is the duty of Education Minister ? Dousing a fire or a rousing it ? JNU is one of her responsibilities - not opponents ? Eh ?? She is supposed to set wrongs right, not to drag them to the House - is she ?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rathnakara A, Shirva

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Kanaiyya' is a big culprit who is acting behind the screen. He was present when anti India slogans raised. He is the one who organized Afzal guru celebration in the pretext of poetry show. If he was so patriotic, he himself should have complained against those who raised the slogans, but he can't as he was hand in glove with them. He got a good lesson. In a crime those who support also get punished, which is quite evident in HC observation. What is wrong in Smriti raising the issue of Mahishasur and Durga? Let the whole world know how these people hurt Hindu sentiments during Congress rule that also inside university. We are not paying our taxes to produce these type of anti nationals. By the way Kannaiya not yet totally free, he was given conditional bail. Let him file defamation suit. Modi also gone through so many legal battle. He also got mother who must have suffered. One must keep in mind that he should be away from all wrong doings otherwise law will take its own course.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [2] Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Jaimini: Since you are one of the official spokesperson of the current administration which is moving towards a theocratic autocracy, you will have to clarify the rights of the students in a University in India.

    Please remember, don't think about North Korea while writing the rights, focus at the capital of India called Naya Dilli.

    DisAgree Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain , Abudhabi

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Everyday Anti-national slogans were raised in Kashmir during PDP-BJP regime .. What actions BJP took ??? Stop ur hypocrisy in the name of Patriotism..

    Kanhaiya was targeted just because he raised slogans against sanghis

    DisAgree [5] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ravi C, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    This is all political game to attract the bhakths and to divide the nation. I do not still understand the meaning of patriotism and anti-national.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Well.. Well.. One more blow after forensic findings indicate morphing of videos.

    Find a burrow to hide Smiriti Irani ! Or, get your chamchas catch those who actually shouted anti-India and pro-Afzal Guru slogans !

    DisAgree [4] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Modi should publicly say sorry to Kanhaiya & his PARENTS ...

    DisAgree [15] Agree [52] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Sorry is not enough ! Straight away defamation suit ! How much did Jootley ask for DDCA ? 10 Crores ?

    Lets evaluate Kanaiya Kumar's patriotism !

    DisAgree [9] Agree [46] Reply Report Abuse

  • Thimmappa, Chitrapu

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Looks like you are more worried than Kanhaiya!

    DisAgree [30] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • alfria, mumbai

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    The whole nation was worried except for Feku bhakts.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [35] Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Mar 03 2016


    Don't single out me - imagine how much worried his paralysed father and the old mother caring for him may have been ? Are you numb to others pain by-chance ?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [36] Report Abuse

  • Thimmappa, Chitrapu

    Thu, Mar 03 2016

    Let's feel the pain of all. Not only of those who hate BJP!

    DisAgree [29] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

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